require 'gitlab/markdown' module Gitlab # Extract possible GFM references from an arbitrary String for further processing. class ReferenceExtractor attr_accessor :project, :current_user, :load_lazy_references def initialize(project, current_user = nil, load_lazy_references: true) @project = project @current_user = current_user @load_lazy_references = load_lazy_references end def analyze(text) references.clear @text = Gitlab::Markdown.render_without_gfm(text) end %i(user label issue merge_request snippet commit commit_range).each do |type| define_method("#{type}s") do references[type] end end private def references @references ||= do |references, type| type = type.to_sym next references[type] if references.has_key?(type) references[type] = pipeline_result(type) end end # Instantiate and call HTML::Pipeline with a single reference filter type, # returning the result # # filter_type - Symbol reference type (e.g., :commit, :issue, etc.) # # Returns the results Array for the requested filter type def pipeline_result(filter_type) return [] if @text.blank? klass = "#{filter_type.to_s.camelize}ReferenceFilter" filter = Gitlab::Markdown.const_get(klass) context = { project: project, current_user: current_user, # We don't actually care about the links generated only_path: true, ignore_blockquotes: true, # ReferenceGathererFilter load_lazy_references: false, reference_filter: filter } pipeline =[filter, Gitlab::Markdown::ReferenceGathererFilter], context) result = values = result[:references][filter_type].uniq if @load_lazy_references values = Gitlab::Markdown::ReferenceFilter::LazyReference.load(values).uniq end values end end end