import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { stubPerformanceWebAPI } from 'helpers/performance'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import eventHub from '~/ide/eventhub'; import { createRouter } from '~/ide/ide_router'; import { createStore } from '~/ide/stores'; import { createAlert } from '~/flash'; import { init, stageAllChanges, unstageAllChanges, toggleFileFinder, setCurrentBranchId, setEmptyStateSvgs, updateActivityBarView, updateTempFlagForEntry, setErrorMessage, deleteEntry, renameEntry, getBranchData, createTempEntry, discardAllChanges, } from '~/ide/stores/actions'; import * as types from '~/ide/stores/mutation_types'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { HTTP_STATUS_IM_A_TEAPOT, HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND } from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import { visitUrl } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { file, createTriggerRenameAction, createTriggerChangeAction } from '../helpers'; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/url_utility', () => ({ visitUrl: jest.fn(), joinPaths: jest.requireActual('~/lib/utils/url_utility').joinPaths, })); jest.mock('~/flash'); describe('Multi-file store actions', () => { let store; let router; beforeEach(() => { stubPerformanceWebAPI(); store = createStore(); router = createRouter(store); jest.spyOn(store, 'commit'); jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch'); jest.spyOn(router, 'push').mockImplementation(); }); describe('redirectToUrl', () => { it('calls visitUrl', async () => { await store.dispatch('redirectToUrl', 'test'); expect(visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test'); }); }); describe('init', () => { it('commits initial data and requests user callouts', () => { return testAction( init, { canCommit: true }, store.state, [{ type: 'SET_INITIAL_DATA', payload: { canCommit: true } }], [], ); }); }); describe('discardAllChanges', () => { const paths = ['to_discard', 'another_one_to_discard']; beforeEach(() => { paths.forEach((path) => { const f = file(path); f.changed = true; store.state.openFiles.push(f); store.state.changedFiles.push(f); store.state.entries[f.path] = f; }); }); it('discards all changes in file', () => { const expectedCalls = => ['restoreOriginalFile', path]); discardAllChanges(store); expect(store.dispatch.mock.calls).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expectedCalls)); }); it('removes all files from changedFiles state', async () => { await store.dispatch('discardAllChanges'); expect(store.state.changedFiles.length).toBe(0); expect(store.state.openFiles.length).toBe(2); }); }); describe('createTempEntry', () => { beforeEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML += '
'; store.state.currentProjectId = 'abcproject'; store.state.currentBranchId = 'mybranch'; store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch'] = { tree: [], }; store.state.projects.abcproject = { web_url: '', }; }); afterEach(() => { document.querySelector('.flash-container').remove(); }); describe('tree', () => { it('creates temp tree', async () => { await store.dispatch('createTempEntry', { name: 'test', type: 'tree', }); const entry = store.state.entries.test; expect(entry).not.toBeNull(); expect(entry.type).toBe('tree'); }); it('creates new folder inside another tree', async () => { const tree = { type: 'tree', name: 'testing', path: 'testing', tree: [], }; store.state.entries[tree.path] = tree; await store.dispatch('createTempEntry', { name: 'testing/test', type: 'tree', }); expect(tree.tree[0].tempFile).toBe(true); expect(tree.tree[0].name).toBe('test'); expect(tree.tree[0].type).toBe('tree'); }); it('does not create new tree if already exists', async () => { const tree = { type: 'tree', path: 'testing', tempFile: false, tree: [], }; store.state.entries[tree.path] = tree; await store.dispatch('createTempEntry', { name: 'testing', type: 'tree', }); expect(store.state.entries[tree.path].tempFile).toEqual(false); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('blob', () => { it('creates temp file', async () => { const name = 'test'; await store.dispatch('createTempEntry', { name, type: 'blob', mimeType: 'test/mime', }); const f = store.state.entries[name]; expect(f.tempFile).toBe(true); expect(f.mimeType).toBe('test/mime'); expect(store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch'].tree.length).toBe(1); }); it('adds tmp file to open files', async () => { const name = 'test'; await store.dispatch('createTempEntry', { name, type: 'blob', }); const f = store.state.entries[name]; expect(store.state.openFiles.length).toBe(1); expect(store.state.openFiles[0].name).toBe(; }); it('adds tmp file to staged files', async () => { const name = 'test'; await store.dispatch('createTempEntry', { name, type: 'blob', }); expect(store.state.stagedFiles).toEqual([expect.objectContaining({ name })]); }); it('sets tmp file as active', () => { createTempEntry(store, { name: 'test', type: 'blob' }); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setFileActive', 'test'); }); it('creates flash message if file already exists', async () => { const f = file('test', '1', 'blob'); store.state.trees['abcproject/mybranch'].tree = [f]; store.state.entries[f.path] = f; await store.dispatch('createTempEntry', { name: 'test', type: 'blob', }); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ message: `The name "${}" is already taken in this directory.`, }), ); }); }); }); describe('scrollToTab', () => { it('focuses the current active element', () => { document.body.innerHTML += '
'; const el = document.querySelector('.repo-tab'); jest.spyOn(el, 'focus').mockImplementation(); return store.dispatch('scrollToTab').then(() => { expect(el.focus).toHaveBeenCalled(); document.getElementById('tabs').remove(); }); }); }); describe('stage/unstageAllChanges', () => { let file1; let file2; beforeEach(() => { file1 = { ...file('test'), content: 'changed test', raw: 'test' }; file2 = { ...file('test2'), content: 'changed test2', raw: 'test2' }; store.state.openFiles = [file1]; store.state.changedFiles = [file1]; store.state.stagedFiles = [{ ...file2, content: 'staged test' }]; store.state.entries = { [file1.path]: { ...file1 }, [file2.path]: { ...file2 }, }; }); describe('stageAllChanges', () => { it('adds all files from changedFiles to stagedFiles', () => { stageAllChanges(store); expect(store.commit.mock.calls).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ [types.SET_LAST_COMMIT_MSG, ''], [types.STAGE_CHANGE, expect.objectContaining({ path: file1.path })], ]), ); }); it('opens pending tab if a change exists in that file', () => { stageAllChanges(store); expect(store.dispatch.mock.calls).toEqual([ [ 'openPendingTab', { file: { ...file1, staged: true, changed: true }, keyPrefix: 'staged' }, ], ]); }); it('does not open pending tab if no change exists in that file', () => { store.state.entries[file1.path].content = 'test'; store.state.stagedFiles = [file1]; store.state.changedFiles = [store.state.entries[file1.path]]; stageAllChanges(store); expect(store.dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('unstageAllChanges', () => { it('removes all files from stagedFiles after unstaging', () => { unstageAllChanges(store); expect(store.commit.mock.calls).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ [types.UNSTAGE_CHANGE, expect.objectContaining({ path: file2.path })], ]), ); }); it('opens pending tab if a change exists in that file', () => { unstageAllChanges(store); expect(store.dispatch.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['openPendingTab', { file: file1, keyPrefix: 'unstaged' }], ]); }); it('does not open pending tab if no change exists in that file', () => { store.state.entries[file1.path].content = 'test'; store.state.stagedFiles = [file1]; store.state.changedFiles = [store.state.entries[file1.path]]; unstageAllChanges(store); expect(store.dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('updateViewer', () => { it('updates viewer state', async () => { await store.dispatch('updateViewer', 'diff'); expect(store.state.viewer).toBe('diff'); }); }); describe('updateActivityBarView', () => { it('commits UPDATE_ACTIVITY_BAR_VIEW', () => { return testAction( updateActivityBarView, 'test', {}, [{ type: 'UPDATE_ACTIVITY_BAR_VIEW', payload: 'test' }], [], ); }); }); describe('setEmptyStateSvgs', () => { it('commits setEmptyStateSvgs', () => { return testAction( setEmptyStateSvgs, 'svg', {}, [{ type: 'SET_EMPTY_STATE_SVGS', payload: 'svg' }], [], ); }); }); describe('updateTempFlagForEntry', () => { it('commits UPDATE_TEMP_FLAG', () => { const f = { ...file(), path: 'test', tempFile: true, }; store.state.entries[f.path] = f; return testAction( updateTempFlagForEntry, { file: f, tempFile: false }, store.state, [{ type: 'UPDATE_TEMP_FLAG', payload: { path: f.path, tempFile: false } }], [], ); }); it('commits UPDATE_TEMP_FLAG and dispatches for parent', () => { const parent = { ...file(), path: 'testing', }; const f = { ...file(), path: 'test', parentPath: 'testing', }; store.state.entries[parent.path] = parent; store.state.entries[f.path] = f; return testAction( updateTempFlagForEntry, { file: f, tempFile: false }, store.state, [{ type: 'UPDATE_TEMP_FLAG', payload: { path: f.path, tempFile: false } }], [{ type: 'updateTempFlagForEntry', payload: { file: parent, tempFile: false } }], ); }); it('does not dispatch for parent, if parent does not exist', () => { const f = { ...file(), path: 'test', parentPath: 'testing', }; store.state.entries[f.path] = f; return testAction( updateTempFlagForEntry, { file: f, tempFile: false }, store.state, [{ type: 'UPDATE_TEMP_FLAG', payload: { path: f.path, tempFile: false } }], [], ); }); }); describe('setCurrentBranchId', () => { it('commits setCurrentBranchId', () => { return testAction( setCurrentBranchId, 'branchId', {}, [{ type: 'SET_CURRENT_BRANCH', payload: 'branchId' }], [], ); }); }); describe('toggleFileFinder', () => { it('commits TOGGLE_FILE_FINDER', () => { return testAction( toggleFileFinder, true, null, [{ type: 'TOGGLE_FILE_FINDER', payload: true }], [], ); }); }); describe('setErrorMessage', () => { it('commis error messsage', () => { return testAction( setErrorMessage, 'error', null, [{ type: types.SET_ERROR_MESSAGE, payload: 'error' }], [], ); }); }); describe('deleteEntry', () => { it('commits entry deletion', () => { store.state.entries.path = 'testing'; return testAction( deleteEntry, 'path', store.state, [{ type: types.DELETE_ENTRY, payload: 'path' }], [{ type: 'stageChange', payload: 'path' }, createTriggerChangeAction()], ); }); it('does not delete a folder after it is emptied', () => { const testFolder = { type: 'tree', tree: [], }; const testEntry = { path: 'testFolder/entry-to-delete', parentPath: 'testFolder', opened: false, tree: [], }; testFolder.tree.push(testEntry); store.state.entries = { testFolder, 'testFolder/entry-to-delete': testEntry, }; return testAction( deleteEntry, 'testFolder/entry-to-delete', store.state, [{ type: types.DELETE_ENTRY, payload: 'testFolder/entry-to-delete' }], [ { type: 'stageChange', payload: 'testFolder/entry-to-delete' }, createTriggerChangeAction(), ], ); }); describe('when renamed', () => { let testEntry; beforeEach(() => { testEntry = { path: 'test', name: 'test', prevPath: 'test_old', prevName: 'test_old', prevParentPath: '', }; store.state.entries = { test: testEntry }; }); describe('and previous does not exist', () => { it('reverts the rename before deleting', () => { return testAction( deleteEntry, testEntry.path, store.state, [], [ { type: 'renameEntry', payload: { path: testEntry.path, name: testEntry.prevName, parentPath: testEntry.prevParentPath, }, }, { type: 'deleteEntry', payload: testEntry.prevPath, }, ], ); }); }); describe('and previous exists', () => { beforeEach(() => { const oldEntry = { path: testEntry.prevPath, name: testEntry.prevName, }; store.state.entries[oldEntry.path] = oldEntry; }); it('does not revert rename before deleting', () => { return testAction( deleteEntry, testEntry.path, store.state, [{ type: types.DELETE_ENTRY, payload: testEntry.path }], [{ type: 'stageChange', payload: testEntry.path }, createTriggerChangeAction()], ); }); it('when previous is deleted, it reverts rename before deleting', () => { store.state.entries[testEntry.prevPath].deleted = true; return testAction( deleteEntry, testEntry.path, store.state, [], [ { type: 'renameEntry', payload: { path: testEntry.path, name: testEntry.prevName, parentPath: testEntry.prevParentPath, }, }, { type: 'deleteEntry', payload: testEntry.prevPath, }, ], ); }); }); }); }); describe('renameEntry', () => { describe('purging of file model cache', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit').mockImplementation(); }); it('does not purge model cache for temporary entries that got renamed', async () => { Object.assign(store.state.entries, { test: { ...file('test'), key: 'foo-key', type: 'blob', tempFile: true, }, }); await store.dispatch('renameEntry', { path: 'test', name: 'new', }); expect(eventHub.$emit.mock.calls).not.toContain(''); }); it('purges model cache for renamed entry', async () => { Object.assign(store.state.entries, { test: { ...file('test'), key: 'foo-key', type: 'blob', tempFile: false, }, }); await store.dispatch('renameEntry', { path: 'test', name: 'new', }); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(``); }); }); describe('single entry', () => { let origEntry; let renamedEntry; beforeEach(() => { // Need to insert both because `testAction` doesn't actually call the mutation origEntry = file('orig', 'orig', 'blob'); renamedEntry = { ...file('renamed', 'renamed', 'blob'), prevKey: origEntry.key, prevName:, prevPath: origEntry.path, }; Object.assign(store.state.entries, { orig: origEntry, renamed: renamedEntry, }); }); it('by default renames an entry and stages it', () => { const dispatch = jest.fn(); const commit = jest.fn(); renameEntry( { dispatch, commit, state: store.state, getters: store.getters }, { path: 'orig', name: 'renamed' }, ); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.RENAME_ENTRY, { path: 'orig', name: 'renamed', parentPath: undefined }], [types.STAGE_CHANGE, expect.objectContaining({ path: 'renamed' })], ]); }); it('if not changed, completely unstages and discards entry if renamed to original', () => { return testAction( renameEntry, { path: 'renamed', name: 'orig' }, store.state, [ { type: types.RENAME_ENTRY, payload: { path: 'renamed', name: 'orig', parentPath: undefined, }, }, { type: types.REMOVE_FILE_FROM_STAGED_AND_CHANGED, payload: origEntry, }, ], [createTriggerRenameAction('renamed', 'orig')], ); }); it('if already in changed, does not add to change', () => { store.state.changedFiles.push(renamedEntry); return testAction( renameEntry, { path: 'orig', name: 'renamed' }, store.state, [expect.objectContaining({ type: types.RENAME_ENTRY })], [createTriggerRenameAction('orig', 'renamed')], ); }); it('routes to the renamed file if the original file has been opened', async () => { store.state.currentProjectId = 'test/test'; store.state.currentBranchId = 'main'; Object.assign(store.state.entries.orig, { opened: true, }); await store.dispatch('renameEntry', { path: 'orig', name: 'renamed', }); expect(router.push.mock.calls).toHaveLength(1); expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`/project/test/test/tree/main/-/renamed/`); }); }); describe('folder', () => { let folder; let file1; let file2; beforeEach(() => { folder = file('folder', 'folder', 'tree'); file1 = file('file-1', 'file-1', 'blob', folder); file2 = file('file-2', 'file-2', 'blob', folder); folder.tree = [file1, file2]; Object.assign(store.state.entries, { [folder.path]: folder, [file1.path]: file1, [file2.path]: file2, }); }); it('updates entries in a folder correctly, when folder is renamed', async () => { await store.dispatch('renameEntry', { path: 'folder', name: 'new-folder', }); const keys = Object.keys(store.state.entries); expect(keys.length).toBe(3); expect(keys.indexOf('new-folder')).toBe(0); expect(keys.indexOf('new-folder/file-1')).toBe(1); expect(keys.indexOf('new-folder/file-2')).toBe(2); }); it('discards renaming of an entry if the root folder is renamed back to a previous name', async () => { const rootFolder = file('old-folder', 'old-folder', 'tree'); const testEntry = file('test', 'test', 'blob', rootFolder); Object.assign(store.state, { entries: { 'old-folder': { ...rootFolder, tree: [testEntry], }, 'old-folder/test': testEntry, }, }); await store.dispatch('renameEntry', { path: 'old-folder', name: 'new-folder', }); const { entries } = store.state; expect(Object.keys(entries).length).toBe(2); expect(entries['old-folder']).toBeUndefined(); expect(entries['old-folder/test']).toBeUndefined(); expect(entries['new-folder']).toBeDefined(); expect(entries['new-folder/test']).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ path: 'new-folder/test', name: 'test', prevPath: 'old-folder/test', prevName: 'test', }), ); await store.dispatch('renameEntry', { path: 'new-folder', name: 'old-folder', }); const { entries: newEntries } = store.state; expect(Object.keys(newEntries).length).toBe(2); expect(newEntries['new-folder']).toBeUndefined(); expect(newEntries['new-folder/test']).toBeUndefined(); expect(newEntries['old-folder']).toBeDefined(); expect(newEntries['old-folder/test']).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ path: 'old-folder/test', name: 'test', prevPath: undefined, prevName: undefined, }), ); }); describe('with file in directory', () => { const parentPath = 'original-dir'; const newParentPath = 'new-dir'; const fileName = ''; const filePath = `${parentPath}/${fileName}`; let rootDir; beforeEach(() => { const parentEntry = file(parentPath, parentPath, 'tree'); const fileEntry = file(filePath, filePath, 'blob', parentEntry); rootDir = { tree: [], }; Object.assign(store.state, { entries: { [parentPath]: { ...parentEntry, tree: [fileEntry], }, [filePath]: fileEntry, }, trees: { '/': rootDir, }, }); }); it('creates new directory', async () => { expect(store.state.entries[newParentPath]).toBeUndefined(); await store.dispatch('renameEntry', { path: filePath, name: fileName, parentPath: newParentPath, }); expect(store.state.entries[newParentPath]).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ path: newParentPath, type: 'tree', tree: expect.arrayContaining([store.state.entries[`${newParentPath}/${fileName}`]]), }), ); }); describe('when new directory exists', () => { let newDir; beforeEach(() => { newDir = file(newParentPath, newParentPath, 'tree'); store.state.entries[newDir.path] = newDir; rootDir.tree.push(newDir); }); it('inserts in new directory', async () => { expect(newDir.tree).toEqual([]); await store.dispatch('renameEntry', { path: filePath, name: fileName, parentPath: newParentPath, }); expect(newDir.tree).toEqual([store.state.entries[`${newParentPath}/${fileName}`]]); }); it('when new directory is deleted, it undeletes it', async () => { await store.dispatch('deleteEntry', newParentPath); expect(store.state.entries[newParentPath].deleted).toBe(true); expect(rootDir.tree.some((x) => x.path === newParentPath)).toBe(false); await store.dispatch('renameEntry', { path: filePath, name: fileName, parentPath: newParentPath, }); expect(store.state.entries[newParentPath].deleted).toBe(false); expect(rootDir.tree.some((x) => x.path === newParentPath)).toBe(true); }); }); }); }); }); describe('getBranchData', () => { let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); describe('error', () => { let dispatch; let callParams; beforeEach(() => { callParams = [ { commit() {}, state: store.state, }, { projectId: 'abc/def', branchId: 'main-testing', }, ]; dispatch = jest.fn(); document.body.innerHTML += '
'; }); afterEach(() => { document.querySelector('.flash-container').remove(); }); it('passes the error further unchanged without dispatching any action when response is 404', async () => { mock.onGet(/(.*)/).replyOnce(HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); await expect(getBranchData(...callParams)).rejects.toEqual( new Error('Request failed with status code 404'), ); expect(dispatch.mock.calls).toHaveLength(0); expect(document.querySelector('.flash-alert')).toBeNull(); }); it('does not pass the error further and flashes an alert if error is not 404', async () => { mock.onGet(/(.*)/).replyOnce(HTTP_STATUS_IM_A_TEAPOT); await expect(getBranchData(...callParams)).rejects.toEqual( new Error('Branch not loaded - abc/def/main-testing'), ); expect(dispatch.mock.calls).toHaveLength(0); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); });