import { GlEmptyState, GlButton } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import ClustersEmptyState from '~/clusters_list/components/clusters_empty_state.vue'; import ClusterStore from '~/clusters_list/store'; const clustersEmptyStateImage = 'path/to/svg'; const newClusterPath = '/path/to/connect/cluster'; const emptyStateHelpText = 'empty state text'; const canAddCluster = true; describe('ClustersEmptyStateComponent', () => { let wrapper; const propsData = { isChildComponent: false, }; const provideData = { clustersEmptyStateImage, emptyStateHelpText: null, newClusterPath, }; const entryData = { canAddCluster, }; const findButton = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlButton); const findEmptyStateText = () => wrapper.findByTestId('clusters-empty-state-text'); beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallowMountExtended(ClustersEmptyState, { store: ClusterStore(entryData), propsData, provide: provideData, stubs: { GlEmptyState }, }); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('when the component is loaded independently', () => { it('should render the action button', () => { expect(findButton().exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when the help text is not provided', () => { it('should not render the empty state text', () => { expect(findEmptyStateText().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when the component is loaded as a child component', () => { beforeEach(() => { propsData.isChildComponent = true; wrapper = shallowMountExtended(ClustersEmptyState, { store: ClusterStore(entryData), propsData, provide: provideData, }); }); afterEach(() => { propsData.isChildComponent = false; }); it('should not render the action button', () => { expect(findButton().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when the help text is provided', () => { beforeEach(() => { provideData.emptyStateHelpText = emptyStateHelpText; wrapper = shallowMountExtended(ClustersEmptyState, { store: ClusterStore(entryData), propsData, provide: provideData, }); }); it('should show the empty state text', () => { expect(findEmptyStateText().text()).toBe(emptyStateHelpText); }); }); describe('when the user cannot add clusters', () => { entryData.canAddCluster = false; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallowMountExtended(ClustersEmptyState, { store: ClusterStore(entryData), propsData, provide: provideData, stubs: { GlEmptyState }, }); }); it('should disable the button', () => { expect(findButton().props('disabled')).toBe(true); }); }); });