# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Projects::Prometheus::Alerts::NotifyService do include PrometheusHelpers using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let_it_be_with_reload(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be_with_refind(:setting) do create(:project_incident_management_setting, project: project, send_email: true, create_issue: true) end let(:service) { described_class.new(project, payload) } let(:token_input) { 'token' } subject { service.execute(token_input) } context 'with valid payload' do let_it_be(:alert_firing) { create(:prometheus_alert, project: project) } let_it_be(:alert_resolved) { create(:prometheus_alert, project: project) } let_it_be(:cluster, reload: true) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_user, projects: [project]) } let(:payload_raw) { prometheus_alert_payload(firing: [alert_firing], resolved: [alert_resolved]) } let(:payload) { ActionController::Parameters.new(payload_raw).permit! } let(:payload_alert_firing) { payload_raw['alerts'].first } let(:token) { 'token' } let(:source) { 'Prometheus' } context 'with environment specific clusters' do let(:prd_cluster) do cluster end let(:stg_cluster) do create(:cluster, :provided_by_user, projects: [project], enabled: true, environment_scope: 'stg/*') end let(:stg_environment) do create(:environment, project: project, name: 'stg/1') end let(:alert_firing) do create(:prometheus_alert, project: project, environment: stg_environment) end before do create(:clusters_integrations_prometheus, cluster: prd_cluster, alert_manager_token: token) create(:clusters_integrations_prometheus, cluster: stg_cluster, alert_manager_token: nil) end context 'without token' do let(:token_input) { nil } include_examples 'processes one firing and one resolved prometheus alerts' end context 'with token' do it_behaves_like 'alerts service responds with an error and takes no actions', :unauthorized end end context 'with project specific cluster using prometheus integration' do where(:cluster_enabled, :integration_enabled, :configured_token, :token_input, :result) do true | true | token | token | :success true | true | nil | nil | :success true | true | token | 'x' | :failure true | true | token | nil | :failure true | false | token | token | :failure false | true | token | token | :failure false | nil | nil | token | :failure end with_them do before do cluster.update!(enabled: cluster_enabled) unless integration_enabled.nil? create(:clusters_integrations_prometheus, cluster: cluster, enabled: integration_enabled, alert_manager_token: configured_token) end end case result = params[:result] when :success include_examples 'processes one firing and one resolved prometheus alerts' when :failure it_behaves_like 'alerts service responds with an error and takes no actions', :unauthorized else raise "invalid result: #{result.inspect}" end end end context 'without project specific cluster' do let_it_be(:cluster) { create(:cluster, enabled: true) } it_behaves_like 'alerts service responds with an error and takes no actions', :unauthorized end context 'with manual prometheus installation' do where(:alerting_setting, :configured_token, :token_input, :result) do true | token | token | :success true | token | 'x' | :failure true | token | nil | :failure false | nil | nil | :success false | nil | token | :failure end with_them do let(:alert_manager_token) { token_input } before do create(:prometheus_integration, project: project) if alerting_setting create(:project_alerting_setting, project: project, token: configured_token) end end case result = params[:result] when :success it_behaves_like 'processes one firing and one resolved prometheus alerts' when :failure it_behaves_like 'alerts service responds with an error and takes no actions', :unauthorized else raise "invalid result: #{result.inspect}" end end end context 'with HTTP integration' do where(:active, :token, :result) do :active | :valid | :success :active | :invalid | :failure :active | nil | :failure :inactive | :valid | :failure nil | nil | :failure end with_them do let(:valid) { integration.token } let(:invalid) { 'invalid token' } let(:token_input) { public_send(token) if token } let(:integration) { create(:alert_management_http_integration, active, project: project) if active } subject { service.execute(token_input, integration) } case result = params[:result] when :success it_behaves_like 'processes one firing and one resolved prometheus alerts' when :failure it_behaves_like 'alerts service responds with an error and takes no actions', :unauthorized else raise "invalid result: #{result.inspect}" end end end context 'incident settings' do before do create(:prometheus_integration, project: project) create(:project_alerting_setting, project: project, token: token) end it_behaves_like 'processes one firing and one resolved prometheus alerts' context 'when incident_management_setting does not exist' do before do setting.destroy! end it { is_expected.to be_success } include_examples 'does not send alert notification emails' include_examples 'does not process incident issues' end context 'incident_management_setting.send_email is false' do before do setting.update!(send_email: false) end it { is_expected.to be_success } include_examples 'does not send alert notification emails' end context 'incident_management_setting.create_issue is false' do before do setting.update!(create_issue: false) end it { is_expected.to be_success } include_examples 'does not process incident issues' end end context 'process Alert Management alerts' do let(:process_service) { instance_double(AlertManagement::ProcessPrometheusAlertService) } before do create(:prometheus_integration, project: project) create(:project_alerting_setting, project: project, token: token) end context 'with multiple firing alerts and resolving alerts' do let(:payload_raw) do prometheus_alert_payload(firing: [alert_firing, alert_firing], resolved: [alert_resolved]) end it 'processes Prometheus alerts' do expect(AlertManagement::ProcessPrometheusAlertService) .to receive(:new) .with(project, kind_of(Hash)) .exactly(3).times .and_call_original subject end end end context 'when payload exceeds max amount of processable alerts' do # We are defining 2 alerts in payload_raw above let(:max_alerts) { 1 } let(:fingerprint) { prometheus_alert_payload_fingerprint(alert_resolved) } before do stub_const("#{described_class}::PROCESS_MAX_ALERTS", max_alerts) create(:prometheus_integration, project: project) create(:project_alerting_setting, project: project, token: token) create(:alert_management_alert, project: project, fingerprint: fingerprint) allow(Gitlab::AppLogger).to receive(:warn) end shared_examples 'process truncated alerts' do it 'returns 200 but skips processing and logs a warning', :aggregate_failures do expect(subject).to be_success expect(subject.payload[:alerts].size).to eq(max_alerts) expect(Gitlab::AppLogger) .to have_received(:warn) .with( message: 'Prometheus payload exceeded maximum amount of alerts. Truncating alerts.', project_id: project.id, alerts: { total: 2, max: max_alerts }) end end shared_examples 'process all alerts' do it 'returns 200 and process alerts without warnings', :aggregate_failures do expect(subject).to be_success expect(subject.payload[:alerts].size).to eq(2) expect(Gitlab::AppLogger).not_to have_received(:warn) end end context 'with feature flag globally enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(prometheus_notify_max_alerts: true) end include_examples 'process truncated alerts' end context 'with feature flag enabled on project' do before do stub_feature_flags(prometheus_notify_max_alerts: project) end include_examples 'process truncated alerts' end context 'with feature flag enabled on unrelated project' do let(:another_project) { create(:project) } before do stub_feature_flags(prometheus_notify_max_alerts: another_project) end include_examples 'process all alerts' end context 'with feature flag disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(prometheus_notify_max_alerts: false) end include_examples 'process all alerts' end end end context 'with invalid payload' do context 'when payload is not processable' do let(:payload) { {} } before do allow(described_class).to receive(:processable?).with(payload) .and_return(false) end it_behaves_like 'alerts service responds with an error and takes no actions', :unprocessable_entity end context 'when the payload is too big' do let(:payload) { { 'the-payload-is-too-big' => true } } let(:deep_size_object) { instance_double(Gitlab::Utils::DeepSize, valid?: false) } before do allow(Gitlab::Utils::DeepSize).to receive(:new).and_return(deep_size_object) end it_behaves_like 'alerts service responds with an error and takes no actions', :bad_request end end describe '.processable?' do let(:valid_payload) { prometheus_alert_payload } subject { described_class.processable?(payload) } context 'with valid payload' do let(:payload) { valid_payload } it { is_expected.to eq(true) } context 'containing unrelated keys' do let(:payload) { valid_payload.merge('unrelated' => 'key') } it { is_expected.to eq(true) } end end context 'with invalid payload' do where(:missing_key) do described_class::REQUIRED_PAYLOAD_KEYS.to_a end with_them do let(:payload) { valid_payload.except(missing_key) } it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end end context 'with unsupported version' do let(:payload) { valid_payload.merge('version' => '5') } it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end end end