import { GlAvatarLabeled, GlCollapsibleListbox } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import * as projectsApi from '~/api/projects_api'; import ProjectSelect from '~/invite_members/components/project_select.vue'; import { allProjects, project1 } from '../mock_data/api_response_data'; describe('ProjectSelect', () => { let wrapper; const createComponent = () => { wrapper = shallowMountExtended(ProjectSelect, { stubs: { GlCollapsibleListbox, GlAvatarLabeled, }, }); }; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(projectsApi, 'getProjects').mockResolvedValue(allProjects); createComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); const findGlCollapsibleListbox = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlCollapsibleListbox); const findAvatarLabeled = (index) => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlAvatarLabeled).at(index); it('renders GlCollapsibleListbox with default props', () => { expect(findGlCollapsibleListbox().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findGlCollapsibleListbox().props()).toMatchObject({ items: [], loading: false, multiple: false, noResultsText: 'No matching results', placement: 'left', searchPlaceholder: 'Search projects', searchable: true, searching: false, size: 'medium', toggleText: 'Select a project', totalItems: null, variant: 'default', }); }); describe('when user types in the search input', () => { let resolveApiRequest; let rejectApiRequest; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(projectsApi, 'getProjects').mockImplementation( () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolveApiRequest = resolve; rejectApiRequest = reject; }), ); findGlCollapsibleListbox().vm.$emit('search',; }); it('calls the API', () => { resolveApiRequest({ data: allProjects }); expect(projectsApi.getProjects).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, { active: true, exclude_internal: true, }); }); it('displays loading icon while waiting for API call to resolve and then sets loading false', async () => { expect(findGlCollapsibleListbox().props('searching')).toBe(true); resolveApiRequest({ data: allProjects }); await waitForPromises(); expect(findGlCollapsibleListbox().props('searching')).toBe(false); }); it('displays a dropdown item and avatar for each project fetched', async () => { resolveApiRequest({ data: allProjects }); await waitForPromises(); allProjects.forEach((project, index) => { expect(findAvatarLabeled(index).attributes()).toMatchObject({ src: project.avatar_url, 'entity-id': String(, 'entity-name': project.name_with_namespace, size: '32', }); expect(findAvatarLabeled(index).props('label')).toBe(project.name_with_namespace); }); }); it('displays the empty message when the API results are empty', async () => { resolveApiRequest({ data: [] }); await waitForPromises(); expect(findGlCollapsibleListbox().text()).toBe('No matching results'); }); it('displays the error message when the fetch fails', async () => { rejectApiRequest(); await waitForPromises(); // To be displayed in GlCollapsibleListbox once we implement // // expect(findGlCollapsibleListbox().text()).toBe('No matching results'); }); }); });