module Elasticsearch module Model # Contains modules and classes for wrapping the response from Elasticsearch # module Response # Encapsulate the response returned from the Elasticsearch client # # Implements Enumerable and forwards its methods to the {#results} object. # class Response attr_reader :klass, :search include Enumerable delegate :each, :empty?, :size, :slice, :[], :to_ary, to: :results def initialize(klass, search, options={}) @klass = klass @search = search end # Returns the Elasticsearch response # # @return [Hash] # def response @response ||=!) end # Returns the collection of "hits" from Elasticsearch # # @return [Results] # def results @results ||=, self) end # Returns the collection of records from the database # # @return [Records] # def records(options = {}) @records ||=, self, options) end # Returns the "took" time # def took raw_response['took'] end # Returns whether the response timed out # def timed_out raw_response['timed_out'] end # Returns the statistics on shards # def shards @shards ||= response['_shards'] end # Returns a Hashie::Mash of the aggregations # def aggregations @aggregations ||=['aggregations']) end # Returns a Hashie::Mash of the suggestions # def suggestions @suggestions ||=['suggest']) end def raw_response @raw_response ||= @response ? @response.to_hash : search.execute! end end end end end