import httpStatusCodes from './http_status'; /** * Polling utility for handling realtime updates. * Service for vue resouce and method need to be provided as props * * @example * new Poll({ * resource: resource, * method: 'name', * data: {page: 1, scope: 'all'}, // optional * successCallback: () => {}, * errorCallback: () => {}, * notificationCallback: () => {}, // optional * }).makeRequest(); * * Usage in pipelines table with visibility lib: * * const poll = new Poll({ * resource: this.service, * method: 'getPipelines', * data: { page: pageNumber, scope }, * successCallback: this.successCallback, * errorCallback: this.errorCallback, * notificationCallback: this.updateLoading, * }); * * if (!Visibility.hidden()) { * poll.makeRequest(); * } * * Visibility.change(() => { * if (!Visibility.hidden()) { * poll.restart(); * } else { * poll.stop(); * } * }); * * 1. Checks for response and headers before start polling * 2. Interval is provided by `Poll-Interval` header. * 3. If `Poll-Interval` is -1, we stop polling * 4. If HTTP response is 200, we poll. * 5. If HTTP response is different from 200, we stop polling. * */ export default class Poll { constructor(options = {}) { this.options = options; = || {}; this.options.notificationCallback = options.notificationCallback || function notificationCallback() {}; this.intervalHeader = 'POLL-INTERVAL'; this.timeoutID = null; this.canPoll = true; } checkConditions(response) { const headers = gl.utils.normalizeHeaders(response.headers); const pollInterval = parseInt(headers[this.intervalHeader], 10); if (pollInterval > 0 && response.status === httpStatusCodes.OK && this.canPoll) { this.timeoutID = setTimeout(() => { this.makeRequest(); }, pollInterval); } this.options.successCallback(response); } makeRequest() { const { resource, method, data, errorCallback, notificationCallback } = this.options; // It's called everytime a new request is made. Useful to update the status. notificationCallback(true); return resource[method](data) .then((response) => { this.checkConditions(response); notificationCallback(false); }) .catch((error) => { notificationCallback(false); if (error.status === httpStatusCodes.ABORTED) { return; } errorCallback(error); }); } /** * Stops the polling recursive chain * and guarantees if the timeout is already running it won't make another request by * cancelling the previously established timeout. */ stop() { this.canPoll = false; clearTimeout(this.timeoutID); } /** * Restarts polling after it has been stoped */ restart() { this.canPoll = true; this.makeRequest(); } }