module Banzai module Filter # HTML filter that replaces commit references with links. # # This filter supports cross-project references. class CommitReferenceFilter < AbstractReferenceFilter self.reference_type = :commit def self.object_class Commit end def self.references_in(text, pattern = Commit.reference_pattern) text.gsub(pattern) do |match| yield match, $~[:commit], $~[:project], $~[:namespace], $~ end end def find_object(project, id) if project && project.valid_repo? project.commit(id) end end def url_for_object(commit, project) h = Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers h.project_commit_url(project, commit, only_path: context[:only_path]) end def object_link_text_extras(object, matches) extras = super path = matches[:path] if matches.names.include?("path") if path == '/builds' extras.unshift "builds" end extras end end end end