module Banzai module Filter # Issues, Merge Requests, Snippets, Commits and Commit Ranges share # similar functionality in reference filtering. class AbstractReferenceFilter < ReferenceFilter include CrossProjectReference def self.object_class # Implement in child class # Example: MergeRequest end def self.object_name @object_name ||= end def self.object_sym @object_sym ||= object_name.to_sym end # Public: Find references in text (like `!123` for merge requests) # # AnyReferenceFilter.references_in(text) do |match, id, project_ref, matches| # object = find_object(project_ref, id) # "#{object.to_reference}" # end # # text - String text to search. # # Yields the String match, the Integer referenced object ID, an optional String # of the external project reference, and all of the matchdata. # # Returns a String replaced with the return of the block. def self.references_in(text, pattern = object_class.reference_pattern) text.gsub(pattern) do |match| symbol = $~[object_sym] if object_class.reference_valid?(symbol) yield match, symbol.to_i, $~[:project], $~[:namespace], $~ else match end end end def object_class self.class.object_class end def object_sym self.class.object_sym end def references_in(*args, &block) self.class.references_in(*args, &block) end # Implement in child class # Example: project.merge_requests.find def find_object(project, id) end # Override if the link reference pattern produces a different ID (global # ID vs internal ID, for instance) to the regular reference pattern. def find_object_from_link(project, id) find_object(project, id) end # Implement in child class # Example: project_merge_request_url def url_for_object(object, project) end def find_object_cached(project, id) cached_call(:banzai_find_object, id, path: [object_class,]) do find_object(project, id) end end def find_object_from_link_cached(project, id) cached_call(:banzai_find_object_from_link, id, path: [object_class,]) do find_object_from_link(project, id) end end def project_from_ref_cached(ref) cached_call(:banzai_project_refs, ref) do project_from_ref(ref) end end def url_for_object_cached(object, project) cached_call(:banzai_url_for_object, object, path: [object_class,]) do url_for_object(object, project) end end def call return doc if project.nil? ref_pattern = object_class.reference_pattern link_pattern = object_class.link_reference_pattern nodes.each do |node| if text_node?(node) && ref_pattern replace_text_when_pattern_matches(node, ref_pattern) do |content| object_link_filter(content, ref_pattern) end elsif element_node?(node) yield_valid_link(node) do |link, inner_html| if ref_pattern && link =~ /\A#{ref_pattern}\z/ replace_link_node_with_href(node, link) do object_link_filter(link, ref_pattern, link_content: inner_html) end next end next unless link_pattern if link == inner_html && inner_html =~ /\A#{link_pattern}/ replace_link_node_with_text(node, link) do object_link_filter(inner_html, link_pattern, link_reference: true) end next end if link =~ /\A#{link_pattern}\z/ replace_link_node_with_href(node, link) do object_link_filter(link, link_pattern, link_content: inner_html, link_reference: true) end next end end end end doc end # Replace references (like `!123` for merge requests) in text with links # to the referenced object's details page. # # text - String text to replace references in. # pattern - Reference pattern to match against. # link_content - Original content of the link being replaced. # link_reference - True if this was using the link reference pattern, # false otherwise. # # Returns a String with references replaced with links. All links # have `gfm` and `gfm-OBJECT_NAME` class names attached for styling. def object_link_filter(text, pattern, link_content: nil, link_reference: false) references_in(text, pattern) do |match, id, project_ref, namespace_ref, matches| project_path = full_project_path(namespace_ref, project_ref) project = project_from_ref_cached(project_path) if project object = if link_reference find_object_from_link_cached(project, id) else find_object_cached(project, id) end end if object title = object_link_title(object) klass = reference_class(object_sym) data = data_attributes_for(link_content || match, project, object, link: !!link_content) url = if matches.names.include?("url") && matches[:url] matches[:url] else url_for_object_cached(object, project) end content = link_content || object_link_text(object, matches) %(#{content}) else match end end end def data_attributes_for(text, project, object, link: false) data_attribute( original: text, link: link, project:, object_sym => ) end def object_link_text_extras(object, matches) extras = [] if matches.names.include?("anchor") && matches[:anchor] && matches[:anchor] =~ /\A\#note_(\d+)\z/ extras << "comment #{$1}" end extras end def object_link_title(object) object.title end def object_link_text(object, matches) text = object.reference_link_text(context[:project]) extras = object_link_text_extras(object, matches) text += " (#{extras.join(", ")})" if extras.any? text end # Returns a Hash containing all object references (e.g. issue IDs) per the # project they belong to. def references_per_project @references_per_project ||= begin refs = { |hash, key| hash[key] = } regex = Regexp.union(object_class.reference_pattern, object_class.link_reference_pattern) nodes.each do |node| node.to_html.scan(regex) do project_path = full_project_path($~[:namespace], $~[:project]) symbol = $~[object_sym] refs[project_path] << symbol if object_class.reference_valid?(symbol) end end refs end end # Returns a Hash containing referenced projects grouped per their full # path. def projects_per_reference @projects_per_reference ||= begin refs = references_per_project.each do |project_ref, _| refs << project_ref end find_projects_for_paths(refs.to_a).index_by(&:full_path) end end def projects_relation_for_paths(paths) Project.where_full_path_in(paths).includes(:namespace) end # Returns projects for the given paths. def find_projects_for_paths(paths) if cache = project_refs_cache to_query = paths - cache.keys unless to_query.empty? projects = projects_relation_for_paths(to_query) found = [] projects.each do |project| ref = project.full_path get_or_set_cache(cache, ref) { project } found << ref end not_found = to_query - found not_found.each do |ref| get_or_set_cache(cache, ref) { nil } end end cache.slice(*paths).values.compact else projects_relation_for_paths(paths) end end def current_project_path @current_project_path ||= project.full_path end def current_project_namespace_path @current_project_namespace_path ||= project.namespace.full_path end private def full_project_path(namespace, project_ref) return current_project_path unless project_ref namespace_ref = namespace || current_project_namespace_path "#{namespace_ref}/#{project_ref}" end def project_refs_cache RequestStore[:banzai_project_refs] ||= {} end def cached_call(request_store_key, cache_key, path: []) if cache = RequestStore[request_store_key] ||= do |hash, key| hash[key] = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } end cache = cache.dig(*path) if path.any? get_or_set_cache(cache, cache_key) { yield } else yield end end def get_or_set_cache(cache, key) if cache.key?(key) cache[key] else value = yield cache[key] = value if key.present? value end end end end end