import * as types from '~/packages/details/store/mutation_types'; import mutations from '~/packages/details/store/mutations'; import { npmPackage as packageEntity } from '../../mock_data'; describe('Mutations package details Store', () => { let mockState; beforeEach(() => { mockState = { packageEntity, }; }); describe('SET_LOADING', () => { it('should set loading', () => { mutations[types.SET_LOADING](mockState, true); expect(mockState.isLoading).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('SET_PACKAGE_VERSIONS', () => { it('should set the package entity versions', () => { const fakeVersions = [1, 2, 3]; mutations[types.SET_PACKAGE_VERSIONS](mockState, fakeVersions); expect(mockState.packageEntity.versions).toEqual(fakeVersions); }); }); describe('UPDATE_PACKAGE_FILES', () => { it('should update the packageFiles', () => { const files = [1, 2, 3]; mutations[types.UPDATE_PACKAGE_FILES](mockState, files); expect(mockState.packageFiles).toEqual(files); }); }); });