# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ProjectHook, feature_category: :integrations do include_examples 'a hook that gets automatically disabled on failure' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let(:hook) { build(:project_hook, project: project) } let(:hook_factory) { :project_hook } let(:default_factory_arguments) { { project: project } } def find_hooks project.hooks end end describe 'associations' do it { is_expected.to belong_to :project } end describe 'validations' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:project) } end it_behaves_like 'includes Limitable concern' do subject { build(:project_hook) } end describe '.for_projects' do it 'finds related project hooks' do hook_a = create(:project_hook, project: build(:project)) hook_b = create(:project_hook, project: build(:project)) hook_c = create(:project_hook, project: build(:project)) expect(described_class.for_projects([hook_a.project, hook_b.project])) .to contain_exactly(hook_a, hook_b) expect(described_class.for_projects(hook_c.project)) .to contain_exactly(hook_c) end end describe '.push_hooks' do it 'returns hooks for push events only' do project = build(:project) hook = create(:project_hook, project: project, push_events: true) create(:project_hook, project: project, push_events: false) expect(described_class.push_hooks).to eq([hook]) end end describe '.tag_push_hooks' do it 'returns hooks for tag push events only' do project = build(:project) hook = create(:project_hook, project: project, tag_push_events: true) create(:project_hook, project: project, tag_push_events: false) expect(described_class.tag_push_hooks).to eq([hook]) end end describe '#parent' do it 'returns the associated project' do project = build(:project) hook = build(:project_hook, project: project) expect(hook.parent).to eq(project) end end describe '#application_context' do let_it_be(:hook) { build(:project_hook) } it 'includes the type and project' do expect(hook.application_context).to include( related_class: 'ProjectHook', project: hook.project ) end end describe '#update_last_failure', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do let_it_be(:hook) { create(:project_hook) } def last_failure Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.get(hook.project.last_failure_redis_key) end end def any_failed? Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(redis.get(hook.project.web_hook_failure_redis_key)) end end it 'is a method of this class' do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.not_to raise_error end context 'when the hook is executable' do let(:redis_key) { hook.project.web_hook_failure_redis_key } def redis_value any_failed? end context 'when the state was previously failing' do before do Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.set(redis_key, true) end end it 'does update the state' do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.to change { redis_value }.to(false) end context 'when there is another failing sibling hook' do before do create(:project_hook, :permanently_disabled, project: hook.project) end it 'does not update the state' do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.not_to change { redis_value }.from(true) end it 'caches the current value' do Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| expect(redis).to receive(:set).with(redis_key, 'true', ex: 1.hour).and_call_original end hook.update_last_failure end end end context 'when the state was previously unknown' do before do Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.del(redis_key) end end it 'does not update the state' do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.not_to change { redis_value }.from(nil) end end context 'when the state was previously not failing' do before do Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.set(redis_key, false) end end it 'does not update the state' do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.not_to change { redis_value }.from(false) end it 'does not cache the current value' do Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| expect(redis).not_to receive(:set) end hook.update_last_failure end end end context 'when the hook is failed' do before do allow(hook).to receive(:executable?).and_return(false) end context 'there is no prior value', :freeze_time do it 'updates last_failure' do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.to change { last_failure }.to(Time.current) end it 'updates any_failed?' do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.to change { any_failed? }.to(true) end end context 'when there is a prior last_failure, from before now' do it 'updates the state' do the_future = 1.minute.from_now hook.update_last_failure travel_to(the_future) do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.to change { last_failure }.to(the_future.iso8601) end end it 'does not change the failing state' do the_future = 1.minute.from_now hook.update_last_failure travel_to(the_future) do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.not_to change { any_failed? }.from(true) end end end context 'there is a prior value, from after now' do it 'does not update the state' do the_past = 1.minute.ago hook.update_last_failure travel_to(the_past) do expect { hook.update_last_failure }.not_to change { last_failure } end end end end end end