--- stage: Manage group: Compliance info: "To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments" type: reference, concepts disqus_identifier: 'https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/status_checks.html' --- # External Status Checks **(ULTIMATE)** > - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/3869) in GitLab 14.0. > - It's [deployed behind a feature flag](../../feature_flags.md), disabled by default. > - It's disabled on GitLab.com. > - It's not recommended for production use. > - To use it in GitLab self-managed instances, ask a GitLab administrator to [enable it](#enable-or-disable-status-checks). **(ULTIMATE SELF)** WARNING: This feature might not be available to you. Check the **version history** note above for details. You can create a status check that sends merge request data to third-party tools. When users create, change, or close merge requests, GitLab sends a notification. The users or automated workflows can then update the status of merge requests from outside of GitLab. With this integration, you can integrate with third-party workflow tools, like ServiceNow, or the custom tool of your choice. The third-party tool respond with an associated status. This status is then displayed as a non-blocking widget within the merge request to surface this status to the merge request author or reviewers at the merge request level itself. The lack of a status check response does not block the merging of a merge request. You can configure merge request status checks for each individual project. These are not shared between projects. To learn more about use cases, feature discovery, and development timelines, see the [external status checks epic](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/3869). ## View the status checks on a project Within each project's settings, you can see a list of status checks added to the project: 1. In your project, go to **Settings > General**. 1. Expand the **Merge requests** section. 1. Scroll down to the **Status checks** sub-section. ![Status checks list](img/status_checks_list_view_v14_0.png) This list shows the service name, API URL, and targeted branch. It also provides actions to allow you to create, edit, or remove status checks. ## Add or update a status check ### Add a status check Within the **Status checks** sub-section, select the **Add status check** button. The **Add status check** form is then shown. ![Status checks create form](img/status_checks_create_form_v14_0.png) Filling in the form and selecting the **Add status check** button creates a new status check. ### Update a status check Within the **Status checks** sub-section, select the **Edit** button next to the status check you want to edit. The **Update status check** form is then shown. ![Status checks update form](img/status_checks_update_form_v14_0.png) Changing the values in the form and selecting the **Update status check** button updates the status check. ### Form values For common form errors see the [troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) section below. #### Service name This name can be any alphanumerical value and **must** be set. The name **must** be unique for the project. The name **has** to be unique for the project. #### API to check This field requires a URL and **must** use either the HTTP or HTTPs protocols. We **recommend** using HTTPs to protect your merge request data in transit. The URL **must** be set and **must** be unique for the project. #### Target branch If you want to restrict the status check to a single branch, you can use this field to set this limit. ![Status checks branch selector](img/status_checks_branches_selector_v14_0.png) The branches list is populated from the projects [protected branches](../protected_branches.md). You can scroll through the list of branches or use the search box when there are a lot of branches and the branch you are looking for doesn't appear immediately. The search box requires **three** alphanumeric characters to be entered for the search to begin. If you want the status check to be applied to **all** merge requests, you can select the **Any branch** option. ## Delete a status check Within the **Status checks** sub-section, select the **Remove...** button next to the status check you want to delete. The **Remove status check?** modal is then shown. ![Status checks delete modal](img/status_checks_delete_modal_v14_0.png) To complete the deletion of the status check you must select the **Remove status check** button. This **permanently** deletes the status check and it **will not** be recoverable. ## Troubleshooting ### Duplicate value errors ```plaintext Name is already taken --- External API is already in use by another status check ``` On a per project basis, status checks can only use a name or API URL once. These errors mean that either the status checks name or API URL have already been used in this projects status checks. You must either choose a different value on the current status check or update the value on the existing status check. ### Invalid URL error ```plaintext Please provide a valid URL ``` The API to check field requires the URL provided to use either the HTTP or HTTPs protocols. You must update the value of the field to meet this requirement. ### Branch list error during retrieval or search ```plaintext Unable to fetch branches list, please close the form and try again ``` An unexpected response was received from the branches retrieval API. As suggested, you should close the form and reopen again or refresh the page. This error should be temporary, although if it persists please check the [GitLab status page](https://status.gitlab.com/) to see if there is a wider outage. ## Enable or disable status checks **(ULTIMATE SELF)** Status checks are under development and not ready for production use. It is deployed behind a feature flag that is **disabled by default**. [GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](../../../administration/feature_flags.md) can enable it. To enable it: ```ruby # For the instance Feature.enable(:ff_compliance_approval_gates) # For a single project Feature.enable(:ff_compliance_approval_gates, Project.find()) ``` To disable it: ```ruby # For the instance Feature.disable(:ff_compliance_approval_gates) # For a single project Feature.disable(:ff_compliance_approval_gates, Project.find() ``` ## Related links - [External status checks API](../../../api/status_checks.md)