# frozen_string_literal: true Gitlab::Experiment.configure do |config| # The base experiment class that will be instantiated when using the # `experiment` DSL, is our ApplicationExperiment. If a custom experiment # class is resolvable by the experiment name, that will be instantiated # instead -- which can then inherit from whatever else it wants to. # # Custom experiment classes can be defined in /app/experiments. # config.base_class = 'ApplicationExperiment' # Mount the engine and middleware at a gitlab friendly style path. # # The middleware currently focuses only on handling redirection logic, which # is used for instrumenting urls in places where urls are otherwise not # possible to instrument. Emails, and markdown content being among the top # places where this can be useful. # config.mount_at = '/-/experiment' # We use a long lived redis cache to increase the performance of experiments. # # Experiments can implement exclusionary and segmentation logic that can be # expensive, and so to better handle these cases, once a variant is assigned # to a given context, it's "sticky" to that context. This cache check is one # of the first things in the process of variant resolution, and so if one is # cached, no further logic is executed in resolving variant assignment. # # This means that there's no easy way to currently move a context from one # variant to another. Future tooling will make this easier, but implementing # a custom cache for your experiment may be required in edge cases. # config.cache = Gitlab::Experiment::Cache::RedisHashStore.new( pool: ->(&block) { Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with(&block) } ) # The middleware instruments and redirects urls, but we don't want this to be # exploited or used to send people from a trusted site to a nefarious one. So # we validate urls before redirecting them. # # This behavior doesn't make perfect sense for self managed installs either, # so we don't think we should redirect in those cases. # valid_domains = %w[about.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com gitlab.com] config.redirect_url_validator = lambda do |url| Gitlab.dev_env_or_com? && (url = URI.parse(url)) && valid_domains.include?(url.host) rescue URI::InvalidURIError false end # Experiments are instrumented using an event based system by default. This # can be overridden in your experiment by specifying a `#track` method. # # The basic behavior though, is to accept any details and pass them along to # snowplow, with an included gitlab_experiment schema, that has various # details about the experiment, like name and variant assignment. # # This uses the Gitlab::Tracking interface, so arbitrary event properties are # permitted, and will be sent along using Gitlab::Tracking::StandardContext. # config.tracking_behavior = lambda do |action, event_args| Gitlab::Tracking.event(name, action.to_s, **event_args.merge( context: (event_args[:context] || []) << SnowplowTracker::SelfDescribingJson.new( 'iglu:com.gitlab/gitlab_experiment/jsonschema/1-0-0', signature ) )) end end