# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe WebHook do let(:hook) { build(:project_hook) } describe 'associations' do it { is_expected.to have_many(:web_hook_logs) } end describe 'validations' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:url) } describe 'url' do it { is_expected.to allow_value('http://example.com').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('https://example.com').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value(' https://example.com ').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('http://test.com/api').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('http://test.com/api?key=abc').for(:url) } it { is_expected.to allow_value('http://test.com/api?key=abc&type=def').for(:url) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('example.com').for(:url) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('ftp://example.com').for(:url) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('herp-and-derp').for(:url) } it 'strips :url before saving it' do hook.url = ' https://example.com ' hook.save expect(hook.url).to eq('https://example.com') end end describe 'token' do it { is_expected.to allow_value("foobar").for(:token) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_values("foo\nbar", "foo\r\nbar").for(:token) } end describe 'push_events_branch_filter' do it { is_expected.to allow_values("good_branch_name", "another/good-branch_name").for(:push_events_branch_filter) } it { is_expected.to allow_values("").for(:push_events_branch_filter) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_values("bad branch name", "bad~branchname").for(:push_events_branch_filter) } it 'gets rid of whitespace' do hook.push_events_branch_filter = ' branch ' hook.save expect(hook.push_events_branch_filter).to eq('branch') end it 'stores whitespace only as empty' do hook.push_events_branch_filter = ' ' hook.save expect(hook.push_events_branch_filter).to eq('') end end end describe 'encrypted attributes' do subject { described_class.encrypted_attributes.keys } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(:token, :url) } end describe 'execute' do let(:data) { { key: 'value' } } let(:hook_name) { 'project hook' } before do expect(WebHookService).to receive(:new).with(hook, data, hook_name).and_call_original end it '#execute' do expect_any_instance_of(WebHookService).to receive(:execute) hook.execute(data, hook_name) end it '#async_execute' do expect_any_instance_of(WebHookService).to receive(:async_execute) hook.async_execute(data, hook_name) end end describe '#destroy' do it 'cascades to web_hook_logs' do web_hook = create(:project_hook) create_list(:web_hook_log, 3, web_hook: web_hook) expect { web_hook.destroy }.to change(web_hook.web_hook_logs, :count).by(-3) end end end