# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe BulkImports::CreateService, feature_category: :importers do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:credentials) { { url: 'http://gitlab.example', access_token: 'token' } } let(:destination_group) { create(:group, path: 'destination1') } let(:migrate_projects) { true } let_it_be(:parent_group) { create(:group, path: 'parent-group') } # note: destination_name and destination_slug are currently interchangable so we need to test for both possibilities let(:params) do [ { source_type: 'group_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/group1', destination_slug: 'destination-group-1', destination_namespace: 'parent-group', migrate_projects: migrate_projects }, { source_type: 'group_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/group2', destination_name: 'destination-group-2', destination_namespace: 'parent-group', migrate_projects: migrate_projects }, { source_type: 'project_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/project1', destination_slug: 'destination-project-1', destination_namespace: 'parent-group', migrate_projects: migrate_projects } ] end subject { described_class.new(user, params, credentials) } describe '#execute' do context 'when gitlab version is 15.5 or higher' do let(:source_version) { { version: "15.6.0", enterprise: false } } context 'when a BulkImports::Error is raised while validating the instance version' do before do allow_next_instance_of(BulkImports::Clients::HTTP) do |client| allow(client) .to receive(:validate_instance_version!) .and_raise(BulkImports::Error, "This is a BulkImports error.") end end it 'rescues the error and raises a ServiceResponse::Error' do result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(result).to be_error expect(result.message).to eq("This is a BulkImports error.") end end context 'when required scopes are not present' do it 'returns ServiceResponse with error if token does not have api scope' do stub_request(:get, 'http://gitlab.example/api/v4/version?private_token=token').to_return(status: 404) stub_request(:get, 'http://gitlab.example/api/v4/metadata?private_token=token') .to_return( status: 200, body: source_version.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } ) allow_next_instance_of(BulkImports::Clients::HTTP) do |client| allow(client).to receive(:validate_instance_version!).and_raise(BulkImports::Error.scope_validation_failure) end result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(result).to be_error expect(result.message) .to eq( "Import aborted as the provided personal access token does not have the required 'api' scope or is " \ "no longer valid." ) end end context 'when token validation succeeds' do before do stub_request(:get, 'http://gitlab.example/api/v4/version?private_token=token').to_return(status: 404) stub_request(:get, 'http://gitlab.example/api/v4/metadata?private_token=token') .to_return(status: 200, body: source_version.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) stub_request(:get, 'http://gitlab.example/api/v4/personal_access_tokens/self?private_token=token') .to_return( status: 200, body: { 'scopes' => ['api'] }.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } ) end it 'creates bulk import' do parent_group.add_owner(user) expect { subject.execute }.to change { BulkImport.count }.by(1) last_bulk_import = BulkImport.last expect(last_bulk_import.user).to eq(user) expect(last_bulk_import.source_version).to eq(source_version[:version]) expect(last_bulk_import.user).to eq(user) expect(last_bulk_import.source_enterprise).to eq(false) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'BulkImports::CreateService', action: 'create', label: 'bulk_import_group' ) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'BulkImports::CreateService', action: 'create', label: 'import_access_level', user: user, extra: { user_role: 'Owner', import_type: 'bulk_import_group' } ) end describe 'projects migration flag' do let(:import) { BulkImport.last } context 'when false' do let(:migrate_projects) { false } it 'sets false' do subject.execute expect(import.entities.pluck(:migrate_projects)).to contain_exactly(false, false, false) end end context 'when true' do let(:migrate_projects) { true } it 'sets true' do subject.execute expect(import.entities.pluck(:migrate_projects)).to contain_exactly(true, true, true) end end context 'when nil' do let(:migrate_projects) { nil } it 'sets true' do subject.execute expect(import.entities.pluck(:migrate_projects)).to contain_exactly(true, true, true) end end end end end context 'when gitlab version is lower than 15.5' do let(:source_version) do Gitlab::VersionInfo.new(::BulkImport::MIN_MAJOR_VERSION, ::BulkImport::MIN_MINOR_VERSION_FOR_PROJECT) end before do allow_next_instance_of(BulkImports::Clients::HTTP) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:instance_version).and_return(source_version) allow(instance).to receive(:instance_enterprise).and_return(false) end end it 'creates bulk import' do parent_group.add_owner(user) expect { subject.execute }.to change { BulkImport.count }.by(1) last_bulk_import = BulkImport.last expect(last_bulk_import.user).to eq(user) expect(last_bulk_import.source_version).to eq(source_version.to_s) expect(last_bulk_import.user).to eq(user) expect(last_bulk_import.source_enterprise).to eq(false) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'BulkImports::CreateService', action: 'create', label: 'bulk_import_group' ) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'BulkImports::CreateService', action: 'create', label: 'import_access_level', user: user, extra: { user_role: 'Owner', import_type: 'bulk_import_group' } ) end it 'creates bulk import entities' do expect { subject.execute }.to change { BulkImports::Entity.count }.by(3) end it 'creates bulk import configuration' do expect { subject.execute }.to change { BulkImports::Configuration.count }.by(1) end it 'enqueues BulkImportWorker' do expect(BulkImportWorker).to receive(:perform_async) subject.execute end it 'returns success ServiceResponse' do result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(result).to be_success end it 'returns ServiceResponse with error if validation fails' do params[0][:source_full_path] = nil result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(result).to be_error expect(result.message).to eq("Validation failed: Source full path can't be blank, " \ "Source full path cannot start with a non-alphanumeric character except " \ "for periods or underscores, can contain only alphanumeric characters, " \ "forward slashes, periods, and underscores, cannot end with " \ "a period or forward slash, and has a relative path structure " \ "with no http protocol chars or leading or trailing forward slashes") end describe '#user-role' do context 'when there is a parent_namespace and the user is a member' do let(:group2) { create(:group, path: 'destination200', source_id: parent_group.id ) } let(:params) do [ { source_type: 'group_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/group1', destination_slug: 'destination200', destination_namespace: 'parent-group' } ] end it 'defines access_level from parent namespace membership' do parent_group.add_guest(user) subject.execute expect_snowplow_event( category: 'BulkImports::CreateService', action: 'create', label: 'import_access_level', user: user, extra: { user_role: 'Guest', import_type: 'bulk_import_group' } ) end end it 'defines access_level as not a member' do subject.execute expect_snowplow_event( category: 'BulkImports::CreateService', action: 'create', label: 'import_access_level', user: user, extra: { user_role: 'Not a member', import_type: 'bulk_import_group' } ) end context 'when there is a destination_namespace but no parent_namespace' do let(:params) do [ { source_type: 'group_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/group1', destination_slug: 'destination-group-1', destination_namespace: 'destination1' } ] end it 'defines access_level from destination_namespace' do destination_group.add_developer(user) subject.execute expect_snowplow_event( category: 'BulkImports::CreateService', action: 'create', label: 'import_access_level', user: user, extra: { user_role: 'Developer', import_type: 'bulk_import_group' } ) end end context 'when there is no destination_namespace or parent_namespace' do let(:params) do [ { source_type: 'group_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/group1', destination_slug: 'destinationational-mcdestiny', destination_namespace: 'destinational-mcdestiny' } ] end it 'defines access_level as owner' do subject.execute expect_snowplow_event( category: 'BulkImports::CreateService', action: 'create', label: 'import_access_level', user: user, extra: { user_role: 'Owner', import_type: 'bulk_import_group' } ) end end end describe '.validate_destination_full_path' do context 'when the source_type is a group' do context 'when the provided destination_slug already exists in the destination_namespace' do let_it_be(:existing_subgroup) { create(:group, path: 'existing-subgroup', parent_id: parent_group.id ) } let_it_be(:existing_subgroup_2) { create(:group, path: 'existing-subgroup_2', parent_id: parent_group.id ) } let(:params) do [ { source_type: 'group_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/source', destination_slug: existing_subgroup.path, destination_namespace: parent_group.path, migrate_projects: migrate_projects } ] end it 'returns ServiceResponse with an error message' do result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(result).to be_error expect(result.message) .to eq( "Import aborted as 'parent-group/existing-subgroup' already exists. " \ "Change the destination and try again." ) end end context 'when the destination_slug conflicts with an existing top-level namespace' do let_it_be(:existing_top_level_group) { create(:group, path: 'top-level-group') } let(:params) do [ { source_type: 'group_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/source', destination_slug: existing_top_level_group.path, destination_namespace: '', migrate_projects: migrate_projects } ] end it 'returns ServiceResponse with an error message' do result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(result).to be_error expect(result.message) .to eq( "Import aborted as 'top-level-group' already exists. " \ "Change the destination and try again." ) end end context 'when the destination_slug does not conflict with an existing top-level namespace' do let(:params) do [ { source_type: 'group_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/source', destination_slug: 'new-group', destination_namespace: parent_group.path, migrate_projects: migrate_projects } ] end it 'returns success ServiceResponse' do result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(result).to be_success end end end context 'when the source_type is a project' do context 'when the provided destination_slug already exists in the destination_namespace' do let_it_be(:existing_group) { create(:group, path: 'existing-group' ) } let_it_be(:existing_project) { create(:project, path: 'existing-project', parent_id: existing_group.id ) } let(:params) do [ { source_type: 'project_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/source', destination_slug: existing_project.path, destination_namespace: existing_group.path, migrate_projects: migrate_projects } ] end it 'returns ServiceResponse with an error message' do result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(result).to be_error expect(result.message) .to eq( "Import aborted as 'existing-group/existing-project' already exists. " \ "Change the destination and try again." ) end end context 'when the destination_slug does not conflict with an existing project' do let_it_be(:existing_group) { create(:group, path: 'existing-group' ) } let(:params) do [ { source_type: 'project_entity', source_full_path: 'full/path/to/source', destination_slug: 'new-project', destination_namespace: 'existing-group', migrate_projects: migrate_projects } ] end it 'returns success ServiceResponse' do result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_a(ServiceResponse) expect(result).to be_success end end end end end end end