import fs from 'fs'; import jsYaml from 'js-yaml'; import { renderHtmlAndJsonForAllExamples } from 'jest/content_editor/render_html_and_json_for_all_examples'; /* eslint-disable no-undef */ jest.mock('~/emoji'); // The purpose of this file is to deserialize markdown examples // to WYSIWYG HTML and to prosemirror documents in JSON form, using // the logic implemented as part of the Content Editor. // // It reads an input YAML file containing all the markdown examples, // and outputs a YAML files containing the rendered HTML and JSON // corresponding each markdown example. // // The input and output file paths are provides as command line arguments. // // Although it is implemented as a Jest test, it is not a unit test. We use // Jest because that is the simplest environment in which to execute the // relevant Content Editor logic. // // This script should be invoked via jest with the a command similar to the following: // yarn jest --testMatch '**/render_wysiwyg_html_and_json.js' ./scripts/lib/glfm/render_wysiwyg_html_and_json.js it('serializes html to prosemirror json', async () => { jest.setTimeout(20000); const inputMarkdownTempfilePath = process.env.INPUT_MARKDOWN_YML_PATH; expect(inputMarkdownTempfilePath).not.toBeUndefined(); const outputWysiwygHtmlAndJsonTempfilePath = process.env.OUTPUT_WYSIWYG_HTML_AND_JSON_TEMPFILE_PATH; expect(outputWysiwygHtmlAndJsonTempfilePath).not.toBeUndefined(); /* eslint-enable no-undef */ const markdownExamples = jsYaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(inputMarkdownTempfilePath), {}); const htmlAndJsonExamples = await renderHtmlAndJsonForAllExamples(markdownExamples); const htmlAndJsonExamplesYamlString = jsYaml.safeDump(htmlAndJsonExamples, {}); fs.writeFileSync(outputWysiwygHtmlAndJsonTempfilePath, htmlAndJsonExamplesYamlString); });