RUBY_1_8 = defined?(RUBY_VERSION) && RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' exit(0) if RUBY_1_8 require 'simplecov' and SimpleCov.start { add_filter "/test|test_/" } if ENV["COVERAGE"] # Register `at_exit` handler for integration tests shutdown. # MUST be called before requiring `test/unit`. at_exit { Elasticsearch::Test::IntegrationTestCase.__run_at_exit_hooks } puts '-'*80 if defined?(RUBY_VERSION) && RUBY_VERSION > '2.2' require 'test-unit' require 'mocha/test_unit' else require 'minitest/autorun' require 'mocha/mini_test' end require 'shoulda-context' require 'turn' unless ENV["TM_FILEPATH"] || ENV["NOTURN"] || defined?(RUBY_VERSION) && RUBY_VERSION > '2.2' require 'ansi' require 'oj' require 'active_model' require 'kaminari' require 'elasticsearch/model' require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/cluster' require 'elasticsearch/extensions/test/startup_shutdown' module Elasticsearch module Test class IntegrationTestCase < ::Test::Unit::TestCase extend Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::StartupShutdown startup { Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.start(nodes: 1) if ENV['SERVER'] and not Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.running? } shutdown { Elasticsearch::Extensions::Test::Cluster.stop if ENV['SERVER'] && started? } context "IntegrationTest" do; should "noop on Ruby 1.8" do; end; end if RUBY_1_8 def setup ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => ":memory:" ) logger = logger.formatter = lambda { |s, d, p, m| "\e[2;36m#{m}\e[0m\n" } ActiveRecord::Base.logger = logger unless ENV['QUIET'] ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber.colorize_logging = false ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false tracer = tracer.formatter = lambda { |s, d, p, m| "#{m.gsub(/^.*$/) { |n| ' ' + n }.ansi(:faint)}\n" } Elasticsearch::Model.client = host: "localhost:#{(ENV['TEST_CLUSTER_PORT'] || 9250)}", tracer: (ENV['QUIET'] ? nil : tracer) end end end end class Mongo def self.setup! begin require 'mongoid' session ="localhost", 27017, 0.5) session.connect ENV['MONGODB_AVAILABLE'] = 'yes' rescue LoadError, Moped::Errors::ConnectionFailure => e $stderr.puts "MongoDB not installed or running: #{e}" end end def self.available? !!ENV['MONGODB_AVAILABLE'] end def self.connect_to(source) $stderr.puts "Mongoid #{Mongoid::VERSION}", '-'*80 logger =$stderr) logger.formatter = lambda { |s, d, p, m| " #{m.ansi(:faint, :cyan)}\n" } logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG Mongoid.logger = logger unless ENV['QUIET'] Moped.logger = logger unless ENV['QUIET'] Mongoid.connect_to source end end