# frozen_string_literal: true module PartitioningHelpers def expect_table_partitioned_by(table, columns, part_type: :range) columns_with_part_type = columns.map { |c| [part_type.to_s, c] } actual_columns = find_partitioned_columns(table) expect(columns_with_part_type).to match_array(actual_columns) end def expect_range_partition_of(partition_name, table_name, min_value, max_value) definition = find_partition_definition(partition_name) expect(definition).not_to be_nil expect(definition['base_table']).to eq(table_name.to_s) expect(definition['condition']).to eq("FOR VALUES FROM (#{min_value}) TO (#{max_value})") end private def find_partitioned_columns(table) connection.select_rows(<<~SQL) select case partstrat when 'l' then 'list' when 'r' then 'range' when 'h' then 'hash' end as partstrat, cols.column_name from ( select partrelid, partstrat, unnest(partattrs) as col_pos from pg_partitioned_table ) pg_part inner join pg_class on pg_part.partrelid = pg_class.oid inner join information_schema.columns cols on cols.table_name = pg_class.relname and cols.ordinal_position = pg_part.col_pos where pg_class.relname = '#{table}'; SQL end def find_partition_definition(partition) connection.select_one(<<~SQL) select parent_class.relname as base_table, pg_get_expr(pg_class.relpartbound, inhrelid) as condition from pg_class inner join pg_inherits i on pg_class.oid = inhrelid inner join pg_class parent_class on parent_class.oid = inhparent where pg_class.relname = '#{partition}' and pg_class.relispartition; SQL end end