= render 'ci/shared/guide' unless @project.setup_finished? - if current_user && can?(current_user, :manage_project, gl_project) && !@project.any_runners? .alert.alert-danger Builds for this project wont be served unless you configure runners on = link_to "Runners page", ci_project_runners_path(@project) %ul.nav.nav-tabs.append-bottom-20 %li{class: ref_tab_class} = link_to 'All commits', ci_project_path(@project) - @project.tracked_refs.each do |ref| %li{class: ref_tab_class(ref)} = link_to ref, ci_project_path(@project, ref: ref) - if @ref && !@project.tracked_refs.include?(@ref) %li{class: 'active'} = link_to @ref, ci_project_path(@project, ref: @ref) %li.pull-right = link_to 'View on GitLab', @project.gitlab_url, no_turbolink.merge( class: 'btn btn-sm' ) - if @ref %p Paste build status image for #{@ref} with next link = link_to '#', class: 'badge-codes-toggle btn btn-default btn-xs' do Status Badge .badge-codes-block.bs-callout.bs-callout-info.hide %p Status badge for %span.label.label-info #{@ref} branch %div %label Markdown: = text_field_tag 'badge_md', markdown_badge_code(@project, @ref), readonly: true, class: 'form-control' %label Html: = text_field_tag 'badge_html', html_badge_code(@project, @ref), readonly: true, class: 'form-control' %table.table.builds %thead %tr %th Status %th Commit %th Message %th Branch %th Total duration %th Finished at - if @project.coverage_enabled? %th Coverage = render @commits = paginate @commits - if @commits.empty? .bs-callout %h4 No commits yet