# frozen_string_literal: true # This returns an app descriptor for use with Jira in development mode # For the Atlassian Marketplace, a static copy of this JSON is uploaded to the marketplace # https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/app-descriptor/ class JiraConnect::AppDescriptorController < JiraConnect::ApplicationController skip_before_action :verify_atlassian_jwt! def show render json: { name: Atlassian::JiraConnect.app_name, description: 'Integrate commits, branches and merge requests from GitLab into Jira', key: Atlassian::JiraConnect.app_key, baseUrl: jira_connect_base_url(protocol: 'https'), lifecycle: { installed: relative_to_base_path(jira_connect_events_installed_path), uninstalled: relative_to_base_path(jira_connect_events_uninstalled_path) }, vendor: { name: 'GitLab', url: 'https://gitlab.com' }, links: { documentation: help_page_url('integration/jira_development_panel', anchor: 'gitlabcom-1') }, authentication: { type: 'jwt' }, modules: modules, scopes: %w(READ WRITE DELETE), apiVersion: 1, apiMigrations: { 'context-qsh': true, gdpr: true } } end private HOME_URL = 'https://gitlab.com' DOC_URL = 'https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/jira/' def modules modules = { jiraDevelopmentTool: { key: 'gitlab-development-tool', application: { value: 'GitLab' }, name: { value: 'GitLab' }, url: HOME_URL, logoUrl: logo_url, capabilities: %w(branch commit pull_request) }, postInstallPage: { key: 'gitlab-configuration', name: { value: 'GitLab Configuration' }, url: relative_to_base_path(jira_connect_subscriptions_path), conditions: [ { condition: 'user_is_admin', invert: false } ] } } modules.merge!(build_information_module) modules.merge!(deployment_information_module) modules.merge!(feature_flag_module) modules end def logo_url view_context.image_url('gitlab_logo.png') end # See: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/software/modules/deployment/ def deployment_information_module { jiraDeploymentInfoProvider: common_module_properties.merge( actions: {}, # TODO: list deployments name: { value: "GitLab Deployments" }, key: "gitlab-deployments" ) } end # see: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/software/modules/feature-flag/ def feature_flag_module { jiraFeatureFlagInfoProvider: common_module_properties.merge( actions: {}, # TODO: create, link and list feature flags https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/297386 name: { value: 'GitLab Feature Flags' }, key: 'gitlab-feature-flags' ) } end # See: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/software/modules/build/ def build_information_module { jiraBuildInfoProvider: common_module_properties.merge( actions: {}, name: { value: "GitLab CI" }, key: "gitlab-ci" ) } end def common_module_properties { homeUrl: HOME_URL, logoUrl: logo_url, documentationUrl: DOC_URL } end def relative_to_base_path(full_path) full_path.sub(/^#{jira_connect_base_path}/, '') end end