import { SUPPORTED_FORMATS } from '~/lib/utils/unit_format'; import { uniqMetricsId, parseEnvironmentsResponse, parseAnnotationsResponse, removeLeadingSlash, mapToDashboardViewModel, normalizeQueryResult, convertToGrafanaTimeRange, addDashboardMetaDataToLink, } from '~/monitoring/stores/utils'; import { annotationsData } from '../mock_data'; import { NOT_IN_DB_PREFIX } from '~/monitoring/constants'; const projectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test'; describe('mapToDashboardViewModel', () => { it('maps an empty dashboard', () => { expect(mapToDashboardViewModel({})).toEqual({ dashboard: '', panelGroups: [], links: [], variables: {}, }); }); it('maps a simple dashboard', () => { const response = { dashboard: 'Dashboard Name', panel_groups: [ { group: 'Group 1', panels: [ { id: 'ID_ABC', title: 'Title A', xLabel: '', xAxis: { name: '', }, type: 'chart-type', y_label: 'Y Label A', metrics: [], }, ], }, ], }; expect(mapToDashboardViewModel(response)).toEqual({ dashboard: 'Dashboard Name', links: [], variables: {}, panelGroups: [ { group: 'Group 1', key: 'group-1-0', panels: [ { id: 'ID_ABC', title: 'Title A', type: 'chart-type', xLabel: '', xAxis: { name: '', }, y_label: 'Y Label A', yAxis: { name: 'Y Label A', format: 'engineering', precision: 2, }, links: [], metrics: [], }, ], }, ], }); }); describe('panel groups mapping', () => { it('key', () => { const response = { dashboard: 'Dashboard Name', links: [], variables: {}, panel_groups: [ { group: 'Group A', }, { group: 'Group B', }, { group: '', unsupported_property: 'This should be removed', }, ], }; expect(mapToDashboardViewModel(response).panelGroups).toEqual([ { group: 'Group A', key: 'group-a-0', panels: [], }, { group: 'Group B', key: 'group-b-1', panels: [], }, { group: '', key: 'default-2', panels: [], }, ]); }); }); describe('panel mapping', () => { const panelTitle = 'Panel Title'; const yAxisName = 'Y Axis Name'; let dashboard; const setupWithPanel = panel => { dashboard = { panel_groups: [ { panels: [panel], }, ], }; }; const getMappedPanel = () => mapToDashboardViewModel(dashboard).panelGroups[0].panels[0]; it('panel with x_label', () => { setupWithPanel({ id: 'ID_123', title: panelTitle, x_label: 'x label', }); expect(getMappedPanel()).toEqual({ id: 'ID_123', title: panelTitle, xLabel: 'x label', xAxis: { name: 'x label', }, y_label: '', yAxis: { name: '', format:, precision: 2, }, links: [], metrics: [], }); }); it('group y_axis defaults', () => { setupWithPanel({ id: 'ID_456', title: panelTitle, }); expect(getMappedPanel()).toEqual({ id: 'ID_456', title: panelTitle, xLabel: '', y_label: '', xAxis: { name: '', }, yAxis: { name: '', format:, precision: 2, }, links: [], metrics: [], }); }); it('panel with', () => { setupWithPanel({ y_axis: { name: yAxisName, }, }); expect(getMappedPanel().y_label).toBe(yAxisName); expect(getMappedPanel(); }); it('panel with and y_label, displays', () => { setupWithPanel({ y_label: 'Ignored Y Label', y_axis: { name: yAxisName, }, }); expect(getMappedPanel().y_label).toBe(yAxisName); expect(getMappedPanel(); }); it('group y_label', () => { setupWithPanel({ y_label: yAxisName, }); expect(getMappedPanel().y_label).toBe(yAxisName); expect(getMappedPanel(); }); it('group y_axis format and precision', () => { setupWithPanel({ title: panelTitle, y_axis: { precision: 0, format: SUPPORTED_FORMATS.bytes, }, }); expect(getMappedPanel().yAxis.format).toBe(SUPPORTED_FORMATS.bytes); expect(getMappedPanel().yAxis.precision).toBe(0); }); it('group y_axis unsupported format defaults to number', () => { setupWithPanel({ title: panelTitle, y_axis: { format: 'invalid_format', }, }); expect(getMappedPanel().yAxis.format).toBe(; }); // This property allows single_stat panels to render percentile values it('group maxValue', () => { setupWithPanel({ max_value: 100, }); expect(getMappedPanel().maxValue).toBe(100); }); describe('panel with links', () => { const title = 'Example'; const url = ''; it('maps an empty link collection', () => { setupWithPanel({ links: undefined, }); expect(getMappedPanel().links).toEqual([]); }); it('maps a link', () => { setupWithPanel({ links: [{ title, url }] }); expect(getMappedPanel().links).toEqual([{ title, url }]); }); it('maps a link without a title', () => { setupWithPanel({ links: [{ url }], }); expect(getMappedPanel().links).toEqual([{ title: url, url }]); }); it('maps a link without a url', () => { setupWithPanel({ links: [{ title }], }); expect(getMappedPanel().links).toEqual([{ title, url: '#' }]); }); it('maps a link without a url or title', () => { setupWithPanel({ links: [{}], }); expect(getMappedPanel().links).toEqual([{ title: 'null', url: '#' }]); }); it('maps a link with an unsafe url safely', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-script-url const unsafeUrl = 'javascript:alert("XSS")'; setupWithPanel({ links: [ { title, url: unsafeUrl, }, ], }); expect(getMappedPanel().links).toEqual([{ title, url: '#' }]); }); it('maps multple links', () => { setupWithPanel({ links: [{ title, url }, { url }, { title }], }); expect(getMappedPanel().links).toEqual([ { title, url }, { title: url, url }, { title, url: '#' }, ]); }); }); }); describe('metrics mapping', () => { const defaultLabel = 'Panel Label'; const dashboardWithMetric = (metric, label = defaultLabel) => ({ panel_groups: [ { panels: [ { y_label: label, metrics: [metric], }, ], }, ], }); const getMappedMetric = dashboard => { return mapToDashboardViewModel(dashboard).panelGroups[0].panels[0].metrics[0]; }; it('creates a metric', () => { const dashboard = dashboardWithMetric({ label: 'Panel Label' }); expect(getMappedMetric(dashboard)).toEqual({ label: expect.any(String), metricId: expect.any(String), loading: false, result: null, state: null, }); }); it('creates a metric with a correct id', () => { const dashboard = dashboardWithMetric({ id: 'http_responses', metric_id: 1, }); expect(getMappedMetric(dashboard).metricId).toEqual('1_http_responses'); }); it('creates a metric without a default label', () => { const dashboard = dashboardWithMetric({}); expect(getMappedMetric(dashboard)).toMatchObject({ label: undefined, }); }); it('creates a metric with an endpoint and query', () => { const dashboard = dashboardWithMetric({ prometheus_endpoint_path: 'http://test', query_range: 'http_responses', }); expect(getMappedMetric(dashboard)).toMatchObject({ prometheusEndpointPath: 'http://test', queryRange: 'http_responses', }); }); it('creates a metric with an ad-hoc property', () => { // This behavior is deprecated and should be removed // const dashboard = dashboardWithMetric({ x_label: 'Another label', unkown_option: 'unkown_data', }); expect(getMappedMetric(dashboard)).toMatchObject({ x_label: 'Another label', unkown_option: 'unkown_data', }); }); }); }); describe('normalizeQueryResult', () => { const testData = { metric: { __name__: 'up', job: 'prometheus', instance: 'localhost:9090', }, values: [[1435781430.781, '1'], [1435781445.781, '1'], [1435781460.781, '1']], }; it('processes a simple matrix result', () => { expect(normalizeQueryResult(testData)).toEqual({ metric: { __name__: 'up', job: 'prometheus', instance: 'localhost:9090' }, values: [ ['2015-07-01T20:10:30.781Z', 1], ['2015-07-01T20:10:45.781Z', 1], ['2015-07-01T20:11:00.781Z', 1], ], }); }); }); describe('uniqMetricsId', () => { [ { input: { id: 1 }, expected: `${NOT_IN_DB_PREFIX}_1` }, { input: { metric_id: 2 }, expected: '2_undefined' }, { input: { metric_id: 2, id: 21 }, expected: '2_21' }, { input: { metric_id: 22, id: 1 }, expected: '22_1' }, { input: { metric_id: 'aaa', id: '_a' }, expected: 'aaa__a' }, ].forEach(({ input, expected }) => { it(`creates unique metric ID with ${JSON.stringify(input)}`, () => { expect(uniqMetricsId(input)).toEqual(expected); }); }); }); describe('parseEnvironmentsResponse', () => { [ { input: null, output: [], }, { input: undefined, output: [], }, { input: [], output: [], }, { input: [ { id: '1', name: 'env-1', }, ], output: [ { id: 1, name: 'env-1', metrics_path: `${projectPath}/environments/1/metrics`, }, ], }, { input: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/Environment/12', name: 'env-12', }, ], output: [ { id: 12, name: 'env-12', metrics_path: `${projectPath}/environments/12/metrics`, }, ], }, ].forEach(({ input, output }) => { it(`parseEnvironmentsResponse returns ${JSON.stringify(output)} with input ${JSON.stringify( input, )}`, () => { expect(parseEnvironmentsResponse(input, projectPath)).toEqual(output); }); }); }); describe('parseAnnotationsResponse', () => { const parsedAnnotationResponse = [ { description: 'This is a test annotation', endingAt: null, id: 'gid://gitlab/Metrics::Dashboard::Annotation/1', panelId: null, startingAt: new Date('2020-04-12T12:51:53.000Z'), }, ]; it.each` case | input | expected ${'Returns empty array for null input'} | ${null} | ${[]} ${'Returns empty array for undefined input'} | ${undefined} | ${[]} ${'Returns empty array for empty input'} | ${[]} | ${[]} ${'Returns parsed responses for annotations data'} | ${[annotationsData[0]]} | ${parsedAnnotationResponse} `('$case', ({ input, expected }) => { expect(parseAnnotationsResponse(input)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('removeLeadingSlash', () => { [ { input: null, output: '' }, { input: '', output: '' }, { input: 'gitlab-org', output: 'gitlab-org' }, { input: 'gitlab-org/gitlab', output: 'gitlab-org/gitlab' }, { input: '/gitlab-org/gitlab', output: 'gitlab-org/gitlab' }, { input: '////gitlab-org/gitlab', output: 'gitlab-org/gitlab' }, ].forEach(({ input, output }) => { it(`removeLeadingSlash returns ${output} with input ${input}`, () => { expect(removeLeadingSlash(input)).toEqual(output); }); }); }); describe('user-defined links utils', () => { const mockRelativeTimeRange = { metricsDashboard: { duration: { seconds: 86400, }, }, grafana: { from: 'now-86400s', to: 'now', }, }; const mockAbsoluteTimeRange = { metricsDashboard: { start: '2020-06-08T16:13:01.995Z', end: '2020-06-08T21:12:32.243Z', }, grafana: { from: 1591632781995, to: 1591650752243, }, }; describe('convertToGrafanaTimeRange', () => { it('converts relative timezone to grafana timezone', () => { expect(convertToGrafanaTimeRange(mockRelativeTimeRange.metricsDashboard)).toEqual( mockRelativeTimeRange.grafana, ); }); it('converts absolute timezone to grafana timezone', () => { expect(convertToGrafanaTimeRange(mockAbsoluteTimeRange.metricsDashboard)).toEqual( mockAbsoluteTimeRange.grafana, ); }); }); describe('addDashboardMetaDataToLink', () => { const link = { title: 'title', url: '' }; const grafanaLink = {, type: 'grafana' }; it('adds relative time range to link w/o type for metrics dashboards', () => { const adder = addDashboardMetaDataToLink({ timeRange: mockRelativeTimeRange.metricsDashboard, }); expect(adder(link)).toMatchObject({ title: 'title', url: '', }); }); it('adds relative time range to Grafana type links', () => { const adder = addDashboardMetaDataToLink({ timeRange: mockRelativeTimeRange.metricsDashboard, }); expect(adder(grafanaLink)).toMatchObject({ title: 'title', url: '', }); }); it('adds absolute time range to link w/o type for metrics dashboard', () => { const adder = addDashboardMetaDataToLink({ timeRange: mockAbsoluteTimeRange.metricsDashboard, }); expect(adder(link)).toMatchObject({ title: 'title', url: '', }); }); it('adds absolute time range to Grafana type links', () => { const adder = addDashboardMetaDataToLink({ timeRange: mockAbsoluteTimeRange.metricsDashboard, }); expect(adder(grafanaLink)).toMatchObject({ title: 'title', url: '', }); }); }); });