import Vue from 'vue'; import '~/boards/services/board_service'; import '~/boards/components/board'; import '~/boards/models/list'; import { mockBoardService } from '../mock_data'; describe('Board component', () => { let vm; let el; beforeEach((done) => { loadFixtures('boards/show.html.raw'); el = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(el); gl.boardService = mockBoardService({ boardsEndpoint: '/', listsEndpoint: '/', bulkUpdatePath: '/', boardId: 1, }); vm = new gl.issueBoards.Board({ propsData: { boardId: '1', disabled: false, issueLinkBase: '/', rootPath: '/', // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef list: new List({ id: 1, position: 0, title: 'test', list_type: 'backlog', }), }, }).$mount(el); Vue.nextTick(done); }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); // remove the component from the DOM document.querySelector('.board').remove(); localStorage.removeItem(`boards.${vm.boardId}.${vm.list.type}.expanded`); }); it('board is expandable when list type is backlog', () => { expect( vm.$el.classList.contains('is-expandable'), ).toBe(true); }); it('board is expandable when list type is closed', (done) => { vm.list.type = 'closed'; Vue.nextTick(() => { expect( vm.$el.classList.contains('is-expandable'), ).toBe(true); done(); }); }); it('board is not expandable when list type is label', (done) => { vm.list.type = 'label'; vm.list.isExpandable = false; Vue.nextTick(() => { expect( vm.$el.classList.contains('is-expandable'), ).toBe(false); done(); }); }); it('collapses when clicking header', (done) => { vm.$el.querySelector('.board-header').click(); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect( vm.$el.classList.contains('is-collapsed'), ).toBe(true); done(); }); }); it('created sets isExpanded to true from localStorage', (done) => { vm.$el.querySelector('.board-header').click(); return Vue.nextTick() .then(() => { expect( vm.$el.classList.contains('is-collapsed'), ).toBe(true); // call created manually vm.$options.created[0].call(vm); return Vue.nextTick(); }) .then(() => { expect( vm.$el.classList.contains('is-collapsed'), ).toBe(true); done(); }); }); });