import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import * as commonUtils from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { faviconDataUrl, overlayDataUrl, faviconWithOverlayDataUrl } from './mock_data'; describe('common_utils', () => { describe('parseUrl', () => { it('returns an anchor tag with url', () => { expect(commonUtils.parseUrl('/some/absolute/url').pathname).toContain('some/absolute/url'); }); it('url is escaped', () => { // IE11 will return a relative pathname while other browsers will return a full pathname. // parseUrl uses an anchor element for parsing an url. With relative urls, the anchor // element will create an absolute url relative to the current execution context. // The JavaScript test suite is executed at '/' which will lead to an absolute url // starting with '/'. expect(commonUtils.parseUrl('" test="asf"').pathname).toContain('/%22%20test=%22asf%22'); }); }); describe('parseUrlPathname', () => { it('returns an absolute url when given an absolute url', () => { expect(commonUtils.parseUrlPathname('/some/absolute/url')).toEqual('/some/absolute/url'); }); it('returns an absolute url when given a relative url', () => { expect(commonUtils.parseUrlPathname('some/relative/url')).toEqual('/some/relative/url'); }); }); describe('urlParamsToArray', () => { it('returns empty array for empty querystring', () => { expect(commonUtils.urlParamsToArray('')).toEqual([]); }); it('should decode params', () => { expect(commonUtils.urlParamsToArray('?label_name%5B%5D=test')[0]).toBe('label_name[]=test'); }); it('should remove the question mark from the search params', () => { const paramsArray = commonUtils.urlParamsToArray('?test=thing'); expect(paramsArray[0][0]).not.toBe('?'); }); }); describe('urlParamsToObject', () => { it('parses path for label with trailing +', () => { expect(commonUtils.urlParamsToObject('label_name[]=label%2B', {})).toEqual({ label_name: ['label+'], }); }); it('parses path for milestone with trailing +', () => { expect(commonUtils.urlParamsToObject('milestone_title=A%2B', {})).toEqual({ milestone_title: 'A+', }); }); it('parses path for search terms with spaces', () => { expect(commonUtils.urlParamsToObject('search=two+words', {})).toEqual({ search: 'two words', }); }); }); describe('handleLocationHash', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(window.document, 'getElementById').and.callThrough(); }); afterEach(() => { window.history.pushState({}, null, ''); }); function expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith(elementId) { expect(window.document.getElementById).toHaveBeenCalledWith(elementId); } it('decodes hash parameter', () => { window.history.pushState({}, null, '#random-hash'); commonUtils.handleLocationHash(); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('random-hash'); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('user-content-random-hash'); }); it('decodes cyrillic hash parameter', () => { window.history.pushState({}, null, '#definição'); commonUtils.handleLocationHash(); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('definição'); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('user-content-definição'); }); it('decodes encoded cyrillic hash parameter', () => { window.history.pushState({}, null, '#defini%C3%A7%C3%A3o'); commonUtils.handleLocationHash(); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('definição'); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('user-content-definição'); }); it('scrolls element into view', () => { document.body.innerHTML += `
`; window.history.pushState({}, null, '#test'); commonUtils.handleLocationHash(); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('test'); expect(window.scrollY).toBe(document.getElementById('test').offsetTop); document.getElementById('parent').remove(); }); it('scrolls user content element into view', () => { document.body.innerHTML += `
`; window.history.pushState({}, null, '#test'); commonUtils.handleLocationHash(); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('test'); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('user-content-test'); expect(window.scrollY).toBe(document.getElementById('user-content-test').offsetTop); document.getElementById('parent').remove(); }); it('scrolls to element with offset from navbar', () => { spyOn(window, 'scrollBy').and.callThrough(); document.body.innerHTML += `
`; window.history.pushState({}, null, '#test'); commonUtils.handleLocationHash(); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('test'); expectGetElementIdToHaveBeenCalledWith('user-content-test'); expect(window.scrollY).toBe(document.getElementById('user-content-test').offsetTop - 50); expect(window.scrollBy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, -50); document.getElementById('parent').remove(); }); }); describe('historyPushState', () => { afterEach(() => { window.history.replaceState({}, null, null); }); it('should call pushState with the correct path', () => { spyOn(window.history, 'pushState'); commonUtils.historyPushState('newpath?page=2'); expect(window.history.pushState).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(window.history.pushState.calls.allArgs()[0][2]).toContain('newpath?page=2'); }); }); describe('parseQueryStringIntoObject', () => { it('should return object with query parameters', () => { expect(commonUtils.parseQueryStringIntoObject('scope=all&page=2')).toEqual({ scope: 'all', page: '2', }); expect(commonUtils.parseQueryStringIntoObject('scope=all')).toEqual({ scope: 'all' }); expect(commonUtils.parseQueryStringIntoObject()).toEqual({}); }); }); describe('objectToQueryString', () => { it('returns empty string when `param` is undefined, null or empty string', () => { expect(commonUtils.objectToQueryString()).toBe(''); expect(commonUtils.objectToQueryString('')).toBe(''); }); it('returns query string with values of `params`', () => { const singleQueryParams = { foo: true }; const multipleQueryParams = { foo: true, bar: true }; expect(commonUtils.objectToQueryString(singleQueryParams)).toBe('foo=true'); expect(commonUtils.objectToQueryString(multipleQueryParams)).toBe('foo=true&bar=true'); }); }); describe('buildUrlWithCurrentLocation', () => { it('should build an url with current location and given parameters', () => { expect(commonUtils.buildUrlWithCurrentLocation()).toEqual(window.location.pathname); expect(commonUtils.buildUrlWithCurrentLocation('?page=2')).toEqual( `${window.location.pathname}?page=2`, ); }); }); describe('getParameterByName', () => { beforeEach(() => { window.history.pushState({}, null, '?scope=all&p=2'); }); afterEach(() => { window.history.replaceState({}, null, null); }); it('should return valid parameter', () => { const value = commonUtils.getParameterByName('scope'); expect(commonUtils.getParameterByName('p')).toEqual('2'); expect(value).toBe('all'); }); it('should return invalid parameter', () => { const value = commonUtils.getParameterByName('fakeParameter'); expect(value).toBe(null); }); it('should return valid paramentes if URL is provided', () => { let value = commonUtils.getParameterByName('foo', 'http://cocteau.twins/?foo=bar'); expect(value).toBe('bar'); value = commonUtils.getParameterByName('manan', 'http://cocteau.twins/?foo=bar&manan=canchu'); expect(value).toBe('canchu'); }); }); describe('normalizedHeaders', () => { it('should upperCase all the header keys to keep them consistent', () => { const apiHeaders = { 'X-Something-Workhorse': { workhorse: 'ok' }, 'x-something-nginx': { nginx: 'ok' }, }; const normalized = commonUtils.normalizeHeaders(apiHeaders); const WORKHORSE = 'X-SOMETHING-WORKHORSE'; const NGINX = 'X-SOMETHING-NGINX'; expect(normalized[WORKHORSE].workhorse).toBe('ok'); expect(normalized[NGINX].nginx).toBe('ok'); }); }); describe('normalizeCRLFHeaders', () => { beforeEach(function() { this.CLRFHeaders = 'a-header: a-value\nAnother-Header: ANOTHER-VALUE\nLaSt-HeAdEr: last-VALUE'; spyOn(String.prototype, 'split').and.callThrough(); this.normalizeCRLFHeaders = commonUtils.normalizeCRLFHeaders(this.CLRFHeaders); }); it('should split by newline', function() { expect(String.prototype.split).toHaveBeenCalledWith('\n'); }); it('should split by colon+space for each header', function() { expect(String.prototype.split.calls.allArgs().filter(args => args[0] === ': ').length).toBe( 3, ); }); it('should return a normalized headers object', function() { expect(this.normalizeCRLFHeaders).toEqual({ 'A-HEADER': 'a-value', 'ANOTHER-HEADER': 'ANOTHER-VALUE', 'LAST-HEADER': 'last-VALUE', }); }); }); describe('parseIntPagination', () => { it('should parse to integers all string values and return pagination object', () => { const pagination = { 'X-PER-PAGE': 10, 'X-PAGE': 2, 'X-TOTAL': 30, 'X-TOTAL-PAGES': 3, 'X-NEXT-PAGE': 3, 'X-PREV-PAGE': 1, }; const expectedPagination = { perPage: 10, page: 2, total: 30, totalPages: 3, nextPage: 3, previousPage: 1, }; expect(commonUtils.parseIntPagination(pagination)).toEqual(expectedPagination); }); }); describe('isMetaClick', () => { it('should identify meta click on Windows/Linux', () => { const e = { metaKey: false, ctrlKey: true, which: 1, }; expect(commonUtils.isMetaClick(e)).toBe(true); }); it('should identify meta click on macOS', () => { const e = { metaKey: true, ctrlKey: false, which: 1, }; expect(commonUtils.isMetaClick(e)).toBe(true); }); it('should identify as meta click on middle-click or Mouse-wheel click', () => { const e = { metaKey: false, ctrlKey: false, which: 2, }; expect(commonUtils.isMetaClick(e)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('parseBoolean', () => { it('returns true for "true"', () => { expect(commonUtils.parseBoolean('true')).toEqual(true); }); it('returns false for "false"', () => { expect(commonUtils.parseBoolean('false')).toEqual(false); }); it('returns false for "something"', () => { expect(commonUtils.parseBoolean('something')).toEqual(false); }); it('returns false for null', () => { expect(commonUtils.parseBoolean(null)).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('convertPermissionToBoolean', () => { it('should convert a boolean in a string to a boolean', () => { expect(commonUtils.convertPermissionToBoolean('true')).toEqual(true); expect(commonUtils.convertPermissionToBoolean('false')).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('backOff', () => { beforeEach(() => { // shortcut our timeouts otherwise these tests will take a long time to finish const origSetTimeout = window.setTimeout; spyOn(window, 'setTimeout').and.callFake(cb => origSetTimeout(cb, 0)); }); it('solves the promise from the callback', done => { const expectedResponseValue = 'Success!'; commonUtils .backOff((next, stop) => new Promise(resolve => { resolve(expectedResponseValue); }) .then(resp => { stop(resp); }) .catch(, ) .then(respBackoff => { expect(respBackoff).toBe(expectedResponseValue); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('catches the rejected promise from the callback ', done => { const errorMessage = 'Mistakes were made!'; commonUtils .backOff((next, stop) => { new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject(new Error(errorMessage)); }) .then(resp => { stop(resp); }) .catch(err => stop(err)); }) .catch(errBackoffResp => { expect(errBackoffResp instanceof Error).toBe(true); expect(errBackoffResp.message).toBe(errorMessage); done(); }); }); it('solves the promise correctly after retrying a third time', done => { let numberOfCalls = 1; const expectedResponseValue = 'Success!'; commonUtils .backOff((next, stop) => Promise.resolve(expectedResponseValue) .then(resp => { if (numberOfCalls < 3) { numberOfCalls += 1; next(); } else { stop(resp); } }) .catch(, ) .then(respBackoff => { const timeouts = window.setTimeout.calls.allArgs().map(([, timeout]) => timeout); expect(timeouts).toEqual([2000, 4000]); expect(respBackoff).toBe(expectedResponseValue); done(); }) .catch(; }); it('rejects the backOff promise after timing out', done => { commonUtils .backOff(next => next(), 64000) .catch(errBackoffResp => { const timeouts = window.setTimeout.calls.allArgs().map(([, timeout]) => timeout); expect(timeouts).toEqual([2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 32000]); expect(errBackoffResp instanceof Error).toBe(true); expect(errBackoffResp.message).toBe('BACKOFF_TIMEOUT'); done(); }); }); }); describe('setFavicon', () => { beforeEach(() => { const favicon = document.createElement('link'); favicon.setAttribute('id', 'favicon'); favicon.setAttribute('href', 'default/favicon'); favicon.setAttribute('data-default-href', 'default/favicon'); document.body.appendChild(favicon); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('favicon')); }); it('should set page favicon to provided favicon', () => { const faviconPath = '//custom_favicon'; commonUtils.setFavicon(faviconPath); expect(document.getElementById('favicon').getAttribute('href')).toEqual(faviconPath); }); }); describe('resetFavicon', () => { beforeEach(() => { const favicon = document.createElement('link'); favicon.setAttribute('id', 'favicon'); favicon.setAttribute('data-original-href', 'default/favicon'); document.body.appendChild(favicon); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('favicon')); }); it('should reset page favicon to the default icon', () => { const favicon = document.getElementById('favicon'); favicon.setAttribute('href', 'new/favicon'); commonUtils.resetFavicon(); expect(document.getElementById('favicon').getAttribute('href')).toEqual('default/favicon'); }); }); describe('createOverlayIcon', () => { it('should return the favicon with the overlay', done => { commonUtils .createOverlayIcon(faviconDataUrl, overlayDataUrl) .then(url => { expect(url).toEqual(faviconWithOverlayDataUrl); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('setFaviconOverlay', () => { beforeEach(() => { const favicon = document.createElement('link'); favicon.setAttribute('id', 'favicon'); favicon.setAttribute('data-original-href', faviconDataUrl); document.body.appendChild(favicon); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('favicon')); }); it('should set page favicon to provided favicon overlay', done => { commonUtils .setFaviconOverlay(overlayDataUrl) .then(() => { expect(document.getElementById('favicon').getAttribute('href')).toEqual( faviconWithOverlayDataUrl, ); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('setCiStatusFavicon', () => { const BUILD_URL = `${gl.TEST_HOST}/frontend-fixtures/builds-project/-/jobs/1/status.json`; let mock; beforeEach(() => { const favicon = document.createElement('link'); favicon.setAttribute('id', 'favicon'); favicon.setAttribute('href', 'null'); favicon.setAttribute('data-original-href', faviconDataUrl); document.body.appendChild(favicon); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('favicon')); }); it('should reset favicon in case of error', done => { mock.onGet(BUILD_URL).replyOnce(500); commonUtils.setCiStatusFavicon(BUILD_URL).catch(() => { const favicon = document.getElementById('favicon'); expect(favicon.getAttribute('href')).toEqual(faviconDataUrl); done(); }); }); it('should set page favicon to CI status favicon based on provided status', done => { mock.onGet(BUILD_URL).reply(200, { favicon: overlayDataUrl, }); commonUtils .setCiStatusFavicon(BUILD_URL) .then(() => { const favicon = document.getElementById('favicon'); expect(favicon.getAttribute('href')).toEqual(faviconWithOverlayDataUrl); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('spriteIcon', () => { let beforeGon; beforeEach(() => { window.gon = window.gon || {}; beforeGon = Object.assign({}, window.gon); window.gon.sprite_icons = 'icons.svg'; }); afterEach(() => { window.gon = beforeGon; }); it('should return the svg for a linked icon', () => { expect(commonUtils.spriteIcon('test')).toEqual( '', ); }); it('should set svg className when passed', () => { expect(commonUtils.spriteIcon('test', 'fa fa-test')).toEqual( '', ); }); }); describe('convertObjectPropsToCamelCase', () => { it('returns new object with camelCase property names by converting object with snake_case names', () => { const snakeRegEx = /(_\w)/g; const mockObj = { id: 1, group_name: '', absolute_web_url: '', }; const mappings = { id: 'id', groupName: 'group_name', absoluteWebUrl: 'absolute_web_url', }; const convertedObj = commonUtils.convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(mockObj); Object.keys(convertedObj).forEach(prop => { expect(snakeRegEx.test(prop)).toBeFalsy(); expect(convertedObj[prop]).toBe(mockObj[mappings[prop]]); }); }); it('return empty object if method is called with null or undefined', () => { expect(Object.keys(commonUtils.convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(null)).length).toBe(0); expect(Object.keys(commonUtils.convertObjectPropsToCamelCase()).length).toBe(0); expect(Object.keys(commonUtils.convertObjectPropsToCamelCase({})).length).toBe(0); }); it('does not deep-convert by default', () => { const obj = { snake_key: { child_snake_key: 'value', }, }; expect(commonUtils.convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(obj)).toEqual({ snakeKey: { child_snake_key: 'value', }, }); }); describe('deep: true', () => { it('converts object with child objects', () => { const obj = { snake_key: { child_snake_key: 'value', }, }; expect(commonUtils.convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(obj, { deep: true })).toEqual({ snakeKey: { childSnakeKey: 'value', }, }); }); it('converts array with child objects', () => { const arr = [ { child_snake_key: 'value', }, ]; expect(commonUtils.convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(arr, { deep: true })).toEqual([ { childSnakeKey: 'value', }, ]); }); it('converts array with child arrays', () => { const arr = [ [ { child_snake_key: 'value', }, ], ]; expect(commonUtils.convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(arr, { deep: true })).toEqual([ [ { childSnakeKey: 'value', }, ], ]); }); }); }); describe('roundOffFloat', () => { it('Rounds off decimal places of a float number with provided precision', () => { expect(commonUtils.roundOffFloat(3.141592, 3)).toBe(3.142); }); it('Rounds off a float number to a whole number when provided precision is zero', () => { expect(commonUtils.roundOffFloat(3.141592, 0)).toBe(3); expect(commonUtils.roundOffFloat(3.5, 0)).toBe(4); }); it('Rounds off float number to nearest 0, 10, 100, 1000 and so on when provided precision is below 0', () => { expect(commonUtils.roundOffFloat(34567.14159, -1)).toBe(34570); expect(commonUtils.roundOffFloat(34567.14159, -2)).toBe(34600); expect(commonUtils.roundOffFloat(34567.14159, -3)).toBe(35000); expect(commonUtils.roundOffFloat(34567.14159, -4)).toBe(30000); expect(commonUtils.roundOffFloat(34567.14159, -5)).toBe(0); }); }); });