Feature: Project Commits Tags Background: Given I sign in as a user And I own project "Shop" Given I visit project tags page Scenario: I can see all git tags Then I should see "Shop" all tags list Scenario: I create a tag And I click new tag link And I submit new tag form Then I should see new tag created Scenario: I create a tag with invalid name And I click new tag link And I submit new tag form with invalid name Then I should see new an error that tag is invalid Scenario: I create a tag with invalid reference And I click new tag link And I submit new tag form with invalid reference Then I should see new an error that tag ref is invalid Scenario: I create a tag that already exists And I click new tag link And I submit new tag form with tag that already exists Then I should see new an error that tag already exists @javascript Scenario: I delete a tag Given I delete tag 'v1.1.0' Then I should not see tag 'v1.1.0' @javascript Scenario: I delete all tags and see info message Given I delete all tags Then I should see tags info message # @wip # Scenario: I can download project by tag