# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rack/utils' module RuboCop module Cop module RSpec # This cops checks for `have_http_status` usages in specs. # It also discourages the usage of numeric HTTP status codes in # `have_gitlab_http_status`. # # @example # # # bad # expect(response).to have_http_status(200) # expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) # expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(200) # expect(response.status).to eq(200) # expect(response.status).not_to eq(200) # # # good # expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) # expect(response).not_to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) # class HaveGitlabHttpStatus < RuboCop::Cop::Base extend RuboCop::Cop::AutoCorrector CODE_TO_SYMBOL = Rack::Utils::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE.invert MSG_MATCHER_NAME = 'Prefer `have_gitlab_http_status` over `have_http_status`.' MSG_NUMERIC_STATUS = 'Prefer named HTTP status `%{name}` over ' \ 'its numeric representation `%{code}`.' MSG_RESPONSE_STATUS = 'Prefer `have_gitlab_http_status` matcher over ' \ '`response.status`.' MSG_UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'HTTP status `%{code}` is unknown. ' \ 'Please provide a valid one or disable this cop.' MSG_DOCS_LINK = 'https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/testing_guide/best_practices.html#have_gitlab_http_status' REPLACEMENT = 'have_gitlab_http_status(%{arg})' REPLACEMENT_RESPONSE_STATUS = 'expect(response).%{expectation} have_gitlab_http_status(%{arg})' def_node_matcher :have_http_status?, <<~PATTERN (send nil? { :have_http_status :have_gitlab_http_status } _ ) PATTERN def_node_matcher :response_status_eq?, <<~PATTERN (send (send nil? :expect (send (send nil? :response) :status)) ${ :to :not_to } (send nil? :eq (int $_))) PATTERN def on_send(node) offense_for_matcher(node) || offense_for_response_status(node) end private def offense_for_matcher(node) return unless have_http_status?(node) offenses = [ offense_for_name(node), offense_for_status(node) ].compact return if offenses.empty? add_offense(node, message: message_for(*offenses), &corrector(node)) end def offense_for_response_status(node) return unless response_status_eq?(node) add_offense(node, message: message_for(MSG_RESPONSE_STATUS), &corrector(node)) end def corrector(node) lambda do |corrector| replacement = replace_matcher(node) || replace_response_status(node) corrector.replace(node.source_range, replacement) end end def replace_matcher(node) return unless have_http_status?(node) code = extract_numeric_code(node) arg = code_to_symbol(code) || argument(node).source format(REPLACEMENT, arg: arg) end def replace_response_status(node) expectation, code = response_status_eq?(node) return unless code arg = code_to_symbol(code) format(REPLACEMENT_RESPONSE_STATUS, expectation: expectation, arg: arg) end def offense_for_name(node) return if method_name(node) == :have_gitlab_http_status MSG_MATCHER_NAME end def offense_for_status(node) code = extract_numeric_code(node) return unless code symbol = code_to_symbol(code) return format(MSG_UNKNOWN_STATUS, code: code) unless symbol format(MSG_NUMERIC_STATUS, name: symbol, code: code) end def message_for(*offenses) (offenses + [MSG_DOCS_LINK]).join(' ') end def code_to_symbol(code) CODE_TO_SYMBOL[code]&.inspect end def extract_numeric_code(node) arg_node = argument(node) return unless arg_node&.type == :int arg_node.children[0] end def method_name(node) node.children[1] end def argument(node) node.children[2] end end end end end