# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe WorkItems::UpdateService do let_it_be(:developer) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:guest) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:parent) { create(:work_item, project: project) } let_it_be_with_reload(:work_item) { create(:work_item, project: project, assignees: [developer]) } let(:spam_params) { double } let(:widget_params) { {} } let(:opts) { {} } let(:current_user) { developer } before do project.add_developer(developer) project.add_guest(guest) end describe '#execute' do let(:service) do described_class.new( project: project, current_user: current_user, params: opts, spam_params: spam_params, widget_params: widget_params ) end subject(:update_work_item) { service.execute(work_item) } before do stub_spam_services end shared_examples 'update service that triggers graphql dates updated subscription' do it 'triggers graphql subscription issueableDatesUpdated' do expect(GraphqlTriggers).to receive(:issuable_dates_updated).with(work_item).and_call_original update_work_item end end context 'when title is changed' do let(:opts) { { title: 'changed' } } it 'triggers issuable_title_updated graphql subscription' do expect(GraphqlTriggers).to receive(:issuable_title_updated).with(work_item).and_call_original expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::WorkItemActivityUniqueCounter).to receive(:track_work_item_title_changed_action).with(author: current_user) # During the work item transition we also want to track work items as issues expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::IssueActivityUniqueCounter).to receive(:track_issue_title_changed_action) expect(update_work_item[:status]).to eq(:success) end it_behaves_like 'issue_edit snowplow tracking' do let(:property) { Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::IssueActivityUniqueCounter::ISSUE_TITLE_CHANGED } let(:user) { current_user } subject(:service_action) { update_work_item[:status] } end end context 'when title is not changed' do let(:opts) { { description: 'changed' } } it 'does not trigger issuable_title_updated graphql subscription' do expect(GraphqlTriggers).not_to receive(:issuable_title_updated) expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::WorkItemActivityUniqueCounter).not_to receive(:track_work_item_title_changed_action) expect(update_work_item[:status]).to eq(:success) end it 'does not emit Snowplow event', :snowplow do expect_no_snowplow_event update_work_item end end context 'when dates are changed' do let(:opts) { { start_date: Date.today } } it 'tracks users updating work item dates' do expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::WorkItemActivityUniqueCounter).to receive(:track_work_item_date_changed_action).with(author: current_user) update_work_item end end context 'when decription is changed' do let(:opts) { { description: 'description changed' } } it 'triggers GraphQL description updated subscription' do expect(GraphqlTriggers).to receive(:issuable_description_updated).with(work_item).and_call_original update_work_item end end context 'when decription is not changed' do let(:opts) { { title: 'title changed' } } it 'does not trigger GraphQL description updated subscription' do expect(GraphqlTriggers).not_to receive(:issuable_description_updated) update_work_item end end context 'when updating state_event' do context 'when state_event is close' do let(:opts) { { state_event: 'close' } } it 'closes the work item' do expect do update_work_item work_item.reload end.to change(work_item, :state).from('opened').to('closed') end end context 'when state_event is reopen' do let(:opts) { { state_event: 'reopen' } } before do work_item.close! end it 'reopens the work item' do expect do update_work_item work_item.reload end.to change(work_item, :state).from('closed').to('opened') end end end it_behaves_like 'work item widgetable service' do let(:widget_params) do { hierarchy_widget: { parent: parent }, description_widget: { description: 'foo' } } end let(:service) do described_class.new( project: project, current_user: current_user, params: opts, spam_params: spam_params, widget_params: widget_params ) end let(:service_execute) { service.execute(work_item) } let(:supported_widgets) do [ { klass: WorkItems::Widgets::DescriptionService::UpdateService, callback: :before_update_callback, params: { description: 'foo' } }, { klass: WorkItems::Widgets::HierarchyService::UpdateService, callback: :before_update_in_transaction, params: { parent: parent } } ] end end context 'when updating widgets' do let(:widget_service_class) { WorkItems::Widgets::DescriptionService::UpdateService } let(:widget_params) { { description_widget: { description: 'changed' } } } context 'when widget service is not present' do before do allow(widget_service_class).to receive(:new).and_return(nil) end it 'ignores widget param' do expect { update_work_item }.not_to change(work_item, :description) end end context 'when the widget does not support update callback' do before do allow_next_instance_of(widget_service_class) do |instance| allow(instance) .to receive(:before_update_callback) .with(params: { description: 'changed' }).and_return(nil) end end it 'ignores widget param' do expect { update_work_item }.not_to change(work_item, :description) end end context 'for the description widget' do it 'updates the description of the work item' do update_work_item expect(work_item.description).to eq('changed') end context 'with mentions', :mailer, :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do shared_examples 'creates the todo and sends email' do |attribute| it 'creates a todo and sends email' do expect { perform_enqueued_jobs { update_work_item } }.to change(Todo, :count).by(1) expect(work_item.reload.attributes[attribute.to_s]).to eq("mention #{guest.to_reference}") should_email(guest) end end context 'when description contains a user mention' do let(:widget_params) { { description_widget: { description: "mention #{guest.to_reference}" } } } it_behaves_like 'creates the todo and sends email', :description end context 'when title contains a user mention' do let(:opts) { { title: "mention #{guest.to_reference}" } } it_behaves_like 'creates the todo and sends email', :title end end context 'when work item validation fails' do let(:opts) { { title: '' } } it 'returns validation errors' do expect(update_work_item[:message]).to contain_exactly("Title can't be blank") end it 'does not execute after-update widgets', :aggregate_failures do expect(service).to receive(:update).and_call_original expect(service).not_to receive(:execute_widgets).with(callback: :update, widget_params: widget_params) expect { update_work_item }.not_to change(work_item, :description) end end end context 'for start and due date widget' do let(:updated_date) { 1.week.from_now.to_date } context 'when due_date is updated' do let(:widget_params) { { start_and_due_date_widget: { due_date: updated_date } } } it_behaves_like 'update service that triggers graphql dates updated subscription' end context 'when start_date is updated' do let(:widget_params) { { start_and_due_date_widget: { start_date: updated_date } } } it_behaves_like 'update service that triggers graphql dates updated subscription' end context 'when no date param is updated' do let(:opts) { { title: 'should not trigger' } } it 'does not trigger date updated subscription' do expect(GraphqlTriggers).not_to receive(:issuable_dates_updated) update_work_item end end end context 'for the hierarchy widget' do let(:opts) { { title: 'changed' } } let_it_be(:child_work_item) { create(:work_item, :task, project: project) } let(:widget_params) { { hierarchy_widget: { children: [child_work_item] } } } it 'updates the children of the work item' do expect do update_work_item work_item.reload end.to change(WorkItems::ParentLink, :count).by(1) expect(work_item.work_item_children).to include(child_work_item) end context 'when child type is invalid' do let_it_be(:child_work_item) { create(:work_item, project: project) } it 'returns error status' do expect(subject[:status]).to be(:error) expect(subject[:message]) .to match("#{child_work_item.to_reference} cannot be added: only Task can be assigned as a child in hierarchy.") end it 'does not update work item attributes' do expect do update_work_item work_item.reload end.to not_change(WorkItems::ParentLink, :count).and(not_change(work_item, :title)) end end context 'when work item validation fails' do let(:opts) { { title: '' } } it 'returns validation errors' do expect(update_work_item[:message]).to contain_exactly("Title can't be blank") end it 'does not execute after-update widgets', :aggregate_failures do expect(service).to receive(:update).and_call_original expect(service).not_to receive(:execute_widgets).with(callback: :before_update_in_transaction, widget_params: widget_params) expect(work_item.work_item_children).not_to include(child_work_item) update_work_item end end end context 'for milestone widget' do let_it_be(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project) } let(:widget_params) { { milestone_widget: { milestone_id: milestone.id } } } context 'when milestone is updated' do it "triggers 'issuableMilestoneUpdated'" do expect(work_item.milestone).to eq(nil) expect(GraphqlTriggers).to receive(:issuable_milestone_updated).with(work_item).and_call_original update_work_item end end context 'when milestone remains unchanged' do before do update_work_item end it "does not trigger 'issuableMilestoneUpdated'" do expect(work_item.milestone).to eq(milestone) expect(GraphqlTriggers).not_to receive(:issuable_milestone_updated) update_work_item end end end end describe 'label updates' do let_it_be(:label1) { create(:label, project: project) } let_it_be(:label2) { create(:label, project: project) } context 'when labels are changed' do let(:label) { create(:label, project: project) } let(:opts) { { label_ids: [label1.id] } } it 'tracks users updating work item labels' do expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::WorkItemActivityUniqueCounter).to receive(:track_work_item_labels_changed_action).with(author: current_user) update_work_item end it_behaves_like 'broadcasting issuable labels updates' do let(:issuable) { work_item } let(:label_a) { label1 } let(:label_b) { label2 } def update_issuable(update_params) described_class.new( project: project, current_user: current_user, params: update_params, spam_params: spam_params, widget_params: widget_params ).execute(work_item) end end end context 'when labels are not changed' do shared_examples 'work item update that does not track label updates' do it 'does not track users updating work item labels' do expect(Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::WorkItemActivityUniqueCounter).not_to receive(:track_work_item_labels_changed_action) update_work_item end end context 'when labels param is not provided' do let(:opts) { { title: 'not updating labels' } } it_behaves_like 'work item update that does not track label updates' end context 'when labels param is provided but labels remain unchanged' do let(:opts) { { label_ids: [] } } it_behaves_like 'work item update that does not track label updates' end context 'when labels param is provided invalid values' do let(:opts) { { label_ids: [non_existing_record_id] } } it_behaves_like 'work item update that does not track label updates' end end end end end