# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Database module QueryAnalyzers class Base # `Exception` to ensure that is not easily rescued when running in test env QueryAnalyzerError = Class.new(Exception) # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException def self.suppressed? Thread.current[self.suppress_key] || @suppress_in_rspec end def self.requires_tracking?(parsed) false end def self.suppress=(value) Thread.current[self.suppress_key] = value end # The other suppress= method stores the # value in Thread.current because it is # meant to work in a multi-threaded puma # environment but this does not work # correctly in capybara tests where we # suppress in the rspec runner context but # this does not take effect in the puma # thread. As such we just suppress # globally in RSpec since we don't run # different tests concurrently. class << self attr_writer :suppress_in_rspec end def self.with_suppressed(value = true, &blk) previous = self.suppressed? self.suppress = value yield ensure self.suppress = previous end def self.begin! Thread.current[self.context_key] = {} end def self.end! Thread.current[self.context_key] = nil end def self.context Thread.current[self.context_key] end def self.raw? false end def self.enabled? raise NotImplementedError end def self.analyze(parsed) raise NotImplementedError end def self.context_key @context_key ||= "analyzer_#{self.analyzer_key}_context".to_sym end def self.suppress_key @suppress_key ||= "analyzer_#{self.analyzer_key}_suppressed".to_sym end def self.analyzer_key @analyzer_key ||= self.name.demodulize.underscore.to_sym end end end end end