# frozen_string_literal: true

module Gitlab
  module Golang
    extend self

    def local_module_prefix
      @gitlab_prefix ||= "#{Settings.build_gitlab_go_url}/".freeze

    def semver_tag?(tag)
      return false if tag.dereferenced_target.nil?

      Packages::SemVer.match?(tag.name, prefixed: true)

    def pseudo_version?(version)
      return false unless version

      if version.is_a? String
        version = parse_semver version
        return false unless version

      pre = version.prerelease

      # Valid pseudo-versions are:
      #   vX.0.0-yyyymmddhhmmss-sha1337beef0, when no earlier tagged commit exists for X
      #   vX.Y.Z-pre.0.yyyymmddhhmmss-sha1337beef0, when most recent prior tag is vX.Y.Z-pre
      #   vX.Y.(Z+1)-0.yyyymmddhhmmss-sha1337beef0, when most recent prior tag is vX.Y.Z

      if version.minor != 0 || version.patch != 0
        m = /\A(.*\.)?0\./.freeze.match pre
        return false unless m

        pre = pre[m[0].length..]

      # This pattern is intentionally more forgiving than the patterns
      # above. Correctness is verified by #pseudo_version_commit.
      /\A\d{14}-\h+\z/.freeze.match? pre

    def pseudo_version_commit(project, semver)
      # Per Go's implementation of pseudo-versions, a tag should be
      # considered a pseudo-version if it matches one of the patterns
      # listed in #pseudo_version?, regardless of the content of the
      # timestamp or the length of the SHA fragment. However, an error
      # should be returned if the timestamp is not correct or if the SHA
      # fragment is not exactly 12 characters long. See also Go's
      # implementation of:
      # - [*codeRepo.validatePseudoVersion](https://github.com/golang/go/blob/daf70d6c1688a1ba1699c933b3c3f04d6f2f73d9/src/cmd/go/internal/modfetch/coderepo.go#L530)
      # - [Pseudo-version parsing](https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/cmd/go/internal/modfetch/pseudo.go)
      # - [Pseudo-version request processing](https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/cmd/go/internal/modfetch/coderepo.go)

      # Go ignores anything before '.' or after the second '-', so we will do the same
      timestamp, sha = semver.prerelease.split('-').last 2
      timestamp = timestamp.split('.').last
      commit = project.repository.commit_by(oid: sha)

      # Error messages are based on the responses of proxy.golang.org

      # Verify that the SHA fragment references a commit
      raise ArgumentError.new 'invalid pseudo-version: unknown commit' unless commit

      # Require the SHA fragment to be 12 characters long
      raise ArgumentError.new 'invalid pseudo-version: revision is shorter than canonical' unless sha.length == 12

      # Require the timestamp to match that of the commit
      raise ArgumentError.new 'invalid pseudo-version: does not match version-control timestamp' unless commit.committed_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') == timestamp


    def parse_semver(str)
      Packages::SemVer.parse(str, prefixed: true)

    def pkg_go_dev_url(name, version = nil)
      if version

    def package_url(name, version = nil)
      return unless UrlSanitizer.valid?("https://#{name}")

      return pkg_go_dev_url(name, version) unless name.starts_with?(local_module_prefix)

      # This will not work if `name` refers to a subdirectory of a project. This
      # could be expanded with logic similar to Gitlab::Middleware::Go to locate
      # the project, check for permissions, and return a smarter result.