module Elasticsearch module Model module Response # Pagination for search results/records # module Pagination # Allow models to be paginated with the "kaminari" gem [] # module Kaminari def self.included(base) # Include the Kaminari configuration and paging method in response # base.__send__ :include, ::Kaminari::ConfigurationMethods::ClassMethods base.__send__ :include, ::Kaminari::PageScopeMethods # Include the Kaminari paging methods in results and records # Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Results.__send__ :include, ::Kaminari::ConfigurationMethods::ClassMethods Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Results.__send__ :include, ::Kaminari::PageScopeMethods Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Records.__send__ :include, ::Kaminari::PageScopeMethods Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Results.__send__ :delegate, :limit_value, :offset_value, :total_count, :max_pages, to: :response Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Records.__send__ :delegate, :limit_value, :offset_value, :total_count, :max_pages, to: :response base.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 # Define the `page` Kaminari method # def #{::Kaminari.config.page_method_name}(num=nil) @results = nil @records = nil @response = nil @page = [num.to_i, 1].max @per_page ||= __default_per_page size: @per_page, from: @per_page * (@page - 1) self end RUBY end # Returns the current "limit" (`size`) value # def limit_value case when search.definition[:size] search.definition[:size] else __default_per_page end end # Returns the current "offset" (`from`) value # def offset_value case when search.definition[:from] search.definition[:from] else 0 end end # Set the "limit" (`size`) value # def limit(value) return self if value.to_i <= 0 @results = nil @records = nil @response = nil @per_page = value.to_i search.definition.update :size => @per_page search.definition.update :from => @per_page * (@page - 1) if @page self end # Set the "offset" (`from`) value # def offset(value) return self if value.to_i < 0 @results = nil @records = nil @response = nil @page = nil search.definition.update :from => value.to_i self end # Returns the total number of results # def total_count end # Returns the models's `per_page` value or the default # # @api private # def __default_per_page klass.respond_to?(:default_per_page) && klass.default_per_page || ::Kaminari.config.default_per_page end end end end end end