module Elasticsearch module Model # Contains an `Elasticsearch::Client` instance # module Client module ClassMethods # Get the client for a specific model class # # @example Get the client for `Article` and perform API request # # # # => { "cluster_name" => "elasticsearch" ... } # def client client=nil @client ||= Elasticsearch::Model.client end # Set the client for a specific model class # # @example Configure the client for the `Article` model # # Article.client = host: 'http://api.server:8080' # ... # def client=(client) @client = client end end module InstanceMethods # Get or set the client for a specific model instance # # @example Get the client for a specific record and perform API request # # @article = Article.first # # # => { "name" => "Node-1", ... } # def client @client ||= self.class.client end # Set the client for a specific model instance # # @example Set the client for a specific record # # @article = Article.first # @article.client = host: 'http://api.server:8080' # def client=(client) @client = client end end end end end