# frozen_string_literal: true require 'resolv' require 'ipaddress' module Gitlab class UrlBlocker BlockedUrlError = Class.new(StandardError) class << self # Validates the given url according to the constraints specified by arguments. # # ports - Raises error if the given URL port does is not between given ports. # allow_localhost - Raises error if URL resolves to a localhost IP address and argument is true. # allow_local_network - Raises error if URL resolves to a link-local address and argument is true. # ascii_only - Raises error if URL has unicode characters and argument is true. # enforce_user - Raises error if URL user doesn't start with alphanumeric characters and argument is true. # enforce_sanitization - Raises error if URL includes any HTML/CSS/JS tags and argument is true. # # Returns an array with [<uri>, <original-hostname>]. # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def validate!( url, ports: [], schemes: [], allow_localhost: false, allow_local_network: true, ascii_only: false, enforce_user: false, enforce_sanitization: false, dns_rebind_protection: true) # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity return [nil, nil] if url.nil? # Param url can be a string, URI or Addressable::URI uri = parse_url(url) validate_html_tags!(uri) if enforce_sanitization hostname = uri.hostname port = get_port(uri) unless internal?(uri) validate_scheme!(uri.scheme, schemes) validate_port!(port, ports) if ports.any? validate_user!(uri.user) if enforce_user validate_hostname!(hostname) validate_unicode_restriction!(uri) if ascii_only end begin addrs_info = Addrinfo.getaddrinfo(hostname, port, nil, :STREAM).map do |addr| addr.ipv6_v4mapped? ? addr.ipv6_to_ipv4 : addr end rescue SocketError # In the test suite we use a lot of mocked urls that are either invalid or # don't exist. In order to avoid modifying a ton of tests and factories # we allow invalid urls unless the environment variable RSPEC_ALLOW_INVALID_URLS # is not true return [uri, nil] if Rails.env.test? && ENV['RSPEC_ALLOW_INVALID_URLS'] == 'true' # If the addr can't be resolved or the url is invalid (i.e # we block the url raise BlockedUrlError, "Host cannot be resolved or invalid" end protected_uri_with_hostname = enforce_uri_hostname(addrs_info, uri, hostname, dns_rebind_protection) # Allow url from the GitLab instance itself but only for the configured hostname and ports return protected_uri_with_hostname if internal?(uri) validate_localhost!(addrs_info) unless allow_localhost validate_loopback!(addrs_info) unless allow_localhost validate_local_network!(addrs_info) unless allow_local_network validate_link_local!(addrs_info) unless allow_local_network protected_uri_with_hostname end def blocked_url?(*args) validate!(*args) false rescue BlockedUrlError true end private # Returns the given URI with IP address as hostname and the original hostname respectively # in an Array. # # It checks whether the resolved IP address matches with the hostname. If not, it changes # the hostname to the resolved IP address. # # The original hostname is used to validate the SSL, given in that scenario # we'll be making the request to the IP address, instead of using the hostname. def enforce_uri_hostname(addrs_info, uri, hostname, dns_rebind_protection) address = addrs_info.first ip_address = address.ip_address return [uri, nil] unless dns_rebind_protection && ip_address != hostname uri = uri.dup uri.hostname = ip_address [uri, hostname] end def get_port(uri) uri.port || uri.default_port end def validate_html_tags!(uri) uri_str = uri.to_s sanitized_uri = ActionController::Base.helpers.sanitize(uri_str, tags: []) if sanitized_uri != uri_str raise BlockedUrlError, 'HTML/CSS/JS tags are not allowed' end end def parse_url(url) raise Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError if multiline?(url) Addressable::URI.parse(url) rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError, URI::InvalidURIError raise BlockedUrlError, 'URI is invalid' end def multiline?(url) CGI.unescape(url.to_s) =~ /\n|\r/ end def validate_port!(port, ports) return if port.blank? # Only ports under 1024 are restricted return if port >= 1024 return if ports.include?(port) raise BlockedUrlError, "Only allowed ports are #{ports.join(', ')}, and any over 1024" end def validate_scheme!(scheme, schemes) if scheme.blank? || (schemes.any? && !schemes.include?(scheme)) raise BlockedUrlError, "Only allowed schemes are #{schemes.join(', ')}" end end def validate_user!(value) return if value.blank? return if value =~ /\A\p{Alnum}/ raise BlockedUrlError, "Username needs to start with an alphanumeric character" end def validate_hostname!(value) return if value.blank? return if IPAddress.valid?(value) return if value =~ /\A\p{Alnum}/ raise BlockedUrlError, "Hostname or IP address invalid" end def validate_unicode_restriction!(uri) return if uri.to_s.ascii_only? raise BlockedUrlError, "URI must be ascii only #{uri.to_s.dump}" end def validate_localhost!(addrs_info) local_ips = ["::", ""] local_ips.concat(Socket.ip_address_list.map(&:ip_address)) return if (local_ips & addrs_info.map(&:ip_address)).empty? raise BlockedUrlError, "Requests to localhost are not allowed" end def validate_loopback!(addrs_info) return unless addrs_info.any? { |addr| addr.ipv4_loopback? || addr.ipv6_loopback? } raise BlockedUrlError, "Requests to loopback addresses are not allowed" end def validate_local_network!(addrs_info) return unless addrs_info.any? { |addr| addr.ipv4_private? || addr.ipv6_sitelocal? || addr.ipv6_unique_local? } raise BlockedUrlError, "Requests to the local network are not allowed" end def validate_link_local!(addrs_info) netmask = IPAddr.new('') return unless addrs_info.any? { |addr| addr.ipv6_linklocal? || netmask.include?(addr.ip_address) } raise BlockedUrlError, "Requests to the link local network are not allowed" end def internal?(uri) internal_web?(uri) || internal_shell?(uri) end def internal_web?(uri) uri.scheme == config.gitlab.protocol && uri.hostname == config.gitlab.host && (uri.port.blank? || uri.port == config.gitlab.port) end def internal_shell?(uri) uri.scheme == 'ssh' && uri.hostname == config.gitlab_shell.ssh_host && (uri.port.blank? || uri.port == config.gitlab_shell.ssh_port) end def config Gitlab.config end end end end