- @hide_breadcrumbs = true - @hide_top_links = true - page_title _('New Group') - header_title _("Groups"), dashboard_groups_path - active_tab = local_assigns.fetch(:active_tab, 'create') .group-edit-container.prepend-top-default .row .col-lg-3.group-settings-sidebar %h4.prepend-top-0 = _('New group') %p - group_docs_path = help_page_path('user/group/index') - group_docs_link_start = ''.html_safe % { url: group_docs_path } = s_('%{group_docs_link_start}Groups%{group_docs_link_end} allow you to manage and collaborate across multiple projects. Members of a group have access to all of its projects.').html_safe % { group_docs_link_start: group_docs_link_start, group_docs_link_end: ''.html_safe } %p - subgroup_docs_path = help_page_path('user/group/subgroups/index') - subgroup_docs_link_start = ''.html_safe % { url: subgroup_docs_path } = s_('Groups can also be nested by creating %{subgroup_docs_link_start}subgroups%{subgroup_docs_link_end}.').html_safe % { subgroup_docs_link_start: subgroup_docs_link_start, subgroup_docs_link_end: ''.html_safe } %p = _('Projects that belong to a group are prefixed with the group namespace. Existing projects may be moved into a group.') .col-lg-9.js-toggle-container %ul.nav.nav-tabs.nav-links.gitlab-tabs{ role: 'tablist' } %li.nav-item{ role: 'presentation' } %a.nav-link.active{ href: '#create-group-pane', id: 'create-group-tab', role: 'tab', data: { toggle: 'tab', track_label: 'create_group', track_event: 'click_tab', track_value: '' } } %span.d-none.d-sm-block= s_('GroupsNew|Create group') %span.d-block.d-sm-none= s_('GroupsNew|Create') %li.nav-item{ role: 'presentation' } %a.nav-link{ href: '#import-group-pane', id: 'import-group-tab', role: 'tab', data: { toggle: 'tab', track_label: 'import_group', track_event: 'click_tab', track_value: '' } } %span.d-none.d-sm-block= s_('GroupsNew|Import group') %span.d-block.d-sm-none= s_('GroupsNew|Import') .tab-content.gitlab-tab-content .tab-pane.js-toggle-container{ id: 'create-group-pane', class: active_when(active_tab == 'create'), role: 'tabpanel' } = form_for @group, html: { class: 'group-form gl-show-field-errors' } do |f| = render 'new_group_fields', f: f, group_name_id: 'create-group-name' .tab-pane.js-toggle-container{ id: 'import-group-pane', class: active_when(active_tab) == 'import', role: 'tabpanel' } - if import_sources_enabled? = render 'import_group_pane', active_tab: active_tab, autofocus: true - else .nothing-here-block %h4= s_('GroupsNew|No import options available') %p= s_('GroupsNew|Contact an administrator to enable options for importing your group.')