module Projects class UpdateService < BaseService def execute unless visibility_level_allowed? return error('New visibility level not allowed!') end if renaming_project_with_container_registry_tags? return error('Cannot rename project because it contains container registry tags!') end if changing_default_branch? project.change_head(params[:default_branch]) end project.assign_attributes(params.except(:default_branch)) if project.renamed? && !project.can_create_repository? return error('Cannot rename project because there is already a repository with that new name on disk') end if if project.previous_changes.include?('path') project.rename_repo else system_hook_service.execute_hooks_for(project, :update) end success else error('Project could not be updated!') end end private def visibility_level_allowed? # check that user is allowed to set specified visibility_level new_visibility = params[:visibility_level] if new_visibility && new_visibility.to_i != project.visibility_level unless can?(current_user, :change_visibility_level, project) && Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.allowed_for?(current_user, new_visibility) deny_visibility_level(project, new_visibility) return false end end true end def renaming_project_with_container_registry_tags? new_path = params[:path] new_path && new_path != project.path && project.has_container_registry_tags? end def changing_default_branch? new_branch = params[:default_branch] project.repository.exists? && new_branch && new_branch != project.default_branch end end end