import * as getters from '~/ide/stores/getters'; import state from '~/ide/stores/state'; import { file } from '../helpers'; describe('IDE store getters', () => { let localState; beforeEach(() => { localState = state(); }); describe('activeFile', () => { it('returns the current active file', () => { localState.openFiles.push(file()); localState.openFiles.push(file('active')); localState.openFiles[1].active = true; expect(getters.activeFile(localState).name).toBe('active'); }); it('returns undefined if no active files are found', () => { localState.openFiles.push(file()); localState.openFiles.push(file('active')); expect(getters.activeFile(localState)).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('modifiedFiles', () => { it('returns a list of modified files', () => { localState.openFiles.push(file()); localState.changedFiles.push(file('changed')); localState.changedFiles[0].changed = true; const modifiedFiles = getters.modifiedFiles(localState); expect(modifiedFiles.length).toBe(1); expect(modifiedFiles[0].name).toBe('changed'); }); }); describe('currentMergeRequest', () => { it('returns Current Merge Request', () => { localState.currentProjectId = 'abcproject'; localState.currentMergeRequestId = 1; localState.projects.abcproject = { mergeRequests: { 1: { mergeId: 1 }, }, }; expect(getters.currentMergeRequest(localState).mergeId).toBe(1); }); it('returns null if no active Merge Request was found', () => { localState.currentProjectId = 'otherproject'; expect(getters.currentMergeRequest(localState)).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('allBlobs', () => { beforeEach(() => { Object.assign(localState.entries, { index: { type: 'blob', name: 'index', lastOpenedAt: 0 }, app: { type: 'blob', name: 'blob', lastOpenedAt: 0 }, folder: { type: 'folder', name: 'folder', lastOpenedAt: 0 }, }); }); it('returns only blobs', () => { expect(getters.allBlobs(localState).length).toBe(2); }); it('returns list sorted by lastOpenedAt', () => { = new Date().getTime(); expect(getters.allBlobs(localState)[0].name).toBe('blob'); }); }); describe('getChangesInFolder', () => { it('returns length of changed files for a path', () => { localState.changedFiles.push( { path: 'test/index', name: 'index', }, { path: 'app/123', name: '123', }, ); expect(getters.getChangesInFolder(localState)('test')).toBe(1); }); it('returns length of changed & staged files for a path', () => { localState.changedFiles.push( { path: 'test/index', name: 'index', }, { path: 'testing/123', name: '123', }, ); localState.stagedFiles.push( { path: 'test/123', name: '123', }, { path: 'test/index', name: 'index', }, { path: 'testing/12345', name: '12345', }, ); expect(getters.getChangesInFolder(localState)('test')).toBe(2); }); it('returns length of changed & tempFiles files for a path', () => { localState.changedFiles.push( { path: 'test/index', name: 'index', }, { path: 'test/newfile', name: 'newfile', tempFile: true, }, ); expect(getters.getChangesInFolder(localState)('test')).toBe(2); }); }); describe('lastCommit', () => { it('returns the last commit of the current branch on the current project', () => { const commitTitle = 'Example commit title'; const localGetters = { currentProject: { name: 'test-project', }, currentBranch: { commit: { title: commitTitle, }, }, }; localState.currentBranchId = 'example-branch'; expect(getters.lastCommit(localState, localGetters).title).toBe(commitTitle); }); }); describe('currentBranch', () => { it('returns current projects branch', () => { const localGetters = { currentProject: { branches: { master: { name: 'master', }, }, }, }; localState.currentBranchId = 'master'; expect(getters.currentBranch(localState, localGetters)).toEqual({ name: 'master', }); }); }); describe('isOnDefaultBranch', () => { it('returns false when no project exists', () => { const localGetters = { currentProject: undefined, }; expect(getters.isOnDefaultBranch({}, localGetters)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("returns true when project's default branch matches current branch", () => { const localGetters = { currentProject: { default_branch: 'master', }, branchName: 'master', }; expect(getters.isOnDefaultBranch({}, localGetters)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("returns false when project's default branch doesn't match current branch", () => { const localGetters = { currentProject: { default_branch: 'master', }, branchName: 'feature', }; expect(getters.isOnDefaultBranch({}, localGetters)).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('packageJson', () => { it('returns package.json entry', () => { localState.entries['package.json'] = { name: 'package.json' }; expect(getters.packageJson(localState)).toEqual({ name: 'package.json', }); }); }); describe('canPushToBranch', () => { it('returns false when no currentBranch exists', () => { const localGetters = { currentProject: undefined, }; expect(getters.canPushToBranch({}, localGetters)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('returns true when can_push to currentBranch', () => { const localGetters = { currentProject: { default_branch: 'master', }, currentBranch: { can_push: true }, }; expect(getters.canPushToBranch({}, localGetters)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('returns false when !can_push to currentBranch', () => { const localGetters = { currentProject: { default_branch: 'master', }, currentBranch: { can_push: false }, }; expect(getters.canPushToBranch({}, localGetters)).toBeFalsy(); }); }); });