export const mockAssignees = [ { __typename: 'UserCore', id: 'gid://gitlab/User/1', avatarUrl: '', webUrl: '', name: 'John Doe', username: 'doe_I', }, { __typename: 'UserCore', id: 'gid://gitlab/User/2', avatarUrl: '', webUrl: '', name: 'Marcus Rutherford', username: 'ruthfull', }, ]; export const mockLabels = [ { __typename: 'Label', id: 'gid://gitlab/Label/1', title: 'Label 1', description: '', color: '#f00', textColor: '#00f', }, { __typename: 'Label', id: 'gid://gitlab/Label/2', title: 'Label::2', description: '', color: '#b00', textColor: '#00b', }, ]; export const workItemQueryResponse = { data: { workItem: { __typename: 'WorkItem', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', iid: '1', title: 'Test', state: 'OPEN', description: 'description', confidential: false, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, project: { __typename: 'Project', id: '1', fullPath: 'test-project-path', }, workItemType: { __typename: 'WorkItemType', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', name: 'Task', iconName: 'issue-type-task', }, userPermissions: { deleteWorkItem: false, updateWorkItem: false, }, widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetDescription', type: 'DESCRIPTION', description: 'some **great** text', descriptionHtml: '
some great text
', lastEditedAt: null, lastEditedBy: null, }, { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetAssignees', type: 'ASSIGNEES', allowsMultipleAssignees: true, canInviteMembers: true, assignees: { nodes: mockAssignees, }, }, { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy', type: 'HIERARCHY', parent: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Issue/1', iid: '5', title: 'Parent title', confidential: false, }, children: { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/444', createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, }; export const updateWorkItemMutationResponse = { data: { workItemUpdate: { __typename: 'WorkItemUpdatePayload', errors: [], workItem: { __typename: 'WorkItem', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', iid: '1', title: 'Updated title', state: 'OPEN', description: 'description', confidential: false, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, project: { __typename: 'Project', id: '1', fullPath: 'test-project-path', }, workItemType: { __typename: 'WorkItemType', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', name: 'Task', iconName: 'issue-type-task', }, userPermissions: { deleteWorkItem: false, updateWorkItem: false, }, widgets: [ { children: { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/444', }, ], }, }, { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetAssignees', type: 'ASSIGNEES', allowsMultipleAssignees: true, canInviteMembers: true, assignees: { nodes: [mockAssignees[0]], }, }, ], }, }, }, }; export const updateWorkItemMutationErrorResponse = { data: { workItemUpdate: { __typename: 'WorkItemUpdatePayload', errors: ['Error!'], workItem: {}, }, }, }; export const mockParent = { parent: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Issue/1', iid: '5', title: 'Parent title', confidential: false, }, }; export const descriptionTextWithCheckboxes = `- [ ] todo 1\n- [ ] todo 2`; export const descriptionHtmlWithCheckboxes = `some great text
', lastEditedAt, lastEditedBy, }, assigneesWidgetPresent ? { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetAssignees', type: 'ASSIGNEES', allowsMultipleAssignees, canInviteMembers, assignees: { nodes: mockAssignees, }, } : { type: 'MOCK TYPE' }, labelsWidgetPresent ? { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetLabels', type: 'LABELS', allowsScopedLabels, labels: { nodes: mockLabels, }, } : { type: 'MOCK TYPE' }, datesWidgetPresent ? { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetStartAndDueDate', type: 'START_AND_DUE_DATE', dueDate: '2022-12-31', startDate: '2022-01-01', } : { type: 'MOCK TYPE' }, weightWidgetPresent ? { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetWeight', type: 'WEIGHT', weight: 0, } : { type: 'MOCK TYPE' }, iterationWidgetPresent ? { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetIteration', type: 'ITERATION', iteration: { description: null, id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1215', iid: '182', title: 'Iteration default title', startDate: '2022-09-22', dueDate: '2022-09-30', }, } : { type: 'MOCK TYPE' }, milestoneWidgetPresent ? { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetMilestone', type: 'MILESTONE', milestone: { expired: false, id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/30', title: 'v4.0', }, } : { type: 'MOCK TYPE' }, { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy', type: 'HIERARCHY', children: { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/444', createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, }, ], }, parent, }, ], }, }, }); export const projectWorkItemTypesQueryResponse = { data: { workspace: { __typename: 'Project', id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/2', workItemTypes: { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1', name: 'Issue' }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/2', name: 'Incident' }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/3', name: 'Task' }, ], }, }, }, }; export const createWorkItemMutationResponse = { data: { workItemCreate: { __typename: 'WorkItemCreatePayload', workItem: { __typename: 'WorkItem', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', iid: '1', title: 'Updated title', state: 'OPEN', description: 'description', confidential: false, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, project: { __typename: 'Project', id: '1', fullPath: 'test-project-path', }, workItemType: { __typename: 'WorkItemType', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', name: 'Task', iconName: 'issue-type-task', }, userPermissions: { deleteWorkItem: false, updateWorkItem: false, }, widgets: [], }, errors: [], }, }, }; export const createWorkItemFromTaskMutationResponse = { data: { workItemCreateFromTask: { __typename: 'WorkItemCreateFromTaskPayload', errors: [], workItem: { __typename: 'WorkItem', description: 'New description', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', iid: '1', title: 'Updated title', state: 'OPEN', confidential: false, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, project: { __typename: 'Project', id: '1', fullPath: 'test-project-path', }, workItemType: { __typename: 'WorkItemType', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', name: 'Task', iconName: 'issue-type-task', }, userPermissions: { deleteWorkItem: false, updateWorkItem: false, }, widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetDescription', type: 'DESCRIPTION', description: 'New description', descriptionHtml: 'New description
', lastEditedAt: '2022-09-21T06:18:42Z', lastEditedBy: { name: 'Administrator', webPath: '/root', }, }, ], }, newWorkItem: { __typename: 'WorkItem', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1000000', iid: '100', title: 'Updated title', state: 'OPEN', createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, description: '', confidential: false, project: { __typename: 'Project', id: '1', fullPath: 'test-project-path', }, workItemType: { __typename: 'WorkItemType', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', name: 'Task', iconName: 'issue-type-task', }, userPermissions: { deleteWorkItem: false, updateWorkItem: false, }, widgets: [], }, }, }, }; export const deleteWorkItemResponse = { data: { workItemDelete: { errors: [], __typename: 'WorkItemDeletePayload' } }, }; export const deleteWorkItemFailureResponse = { data: { workItemDelete: null }, errors: [ { message: "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action", locations: [{ line: 2, column: 3 }], path: ['workItemDelete'], }, ], }; export const deleteWorkItemMutationErrorResponse = { data: { workItemDelete: { errors: ['Error'], }, }, }; export const deleteWorkItemFromTaskMutationResponse = { data: { workItemDeleteTask: { workItem: { id: 123, descriptionHtml: 'updated work item desc' }, errors: [], }, }, }; export const deleteWorkItemFromTaskMutationErrorResponse = { data: { workItemDeleteTask: { workItem: { id: 123, descriptionHtml: 'updated work item desc' }, errors: ['Error'], }, }, }; export const workItemDatesSubscriptionResponse = { data: { issuableDatesUpdated: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetStartAndDueDate', dueDate: '2022-12-31', startDate: '2022-01-01', }, ], }, }, }; export const workItemTitleSubscriptionResponse = { data: { issuableTitleUpdated: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', title: 'new title', }, }, }; export const workItemDescriptionSubscriptionResponse = { data: { issuableDescriptionUpdated: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetDescription', type: 'DESCRIPTION', description: 'New description', descriptionHtml: 'New description
', lastEditedAt: '2022-09-21T06:18:42Z', lastEditedBy: { id: 'gid://gitlab/User/2', name: 'Someone else', webPath: '/not-you', }, }, ], }, }, }; export const workItemWeightSubscriptionResponse = { data: { issuableWeightUpdated: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetWeight', weight: 1, }, ], }, }, }; export const workItemAssigneesSubscriptionResponse = { data: { issuableAssigneesUpdated: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemAssigneesWeight', assignees: { nodes: [mockAssignees[0]], }, }, ], }, }, }; export const workItemLabelsSubscriptionResponse = { data: { issuableLabelsUpdated: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetLabels', type: 'LABELS', allowsScopedLabels: false, labels: { nodes: mockLabels, }, }, ], }, }, }; export const workItemIterationSubscriptionResponse = { data: { issuableIterationUpdated: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetIteration', iteration: { description: 'Iteration description', dueDate: '2022-07-29', id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1125', iid: '95', startDate: '2022-06-22', title: 'Iteration subcription title', }, }, ], }, }, }; export const workItemMilestoneSubscriptionResponse = { data: { issuableMilestoneUpdated: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetMilestone', type: 'MILESTONE', milestone: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/1125', expired: false, title: 'Milestone title', }, }, ], }, }, }; export const workItemHierarchyEmptyResponse = { data: { workItem: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', workItemType: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/6', __typename: 'WorkItemType', }, title: 'New title', createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, project: { __typename: 'Project', id: '1', fullPath: 'test-project-path', }, userPermissions: { deleteWorkItem: false, updateWorkItem: false, }, confidential: false, widgets: [ { type: 'DESCRIPTION', __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetDescription', }, { type: 'HIERARCHY', parent: null, children: { nodes: [], __typename: 'WorkItemConnection', }, __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy', }, ], __typename: 'WorkItem', }, }, }; export const workItemHierarchyNoUpdatePermissionResponse = { data: { workItem: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', workItemType: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/6', __typename: 'WorkItemType', }, title: 'New title', userPermissions: { deleteWorkItem: false, updateWorkItem: false, }, project: { __typename: 'Project', id: '1', fullPath: 'test-project-path', }, confidential: false, widgets: [ { type: 'DESCRIPTION', __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetDescription', }, { type: 'HIERARCHY', parent: null, children: { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/2', workItemType: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', __typename: 'WorkItemType', }, title: 'xyz', state: 'OPEN', confidential: false, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, __typename: 'WorkItem', }, ], __typename: 'WorkItemConnection', }, __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy', }, ], __typename: 'WorkItem', }, }, }; export const workItemTask = { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/4', workItemType: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', __typename: 'WorkItemType', }, title: 'bar', state: 'OPEN', confidential: false, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, __typename: 'WorkItem', }; export const confidentialWorkItemTask = { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/2', workItemType: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', __typename: 'WorkItemType', }, title: 'xyz', state: 'OPEN', confidential: true, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, __typename: 'WorkItem', }; export const closedWorkItemTask = { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/3', workItemType: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', __typename: 'WorkItemType', }, title: 'abc', state: 'CLOSED', confidential: false, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: '2022-08-12T13:07:52Z', __typename: 'WorkItem', }; export const workItemHierarchyResponse = { data: { workItem: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/1', workItemType: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/6', __typename: 'WorkItemType', }, title: 'New title', userPermissions: { deleteWorkItem: true, updateWorkItem: true, }, confidential: false, project: { __typename: 'Project', id: '1', fullPath: 'test-project-path', }, widgets: [ { type: 'DESCRIPTION', __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetDescription', }, { type: 'HIERARCHY', parent: null, children: { nodes: [ confidentialWorkItemTask, closedWorkItemTask, workItemTask, { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/5', workItemType: { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/5', __typename: 'WorkItemType', }, title: 'foobar', state: 'OPEN', confidential: false, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, __typename: 'WorkItem', }, ], __typename: 'WorkItemConnection', }, __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy', }, ], __typename: 'WorkItem', }, }, }; export const changeWorkItemParentMutationResponse = { data: { workItemUpdate: { workItem: { __typename: 'WorkItem', workItemType: { __typename: 'WorkItemType', id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItems::Type/1', name: 'Issue', iconName: 'issue-type-issue', }, userPermissions: { deleteWorkItem: true, updateWorkItem: true, }, description: null, id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/2', iid: '2', state: 'OPEN', title: 'Foo', confidential: false, createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', closedAt: null, project: { __typename: 'Project', id: '1', fullPath: 'test-project-path', }, widgets: [ { __typename: 'WorkItemWidgetHierarchy', type: 'HIERARCHY', parent: null, children: { nodes: [], }, }, ], }, errors: [], __typename: 'WorkItemUpdatePayload', }, }, }; export const availableWorkItemsResponse = { data: { workspace: { __typename: 'Project', id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/2', workItems: { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/458', title: 'Task 1', state: 'OPEN', createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', __typename: 'WorkItem', }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/WorkItem/459', title: 'Task 2', state: 'OPEN', createdAt: '2022-08-03T12:41:54Z', __typename: 'WorkItem', }, ], }, }, }, }; export const projectMembersResponseWithCurrentUser = { data: { workspace: { id: '1', __typename: 'Project', users: { nodes: [ { id: 'user-2', user: { __typename: 'UserCore', id: 'gid://gitlab/User/5', avatarUrl: '/avatar2', name: 'rookie', username: 'rookie', webUrl: 'rookie', status: null, }, }, { id: 'user-1', user: { __typename: 'UserCore', id: 'gid://gitlab/User/1', avatarUrl: 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80\u0026d=identicon', name: 'Administrator', username: 'root', webUrl: '/root', status: null, }, }, ], pageInfo: { hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null, startCursor: null, }, }, }, }, }; export const projectMembersResponseWithCurrentUserWithNextPage = { data: { workspace: { id: '1', __typename: 'Project', users: { nodes: [ { id: 'user-2', user: { __typename: 'UserCore', id: 'gid://gitlab/User/5', avatarUrl: '/avatar2', name: 'rookie', username: 'rookie', webUrl: 'rookie', status: null, }, }, { id: 'user-1', user: { __typename: 'UserCore', id: 'gid://gitlab/User/1', avatarUrl: 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80\u0026d=identicon', name: 'Administrator', username: 'root', webUrl: '/root', status: null, }, }, ], pageInfo: { hasNextPage: true, endCursor: 'endCursor', startCursor: 'startCursor', }, }, }, }, }; export const projectMembersResponseWithNoMatchingUsers = { data: { workspace: { id: '1', __typename: 'Project', users: { nodes: [], pageInfo: { endCursor: null, hasNextPage: false, startCursor: null, }, }, }, }, }; export const projectMembersResponseWithoutCurrentUser = { data: { workspace: { id: '1', __typename: 'Project', users: { nodes: [ { id: 'user-2', user: { __typename: 'UserCore', id: 'gid://gitlab/User/5', avatarUrl: '/avatar2', name: 'rookie', username: 'rookie', webUrl: 'rookie', status: null, }, }, ], }, }, }, }; export const currentUserResponse = { data: { currentUser: { __typename: 'UserCore', id: 'gid://gitlab/User/1', avatarUrl: 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80\u0026d=identicon', name: 'Administrator', username: 'root', webUrl: '/root', }, }, }; export const currentUserNullResponse = { data: { currentUser: null, }, }; export const projectLabelsResponse = { data: { workspace: { id: '1', __typename: 'Project', labels: { nodes: mockLabels, }, }, }, }; export const mockIterationWidgetResponse = { description: 'Iteration description', dueDate: '2022-07-19', id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1124', iid: '91', startDate: '2022-06-22', title: 'Iteration title widget', }; export const groupIterationsResponse = { data: { workspace: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Group/22', attributes: { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1124', title: null, startDate: '2022-06-22', dueDate: '2022-07-19', webUrl: '', iterationCadence: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Iterations::Cadence/1101', title: 'Quod voluptates quidem ea eaque eligendi ex corporis.', __typename: 'IterationCadence', }, __typename: 'Iteration', state: 'current', }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1185', title: null, startDate: '2022-07-06', dueDate: '2022-07-19', webUrl: '', iterationCadence: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Iterations::Cadence/1144', title: 'Quo velit perspiciatis saepe aut omnis voluptas ab eos.', __typename: 'IterationCadence', }, __typename: 'Iteration', state: 'current', }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/Iteration/1194', title: null, startDate: '2022-07-06', dueDate: '2022-07-19', webUrl: '', iterationCadence: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Iterations::Cadence/1152', title: 'Minima aut consequatur magnam vero doloremque accusamus maxime repellat voluptatem qui.', __typename: 'IterationCadence', }, __typename: 'Iteration', state: 'current', }, ], __typename: 'IterationConnection', }, __typename: 'Group', }, }, }; export const groupIterationsResponseWithNoIterations = { data: { workspace: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Group/22', attributes: { nodes: [], __typename: 'IterationConnection', }, __typename: 'Group', }, }, }; export const mockMilestoneWidgetResponse = { state: 'active', expired: false, id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/30', title: 'v4.0', }; export const projectMilestonesResponse = { data: { workspace: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/1', attributes: { nodes: [ { id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/5', title: 'v4.0', webUrl: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/milestones/5', dueDate: null, expired: false, __typename: 'Milestone', state: 'active', }, { id: 'gid://gitlab/Milestone/4', title: 'v3.0', webUrl: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/milestones/4', dueDate: null, expired: false, __typename: 'Milestone', state: 'active', }, ], __typename: 'MilestoneConnection', }, __typename: 'Project', }, }, }; export const projectMilestonesResponseWithNoMilestones = { data: { workspace: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/1', attributes: { nodes: [], __typename: 'MilestoneConnection', }, __typename: 'Project', }, }, }; export const projectWorkItemResponse = { data: { workspace: { id: 'gid://gitlab/Project/1', workItems: { nodes: [workItemQueryResponse.data.workItem], }, }, }, };