# Auto DevOps
# This CI/CD configuration provides a standard pipeline for
# * building a Docker image (using a buildpack if necessary),
# * storing the image in the container registry,
# * running tests from a buildpack,
# * running code quality analysis,
# * creating a review app for each topic branch,
# * and continuous deployment to production
# Test jobs may be disabled by setting environment variables:
# * code_quality: CODE_QUALITY_DISABLED
# * license_management: LICENSE_MANAGEMENT_DISABLED
# * load_performance: LOAD_PERFORMANCE_DISABLED
# * secret_detection: SECRET_DETECTION_DISABLED
# * dependency_scanning: DEPENDENCY_SCANNING_DISABLED
# * container_scanning: CONTAINER_SCANNING_DISABLED
# * stop_review: REVIEW_DISABLED
# In order to deploy, you must have a Kubernetes cluster configured either
# via a project integration, or via group/project variables.
# KUBE_INGRESS_BASE_DOMAIN must also be set on the cluster settings,
# as a variable at the group or project level, or manually added below.
# Continuous deployment to production is enabled by default.
# If you want to deploy to staging first, set STAGING_ENABLED environment variable.
# If you want to enable incremental rollout, either manual or time based,
# set INCREMENTAL_ROLLOUT_MODE environment variable to "manual" or "timed".
# If you want to use canary deployments, set CANARY_ENABLED environment variable.
# If Auto DevOps fails to detect the proper buildpack, or if you want to
# specify a custom buildpack, set a project variable `BUILDPACK_URL` to the
# repository URL of the buildpack.
# e.g. BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby.git#v142
# If you need multiple buildpacks, add a file to your project called
# `.buildpacks` that contains the URLs, one on each line, in order.
# Note: Auto CI does not work with multiple buildpacks yet

image: alpine:latest

  # KUBE_INGRESS_BASE_DOMAIN is the application deployment domain and should be set as a variable at the group or project level.
  # KUBE_INGRESS_BASE_DOMAIN: domain.example.com

  POSTGRES_PASSWORD: testing-password

  DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2


  DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: ""  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/issues/4501

  - build
  - test
  - deploy  # dummy stage to follow the template guidelines
  - review
  - dast
  - staging
  - canary
  - production
  - incremental rollout 10%
  - incremental rollout 25%
  - incremental rollout 50%
  - incremental rollout 100%
  - performance
  - cleanup


    - exists:
        - Dockerfile

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-clojure
    - exists:
        - project.clj

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-go
    - exists:
        - go.mod
        - Gopkg.mod
        - Godeps/Godeps.json
        - vendor/vendor.json
        - glide.yaml
        - src/**/*.go

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-gradle
    - exists:
        - gradlew
        - build.gradle
        - settings.gradle

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-java
    - exists:
        - pom.xml
        - pom.atom
        - pom.clj
        - pom.groovy
        - pom.rb
        - pom.scala
        - pom.yaml
        - pom.yml

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-multi
    - exists:
        - .buildpacks

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs
    - exists:
        - package.json

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php
    - exists:
        - composer.json
        - index.php

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-play
    # TODO: detect script excludes some scala files
    - exists:
        - '**/conf/application.conf'

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-python
    # TODO: detect script checks that all of these exist, not any
    - exists:
        - requirements.txt
        - setup.py
        - Pipfile

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby
    - exists:
        - Gemfile

    # https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-scala
    - exists:
        - '*.sbt'
        - project/*.scala
        - .sbt/*.scala
        - project/build.properties

    # https://github.com/dokku/buildpack-nginx
    - exists:
        - .static

# NOTE: These links point to the latest templates for development in GitLab canonical project,
# therefore the actual templates that were included for Auto DevOps pipelines
# could be different from the contents in the links.
# To view the actual templates, please replace `master` to the specific GitLab version when
# the Auto DevOps pipeline started running e.g. `v13.0.2-ee`.
  - template: Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Jobs/Test.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/Test.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Jobs/Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Jobs/Deploy.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/Deploy.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Jobs/Deploy/ECS.gitlab-ci.yml # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/Deploy/ECS.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Jobs/DAST-Default-Branch-Deploy.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/DAST-Default-Branch-Deploy.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Jobs/Browser-Performance-Testing.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/Browser-Performance-Testing.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Security/DAST.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/DAST.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Security/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Security/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Security/License-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/License-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Security/Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml