import Vue from 'vue'; import { INFINITELY_NESTED_COLLAPSIBLE_SECTIONS_FF } from '../constants'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; import { logLinesParser, logLinesParserLegacy, updateIncrementalJobLog } from './utils'; export default { [types.SET_JOB_ENDPOINT](state, endpoint) { state.jobEndpoint = endpoint; }, [types.SET_JOB_LOG_OPTIONS](state, options = {}) { state.jobLogEndpoint = options.pagePath; state.jobLogState = options.logState; }, [types.HIDE_SIDEBAR](state) { state.isSidebarOpen = false; }, [types.SHOW_SIDEBAR](state) { state.isSidebarOpen = true; }, [types.RECEIVE_JOB_LOG_SUCCESS](state, log = {}) { const infinitelyCollapsibleSectionsFlag = gon.features?.[INFINITELY_NESTED_COLLAPSIBLE_SECTIONS_FF]; if (log.state) { state.jobLogState = log.state; } if (log.append) { if (infinitelyCollapsibleSectionsFlag) { if (log.lines) { const parsedResult = logLinesParser( log.lines, state.auxiliaryPartialJobLogHelpers, state.jobLog, ); state.jobLog = parsedResult.parsedLines; state.auxiliaryPartialJobLogHelpers = parsedResult.auxiliaryPartialJobLogHelpers; } } else { state.jobLog = log.lines ? updateIncrementalJobLog(log.lines, state.jobLog) : state.jobLog; } state.jobLogSize += log.size; } else { // When the job still does not have a log // the job log response will not have a defined // html or size. We keep the old value otherwise these // will be set to `null` if (infinitelyCollapsibleSectionsFlag) { const parsedResult = logLinesParser(log.lines); state.jobLog = parsedResult.parsedLines; state.auxiliaryPartialJobLogHelpers = parsedResult.auxiliaryPartialJobLogHelpers; } else { state.jobLog = log.lines ? logLinesParserLegacy(log.lines) : state.jobLog; } state.jobLogSize = log.size || state.jobLogSize; } if (state.jobLogSize < { state.isJobLogSizeVisible = true; } else { state.isJobLogSizeVisible = false; } state.isJobLogComplete = log.complete || state.isJobLogComplete; }, [types.SET_JOB_LOG_TIMEOUT](state, id) { state.jobLogTimeout = id; }, /** * Will remove loading animation */ [types.STOP_POLLING_JOB_LOG](state) { state.isJobLogComplete = true; }, /** * Instead of filtering the array of lines to find the one that must be updated * we use Vue.set to make this process more performant * * * @param {Object} state * @param {Object} section */ [types.TOGGLE_COLLAPSIBLE_LINE](state, section) { Vue.set(section, 'isClosed', !section.isClosed); }, [types.REQUEST_JOB](state) { state.isLoading = true; }, [types.RECEIVE_JOB_SUCCESS](state, job) { state.hasError = false; state.isLoading = false; state.job = job; state.stages = job.pipeline && job.pipeline.details && job.pipeline.details.stages ? job.pipeline.details.stages : []; /** * We only update it on the first request * The dropdown can be changed by the user * after the first request, * and we do not want to hijack that */ if (state.selectedStage === '' && job.stage) { state.selectedStage = job.stage; } }, [types.RECEIVE_JOB_ERROR](state) { state.isLoading = false; state.job = {}; state.hasError = true; }, [types.ENABLE_SCROLL_TOP](state) { state.isScrollTopDisabled = false; }, [types.DISABLE_SCROLL_TOP](state) { state.isScrollTopDisabled = true; }, [types.ENABLE_SCROLL_BOTTOM](state) { state.isScrollBottomDisabled = false; }, [types.DISABLE_SCROLL_BOTTOM](state) { state.isScrollBottomDisabled = true; }, [types.TOGGLE_SCROLL_ANIMATION](state, toggle) { state.isScrollingDown = toggle; }, [types.TOGGLE_IS_SCROLL_IN_BOTTOM_BEFORE_UPDATING_JOB_LOG](state, toggle) { state.isScrolledToBottomBeforeReceivingJobLog = toggle; }, [types.REQUEST_JOBS_FOR_STAGE](state, stage = {}) { state.isLoadingJobs = true; state.selectedStage =; }, [types.RECEIVE_JOBS_FOR_STAGE_SUCCESS](state, jobs) { state.isLoadingJobs = false; = jobs; }, [types.RECEIVE_JOBS_FOR_STAGE_ERROR](state) { state.isLoadingJobs = false; = []; }, };