# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module SafeRequestStore NULL_STORE = Gitlab::NullRequestStore.new class << self # These methods should always run directly against RequestStore delegate :clear!, :begin!, :end!, :active?, to: :RequestStore # These methods will run against NullRequestStore if RequestStore is disabled delegate :read, :[], :write, :[]=, :exist?, :fetch, :delete, to: :store end def self.store if RequestStore.active? RequestStore else NULL_STORE end end # Access to the backing storage of the request store. This returns an object # with `[]` and `[]=` methods that does not discard values. # # This can be useful if storage is needed for a delimited purpose, and the # forgetful nature of the null store is undesirable. def self.storage store.store end # This method accept an options hash to be compatible with # ActiveSupport::Cache::Store#write method. The options are # not passed to the underlying cache implementation because # RequestStore#write accepts only a key, and value params. def self.write(key, value, options = nil) store.write(key, value) end def self.delete_if(&block) return unless RequestStore.active? storage.delete_if { |k, v| block.call(k) } end end end