- name: "Dependency Scanning"
  removal_date: "2021-06-22"
  removal_milestone: "14.0"
  reporter: nicoleschwartz
  breaking_change: true
  body: |
    As mentioned in [13.9](https://about.gitlab.com/releases/2021/02/22/gitlab-13-9-released/#deprecations-for-dependency-scanning) and [this blog post](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2021/02/08/composition-analysis-14-deprecations-and-removals/) several removals for Dependency Scanning take effect.

    Previously, to exclude a DS analyzer, you needed to remove it from the default list of analyzers, and use that to set the `DS_DEFAULT_ANALYZERS` variable in your project’s CI template. We determined it should be easier to avoid running a particular analyzer without losing the benefit of newly added analyzers. As a result, we ask you to migrate from `DS_DEFAULT_ANALYZERS` to `DS_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS` when it is available. Read about it in [issue #287691](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/287691).

    Previously, to prevent the Gemnasium analyzers to fetch the advisory database at runtime, you needed to set the `GEMNASIUM_DB_UPDATE` variable. However, this is not documented properly, and its naming is inconsistent with the equivalent `BUNDLER_AUDIT_UPDATE_DISABLED` variable. As a result, we ask you to migrate from `GEMNASIUM_DB_UPDATE` to `GEMNASIUM_UPDATE_DISABLED` when it is available. Read about it in [issue #215483](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/215483).