# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Pagination class GitalyKeysetPager attr_reader :request_context, :project delegate :params, to: :request_context def initialize(request_context, project) @request_context = request_context @project = project end # It is expected that the given finder will respond to `execute` method with `gitaly_pagination: true` option # and supports pagination via gitaly. def paginate(finder) return paginate_via_gitaly(finder) if keyset_pagination_enabled?(finder) return paginate_first_page_via_gitaly(finder) if paginate_first_page?(finder) records = ::Kaminari.paginate_array(finder.execute) Gitlab::Pagination::OffsetPagination .new(request_context) .paginate(records) end private def keyset_pagination_enabled?(finder) return false unless params[:pagination] == "keyset" if finder.is_a?(BranchesFinder) Feature.enabled?(:branch_list_keyset_pagination, project) elsif finder.is_a?(TagsFinder) Feature.enabled?(:tag_list_keyset_pagination, project) elsif finder.is_a?(::Repositories::TreeFinder) Feature.enabled?(:repository_tree_gitaly_pagination, project) else false end end def paginate_first_page?(finder) return false unless params[:page].blank? || params[:page].to_i == 1 if finder.is_a?(BranchesFinder) Feature.enabled?(:branch_list_keyset_pagination, project) elsif finder.is_a?(TagsFinder) Feature.enabled?(:tag_list_keyset_pagination, project) elsif finder.is_a?(::Repositories::TreeFinder) Feature.enabled?(:repository_tree_gitaly_pagination, project) else false end end def paginate_via_gitaly(finder) finder.execute(gitaly_pagination: true).tap do |records| apply_headers(records) end end # When first page is requested, we paginate the data via Gitaly # Headers are added to immitate offset pagination, while it is the default option def paginate_first_page_via_gitaly(finder) finder.execute(gitaly_pagination: true).tap do |records| total = finder.total per_page = params[:per_page].presence || Kaminari.config.default_per_page Gitlab::Pagination::OffsetHeaderBuilder.new( request_context: request_context, per_page: per_page, page: 1, next_page: 2, total: total, total_pages: total / per_page + 1 ).execute end end def apply_headers(records) if records.count == params[:per_page] Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::HeaderBuilder .new(request_context) .add_next_page_header( query_params_for(records.last) ) end end def query_params_for(record) # NOTE: page_token is name for now, but it could be dynamic if we have other gitaly finders # that is based on something other than name { page_token: record.name } end end end end