# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Graphql module Connections module Keyset class QueryBuilder def initialize(arel_table, order_list, decoded_cursor, before_or_after) @arel_table, @order_list, @decoded_cursor, @before_or_after = arel_table, order_list, decoded_cursor, before_or_after if order_list.empty? raise ArgumentError.new('No ordering scopes have been supplied') end end # Based on whether the main field we're ordering on is NULL in the # cursor, we can more easily target our query condition. # We assume that the last ordering field is unique, meaning # it will not contain NULLs. # We currently only support two ordering fields. # # Example of the conditions for # relation: Issue.order(relative_position: :asc).order(id: :asc) # after cursor: relative_position: 1500, id: 500 # # when cursor[relative_position] is not NULL # # ("issues"."relative_position" > 1500) # OR ( # "issues"."relative_position" = 1500 # AND # "issues"."id" > 500 # ) # OR ("issues"."relative_position" IS NULL) # # when cursor[relative_position] is NULL # # "issues"."relative_position" IS NULL # AND # "issues"."id" > 500 # def conditions attr_values = order_list.map { |field| decoded_cursor[field.attribute_name] } if order_list.count == 1 && attr_values.first.nil? raise Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ArgumentError.new('Before/after cursor invalid: `nil` was provided as only sortable value') end if order_list.count == 1 || attr_values.first.present? Keyset::Conditions::NotNullCondition.new(arel_table, order_list, attr_values, operators, before_or_after).build else Keyset::Conditions::NullCondition.new(arel_table, order_list, attr_values, operators, before_or_after).build end end private attr_reader :arel_table, :order_list, :decoded_cursor, :before_or_after def operators order_list.map { |field| field.operator_for(before_or_after) } end end end end end end