import $ from 'jquery'; import blobBundle from '~/blob_edit/blob_bundle'; import { mockTracking, unmockTracking } from 'helpers/tracking_helper'; jest.mock('~/blob_edit/edit_blob'); describe('BlobBundle', () => { describe('No Suggest Popover', () => { beforeEach(() => { setFixtures(`
`); blobBundle(); }); it('sets the window beforeunload listener to a function returning a string', () => { expect(window.onbeforeunload()).toBe(''); }); it('removes beforeunload listener if commit button is clicked', () => { $('.js-commit-button').click(); expect(window.onbeforeunload).toBeNull(); }); it('removes beforeunload listener when cancel link is clicked', () => { $('.btn.btn-cancel').click(); expect(window.onbeforeunload).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('Suggest Popover', () => { let trackingSpy; beforeEach(() => { setFixtures(`
`); trackingSpy = mockTracking('_category_', $('#commit-changes').element, jest.spyOn); = 'projects:blob:new'; blobBundle(); }); afterEach(() => { unmockTracking(); }); it('sends a tracking event when the commit button is clicked', () => { $('#commit-changes').click(); expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(trackingSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, undefined, { label: 'suggest_gitlab_ci_yml', property: 'owner', }); }); }); });