- breadcrumb_title s_("Profiles|Edit Profile") - @content_class = "limit-container-width" unless fluid_layout - gravatar_link = link_to Gitlab.config.gravatar.host, 'https://' + Gitlab.config.gravatar.host = bootstrap_form_for @user, url: profile_path, method: :put, html: { multipart: true, class: 'edit-user prepend-top-default js-quick-submit' }, authenticity_token: true do |f| = form_errors(@user) .row .col-lg-4.profile-settings-sidebar %h4.prepend-top-0 = s_("Profiles|Public Avatar") %p - if @user.avatar? - if gravatar_enabled? = s_("Profiles|You can change your avatar here or remove the current avatar to revert to %{gravatar_link}").html_safe % { gravatar_link: gravatar_link } - else = s_("Profiles|You can change your avatar here") - else - if gravatar_enabled? = s_("Profiles|You can upload your avatar here or change it at %{gravatar_link}").html_safe % { gravatar_link: gravatar_link } - else = s_("Profiles|You can upload your avatar here") .col-lg-8 .clearfix.avatar-image.append-bottom-default = link_to avatar_icon_for_user(@user, 400), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' do = image_tag avatar_icon_for_user(@user, 160), alt: '', class: 'avatar s160' %h5.prepend-top-0= s_("Profiles|Upload new avatar") .prepend-top-5.append-bottom-10 %button.btn.js-choose-user-avatar-button{ type: 'button' }= s_("Profiles|Choose file...") %span.avatar-file-name.prepend-left-default.js-avatar-filename= s_("Profiles|No file chosen") = f.file_field_without_bootstrap :avatar, class: 'js-user-avatar-input hidden', accept: 'image/*' .form-text.text-muted= s_("Profiles|The maximum file size allowed is 200KB.") - if @user.avatar? %hr = link_to s_("Profiles|Remove avatar"), profile_avatar_path, data: { confirm: s_("Profiles|Avatar will be removed. Are you sure?") }, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger btn-inverted' %hr .row .col-lg-4.profile-settings-sidebar %h4.prepend-top-0= s_("Profiles|Current status") %p= s_("Profiles|This emoji and message will appear on your profile and throughout the interface.") .col-lg-8 = f.fields_for :status, @user.status do |status_form| - emoji_button = button_tag type: :button, class: 'js-toggle-emoji-menu emoji-menu-toggle-button btn has-tooltip', title: s_("Profiles|Add status emoji") do - if @user.status = emoji_icon @user.status.emoji %span#js-no-emoji-placeholder.no-emoji-placeholder{ class: ('hidden' if @user.status) } = sprite_icon('emoji_slightly_smiling_face', css_class: 'award-control-icon-neutral') = sprite_icon('emoji_smiley', css_class: 'award-control-icon-positive') = sprite_icon('emoji_smile', css_class: 'award-control-icon-super-positive') - reset_message_button = button_tag type: :button, id: 'js-clear-user-status-button', class: 'clear-user-status btn has-tooltip', title: s_("Profiles|Clear status") do = sprite_icon("close") = status_form.hidden_field :emoji, id: 'js-status-emoji-field' = status_form.text_field :message, id: 'js-status-message-field', class: 'form-control input-lg', label: s_("Profiles|Your status"), prepend: emoji_button, append: reset_message_button, placeholder: s_("Profiles|What's your status?") %hr .row .col-lg-4.profile-settings-sidebar %h4.prepend-top-0 = s_("Profiles|Main settings") %p = s_("Profiles|This information will appear on your profile") - if current_user.ldap_user? = s_("Profiles|Some options are unavailable for LDAP accounts") .col-lg-8 .row - if @user.read_only_attribute?(:name) = f.text_field :name, required: true, readonly: true, wrapper: { class: 'col-md-9' }, help: s_("Profiles|Your name was automatically set based on your %{provider_label} account, so people you know can recognize you") % { provider_label: attribute_provider_label(:name) } - else = f.text_field :name, label: 'Full name', required: true, wrapper: { class: 'col-md-9' }, help: s_("Profiles|Enter your name, so people you know can recognize you") = f.text_field :id, readonly: true, label: 'User ID', wrapper: { class: 'col-md-3' } - if @user.read_only_attribute?(:email) = f.text_field :email, required: true, class: 'input-lg', readonly: true, help: s_("Profiles|Your email address was automatically set based on your %{provider_label} account") % { provider_label: attribute_provider_label(:email) } - else = f.text_field :email, required: true, class: 'input-lg', value: (@user.email unless @user.temp_oauth_email?), help: user_email_help_text(@user) = f.select :public_email, options_for_select(@user.all_emails, selected: @user.public_email), { help: s_("Profiles|This email will be displayed on your public profile"), include_blank: s_("Profiles|Do not show on profile") }, control_class: 'select2 input-lg' - commit_email_docs_link = link_to s_('Profiles|Learn more'), help_page_path('user/profile/index', anchor: 'commit-email', target: '_blank') = f.select :commit_email, options_for_select(commit_email_select_options(@user), selected: selected_commit_email(@user)), { help: s_("Profiles|This email will be used for web based operations, such as edits and merges. %{learn_more}").html_safe % { learn_more: commit_email_docs_link } }, control_class: 'select2 input-lg' = f.select :preferred_language, Gitlab::I18n::AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES.map { |value, label| [label, value] }, { help: s_("Profiles|This feature is experimental and translations are not complete yet") }, control_class: 'select2 input-lg' = f.text_field :skype, class: 'input-md', placeholder: s_("Profiles|username") = f.text_field :linkedin, class: 'input-md', help: s_("Profiles|Your LinkedIn profile name from linkedin.com/in/profilename") = f.text_field :twitter, class: 'input-md', placeholder: s_("Profiles|@username") = f.text_field :website_url, class: 'input-lg', placeholder: s_("Profiles|website.com") - if @user.read_only_attribute?(:location) = f.text_field :location, readonly: true, help: s_("Profiles|Your location was automatically set based on your %{provider_label} account") % { provider_label: attribute_provider_label(:location) } - else = f.text_field :location, class: 'input-lg', placeholder: s_("Profiles|City, country") = f.text_field :organization, class: 'input-md', help: s_("Profiles|Who you represent or work for") = f.text_area :bio, rows: 4, maxlength: 250, help: s_("Profiles|Tell us about yourself in fewer than 250 characters") %hr %h5= ("Private profile") .checkbox-icon-inline-wrapper - private_profile_label = capture do = s_("Profiles|Don't display activity-related personal information on your profiles") = f.check_box :private_profile, label: private_profile_label = link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/profile/index.md', anchor: 'private-profile') %h5= s_("Profiles|Private contributions") = f.check_box :include_private_contributions, label: 'Include private contributions on my profile' .help-block = s_("Profiles|Choose to show contributions of private projects on your public profile without any project, repository or organization information") .prepend-top-default.append-bottom-default = f.submit s_("Profiles|Update profile settings"), class: 'btn btn-success' = link_to _("Cancel"), user_path(current_user), class: 'btn btn-cancel' .modal.modal-profile-crop .modal-dialog .modal-content .modal-header %h4.modal-title = s_("Profiles|Position and size your new avatar") %button.close{ type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal", "aria-label" => _("Close") } %span{ "aria-hidden": true } × .modal-body .profile-crop-image-container %img.modal-profile-crop-image{ alt: s_("Profiles|Avatar cropper") } .crop-controls .btn-group %button.btn.btn-primary{ data: { method: 'zoom', option: '0.1' } } %span.fa.fa-search-plus %button.btn.btn-primary{ data: { method: 'zoom', option: '-0.1' } } %span.fa.fa-search-minus .modal-footer %button.btn.btn-primary.js-upload-user-avatar{ type: 'button' } = s_("Profiles|Set new profile picture")