import { sanitize as dompurifySanitize, addHook } from 'dompurify'; import { getNormalizedURL, getBaseURL, relativePathToAbsolute } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; const defaultConfig = { // Safely allow SVG tags ADD_TAGS: ['use', 'gl-emoji', 'copy-code'], // Prevent possible XSS attacks with data-* attributes used by @rails/ujs // See FORBID_ATTR: ['data-remote', 'data-url', 'data-type', 'data-method'], FORBID_TAGS: ['style', 'mstyle'], ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS: true, }; // Only icons urls from `gon` are allowed const getAllowedIconUrls = (gon = window.gon) => [gon.sprite_file_icons, gon.sprite_icons] .filter(Boolean) .map((path) => relativePathToAbsolute(path, getBaseURL())); const isUrlAllowed = (url) => getAllowedIconUrls().some((allowedUrl) => getNormalizedURL(url).startsWith(allowedUrl)); const isHrefSafe = (url) => url.match(/^#/) || isUrlAllowed(url); const removeUnsafeHref = (node, attr) => { if (!node.hasAttribute(attr)) { return; } if (!isHrefSafe(node.getAttribute(attr))) { node.removeAttribute(attr); } }; /** * Sanitize icons' tag attributes, to safely include * svgs such as in: * * * * * * It validates both href & xlink:href attributes. * Note that `xlink:href` is deprecated, but still in use * * * @param {Object} node - Node to sanitize */ const sanitizeSvgIcon = (node) => { removeUnsafeHref(node, 'href'); removeUnsafeHref(node, 'xlink:href'); }; addHook('afterSanitizeAttributes', (node) => { if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'use') { sanitizeSvgIcon(node); } }); export const sanitize = (val, config) => dompurifySanitize(val, { ...defaultConfig, ...config });