# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Group do let!(:group) { create(:group) } describe 'associations' do it { is_expected.to have_many :projects } it { is_expected.to have_many(:group_members).dependent(:destroy) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:users).through(:group_members) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:owners).through(:group_members) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:requesters).dependent(:destroy) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:members_and_requesters) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:project_group_links).dependent(:destroy) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:shared_projects).through(:project_group_links) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:notification_settings).dependent(:destroy) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:labels).class_name('GroupLabel') } it { is_expected.to have_many(:variables).class_name('Ci::GroupVariable') } it { is_expected.to have_many(:uploads) } it { is_expected.to have_one(:chat_team) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:custom_attributes).class_name('GroupCustomAttribute') } it { is_expected.to have_many(:badges).class_name('GroupBadge') } it { is_expected.to have_many(:cluster_groups).class_name('Clusters::Group') } it { is_expected.to have_many(:clusters).class_name('Clusters::Cluster') } it { is_expected.to have_many(:container_repositories) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:milestones) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:iterations) } describe '#members & #requesters' do let(:requester) { create(:user) } let(:developer) { create(:user) } before do group.request_access(requester) group.add_developer(developer) end it_behaves_like 'members and requesters associations' do let(:namespace) { group } end end end describe 'modules' do subject { described_class } it { is_expected.to include_module(Referable) } end describe 'validations' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of :name } it { is_expected.to allow_value('group test_4').for(:name) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('test/../foo').for(:name) } it { is_expected.not_to allow_value('').for(:name) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of :path } it { is_expected.not_to validate_presence_of :owner } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of :two_factor_grace_period } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:two_factor_grace_period).is_greater_than_or_equal_to(0) } describe 'path validation' do it 'rejects paths reserved on the root namespace when the group has no parent' do group = build(:group, path: 'api') expect(group).not_to be_valid end it 'allows root paths when the group has a parent' do group = build(:group, path: 'api', parent: create(:group)) expect(group).to be_valid end it 'rejects any wildcard paths when not a top level group' do group = build(:group, path: 'tree', parent: create(:group)) expect(group).not_to be_valid end end describe '#notification_settings' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:sub_group) { create(:group, parent_id: group.id) } before do group.add_developer(user) sub_group.add_maintainer(user) end it 'also gets notification settings from parent groups' do expect(sub_group.notification_settings.size).to eq(2) expect(sub_group.notification_settings).to include(group.notification_settings.first) end context 'when sub group is deleted' do it 'does not delete parent notification settings' do expect do sub_group.destroy end.to change { NotificationSetting.count }.by(-1) end end end describe '#notification_email_for' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:group_notification_email) { 'user+group@example.com' } let(:subgroup_notification_email) { 'user+subgroup@example.com' } before do create(:email, :confirmed, user: user, email: group_notification_email) create(:email, :confirmed, user: user, email: subgroup_notification_email) end subject { subgroup.notification_email_for(user) } context 'when both group notification emails are set' do it 'returns subgroup notification email' do create(:notification_setting, user: user, source: group, notification_email: group_notification_email) create(:notification_setting, user: user, source: subgroup, notification_email: subgroup_notification_email) is_expected.to eq(subgroup_notification_email) end end context 'when subgroup notification email is blank' do it 'returns parent group notification email' do create(:notification_setting, user: user, source: group, notification_email: group_notification_email) create(:notification_setting, user: user, source: subgroup, notification_email: '') is_expected.to eq(group_notification_email) end end context 'when only the parent group notification email is set' do it 'returns parent group notification email' do create(:notification_setting, user: user, source: group, notification_email: group_notification_email) is_expected.to eq(group_notification_email) end end end describe '#visibility_level_allowed_by_parent' do let(:parent) { create(:group, :internal) } let(:sub_group) { build(:group, parent_id: parent.id) } context 'without a parent' do it 'is valid' do sub_group.parent_id = nil expect(sub_group).to be_valid end end context 'with a parent' do context 'when visibility of sub group is greater than the parent' do it 'is invalid' do sub_group.visibility_level = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC expect(sub_group).to be_invalid end end context 'when visibility of sub group is lower or equal to the parent' do [Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL, Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE].each do |level| it 'is valid' do sub_group.visibility_level = level expect(sub_group).to be_valid end end end end end describe '#visibility_level_allowed_by_projects' do let!(:internal_group) { create(:group, :internal) } let!(:internal_project) { create(:project, :internal, group: internal_group) } context 'when group has a lower visibility' do it 'is invalid' do internal_group.visibility_level = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE expect(internal_group).to be_invalid expect(internal_group.errors[:visibility_level]).to include('private is not allowed since this group contains projects with higher visibility.') end end context 'when group has a higher visibility' do it 'is valid' do internal_group.visibility_level = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC expect(internal_group).to be_valid end end end describe '#visibility_level_allowed_by_sub_groups' do let!(:internal_group) { create(:group, :internal) } let!(:internal_sub_group) { create(:group, :internal, parent: internal_group) } context 'when parent group has a lower visibility' do it 'is invalid' do internal_group.visibility_level = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE expect(internal_group).to be_invalid expect(internal_group.errors[:visibility_level]).to include('private is not allowed since there are sub-groups with higher visibility.') end end context 'when parent group has a higher visibility' do it 'is valid' do internal_group.visibility_level = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC expect(internal_group).to be_valid end end end end describe '.public_or_visible_to_user' do let!(:private_group) { create(:group, :private) } let!(:internal_group) { create(:group, :internal) } subject { described_class.public_or_visible_to_user(user) } context 'when user is nil' do let!(:user) { nil } it { is_expected.to match_array([group]) } end context 'when user' do let!(:user) { create(:user) } context 'when user does not have access to any private group' do it { is_expected.to match_array([internal_group, group]) } end context 'when user is a member of private group' do before do private_group.add_user(user, Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER) end it { is_expected.to match_array([private_group, internal_group, group]) } end context 'when user is a member of private subgroup' do let!(:private_subgroup) { create(:group, :private, parent: private_group) } before do private_subgroup.add_user(user, Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER) end it { is_expected.to match_array([private_subgroup, internal_group, group]) } end end end describe 'scopes' do let!(:private_group) { create(:group, :private) } let!(:internal_group) { create(:group, :internal) } describe 'public_only' do subject { described_class.public_only.to_a } it { is_expected.to eq([group]) } end describe 'public_and_internal_only' do subject { described_class.public_and_internal_only.to_a } it { is_expected.to match_array([group, internal_group]) } end describe 'non_public_only' do subject { described_class.non_public_only.to_a } it { is_expected.to match_array([private_group, internal_group]) } end end describe '#to_reference' do it 'returns a String reference to the object' do expect(group.to_reference).to eq "@#{group.name}" end end describe '#users' do it { expect(group.users).to eq(group.owners) } end describe '#human_name' do it { expect(group.human_name).to eq(group.name) } end describe '#add_user' do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do group.add_user(user, GroupMember::MAINTAINER) end it { expect(group.group_members.maintainers.map(&:user)).to include(user) } end describe '#add_users' do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do group.add_users([user.id], GroupMember::GUEST) end it "updates the group permission" do expect(group.group_members.guests.map(&:user)).to include(user) group.add_users([user.id], GroupMember::DEVELOPER) expect(group.group_members.developers.map(&:user)).to include(user) expect(group.group_members.guests.map(&:user)).not_to include(user) end end describe '#avatar_type' do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do group.add_user(user, GroupMember::MAINTAINER) end it "is true if avatar is image" do group.update_attribute(:avatar, 'uploads/avatar.png') expect(group.avatar_type).to be_truthy end it "is false if avatar is html page" do group.update_attribute(:avatar, 'uploads/avatar.html') expect(group.avatar_type).to eq(["file format is not supported. Please try one of the following supported formats: png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, tiff, ico"]) end end describe '#avatar_url' do let!(:group) { create(:group, :with_avatar) } let(:user) { create(:user) } context 'when avatar file is uploaded' do before do group.add_maintainer(user) end it 'shows correct avatar url' do expect(group.avatar_url).to eq(group.avatar.url) expect(group.avatar_url(only_path: false)).to eq([Gitlab.config.gitlab.url, group.avatar.url].join) end end end describe '.search' do it 'returns groups with a matching name' do expect(described_class.search(group.name)).to eq([group]) end it 'returns groups with a partially matching name' do expect(described_class.search(group.name[0..2])).to eq([group]) end it 'returns groups with a matching name regardless of the casing' do expect(described_class.search(group.name.upcase)).to eq([group]) end it 'returns groups with a matching path' do expect(described_class.search(group.path)).to eq([group]) end it 'returns groups with a partially matching path' do expect(described_class.search(group.path[0..2])).to eq([group]) end it 'returns groups with a matching path regardless of the casing' do expect(described_class.search(group.path.upcase)).to eq([group]) end end describe '#has_owner?' do before do @members = setup_group_members(group) create(:group_member, :invited, :owner, group: group) end it { expect(group.has_owner?(@members[:owner])).to be_truthy } it { expect(group.has_owner?(@members[:maintainer])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_owner?(@members[:developer])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_owner?(@members[:reporter])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_owner?(@members[:guest])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_owner?(@members[:requester])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_owner?(nil)).to be_falsey } end describe '#has_maintainer?' do before do @members = setup_group_members(group) create(:group_member, :invited, :maintainer, group: group) end it { expect(group.has_maintainer?(@members[:owner])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_maintainer?(@members[:maintainer])).to be_truthy } it { expect(group.has_maintainer?(@members[:developer])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_maintainer?(@members[:reporter])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_maintainer?(@members[:guest])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_maintainer?(@members[:requester])).to be_falsey } it { expect(group.has_maintainer?(nil)).to be_falsey } end describe '#last_owner?' do before do @members = setup_group_members(group) end it { expect(group.last_owner?(@members[:owner])).to be_truthy } context 'with two owners' do before do create(:group_member, :owner, group: group) end it { expect(group.last_owner?(@members[:owner])).to be_falsy } end context 'with owners from a parent' do before do parent_group = create(:group) create(:group_member, :owner, group: parent_group) group.update(parent: parent_group) end it { expect(group.last_owner?(@members[:owner])).to be_falsy } end end describe '#lfs_enabled?' do context 'LFS enabled globally' do before do allow(Gitlab.config.lfs).to receive(:enabled).and_return(true) end it 'returns true when nothing is set' do expect(group.lfs_enabled?).to be_truthy end it 'returns false when set to false' do group.update_attribute(:lfs_enabled, false) expect(group.lfs_enabled?).to be_falsey end it 'returns true when set to true' do group.update_attribute(:lfs_enabled, true) expect(group.lfs_enabled?).to be_truthy end end context 'LFS disabled globally' do before do allow(Gitlab.config.lfs).to receive(:enabled).and_return(false) end it 'returns false when nothing is set' do expect(group.lfs_enabled?).to be_falsey end it 'returns false when set to false' do group.update_attribute(:lfs_enabled, false) expect(group.lfs_enabled?).to be_falsey end it 'returns false when set to true' do group.update_attribute(:lfs_enabled, true) expect(group.lfs_enabled?).to be_falsey end end end describe '#owners' do let(:owner) { create(:user) } let(:developer) { create(:user) } it 'returns the owners of a Group' do group.add_owner(owner) group.add_developer(developer) expect(group.owners).to eq([owner]) end end def setup_group_members(group) members = { owner: create(:user), maintainer: create(:user), developer: create(:user), reporter: create(:user), guest: create(:user), requester: create(:user) } group.add_user(members[:owner], GroupMember::OWNER) group.add_user(members[:maintainer], GroupMember::MAINTAINER) group.add_user(members[:developer], GroupMember::DEVELOPER) group.add_user(members[:reporter], GroupMember::REPORTER) group.add_user(members[:guest], GroupMember::GUEST) group.request_access(members[:requester]) members end describe '#web_url' do it 'returns the canonical URL' do expect(group.web_url).to include("groups/#{group.name}") end context 'nested group' do let(:nested_group) { create(:group, :nested) } it { expect(nested_group.web_url).to include("groups/#{nested_group.full_path}") } end end describe 'nested group' do subject { build(:group, :nested) } it { is_expected.to be_valid } it { expect(subject.parent).to be_kind_of(described_class) } end describe '#max_member_access_for_user' do context 'group shared with another group' do let(:parent_group_user) { create(:user) } let(:group_user) { create(:user) } let(:child_group_user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:group_parent) { create(:group, :private) } let_it_be(:group) { create(:group, :private, parent: group_parent) } let_it_be(:group_child) { create(:group, :private, parent: group) } let_it_be(:shared_group_parent) { create(:group, :private) } let_it_be(:shared_group) { create(:group, :private, parent: shared_group_parent) } let_it_be(:shared_group_child) { create(:group, :private, parent: shared_group) } before do group_parent.add_owner(parent_group_user) group.add_owner(group_user) group_child.add_owner(child_group_user) create(:group_group_link, { shared_with_group: group, shared_group: shared_group, group_access: GroupMember::DEVELOPER }) end context 'with user in the group' do let(:user) { group_user } it 'returns correct access level' do expect(shared_group_parent.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER) expect(shared_group_child.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER) end context 'with lower group access level than max access level for share' do let(:user) { create(:user) } it 'returns correct access level' do group.add_reporter(user) expect(shared_group_parent.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::REPORTER) expect(shared_group_child.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::REPORTER) end end end context 'with user in the parent group' do let(:user) { parent_group_user } it 'returns correct access level' do expect(shared_group_parent.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group_child.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) end end context 'with user in the child group' do let(:user) { child_group_user } it 'returns correct access level' do expect(shared_group_parent.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group_child.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) end end context 'unrelated project owner' do let(:common_id) { [Project.maximum(:id).to_i, Namespace.maximum(:id).to_i].max + 999 } let!(:group) { create(:group, id: common_id) } let!(:unrelated_project) { create(:project, id: common_id) } let(:user) { unrelated_project.owner } it 'returns correct access level' do expect(shared_group_parent.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group_child.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) end end context 'user without accepted access request' do let!(:user) { create(:user) } before do create(:group_member, :developer, :access_request, user: user, group: group) end it 'returns correct access level' do expect(shared_group_parent.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) expect(shared_group_child.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS) end end end context 'multiple groups shared with group' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:group) { create(:group, :private) } let(:shared_group_parent) { create(:group, :private) } let(:shared_group) { create(:group, :private, parent: shared_group_parent) } before do group.add_owner(user) create(:group_group_link, { shared_with_group: group, shared_group: shared_group, group_access: GroupMember::DEVELOPER }) create(:group_group_link, { shared_with_group: group, shared_group: shared_group_parent, group_access: GroupMember::MAINTAINER }) end it 'returns correct access level' do expect(shared_group.max_member_access_for_user(user)).to eq(Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER) end end end describe '#members_with_parents' do let!(:group) { create(:group, :nested) } let!(:maintainer) { group.parent.add_user(create(:user), GroupMember::MAINTAINER) } let!(:developer) { group.add_user(create(:user), GroupMember::DEVELOPER) } it 'returns parents members' do expect(group.members_with_parents).to include(developer) expect(group.members_with_parents).to include(maintainer) end end describe '#members_from_self_and_ancestors_with_effective_access_level' do let!(:group_parent) { create(:group, :private) } let!(:group) { create(:group, :private, parent: group_parent) } let!(:group_child) { create(:group, :private, parent: group) } let!(:user) { create(:user) } let(:parent_group_access_level) { Gitlab::Access::REPORTER } let(:group_access_level) { Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER } let(:child_group_access_level) { Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER } before do create(:group_member, user: user, group: group_parent, access_level: parent_group_access_level) create(:group_member, user: user, group: group, access_level: group_access_level) create(:group_member, user: user, group: group_child, access_level: child_group_access_level) end it 'returns effective access level for user' do expect(group_parent.members_from_self_and_ancestors_with_effective_access_level.as_json).to( contain_exactly( hash_including('user_id' => user.id, 'access_level' => parent_group_access_level) ) ) expect(group.members_from_self_and_ancestors_with_effective_access_level.as_json).to( contain_exactly( hash_including('user_id' => user.id, 'access_level' => group_access_level) ) ) expect(group_child.members_from_self_and_ancestors_with_effective_access_level.as_json).to( contain_exactly( hash_including('user_id' => user.id, 'access_level' => child_group_access_level) ) ) end end describe '#direct_and_indirect_members' do let!(:group) { create(:group, :nested) } let!(:sub_group) { create(:group, parent: group) } let!(:maintainer) { group.parent.add_user(create(:user), GroupMember::MAINTAINER) } let!(:developer) { group.add_user(create(:user), GroupMember::DEVELOPER) } let!(:other_developer) { group.add_user(create(:user), GroupMember::DEVELOPER) } it 'returns parents members' do expect(group.direct_and_indirect_members).to include(developer) expect(group.direct_and_indirect_members).to include(maintainer) end it 'returns descendant members' do expect(group.direct_and_indirect_members).to include(other_developer) end end describe '#users_with_descendants' do let(:user_a) { create(:user) } let(:user_b) { create(:user) } let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:nested_group) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:deep_nested_group) { create(:group, parent: nested_group) } it 'returns member users on every nest level without duplication' do group.add_developer(user_a) nested_group.add_developer(user_b) deep_nested_group.add_maintainer(user_a) expect(group.users_with_descendants).to contain_exactly(user_a, user_b) expect(nested_group.users_with_descendants).to contain_exactly(user_a, user_b) expect(deep_nested_group.users_with_descendants).to contain_exactly(user_a) end end describe '#direct_and_indirect_users' do let(:user_a) { create(:user) } let(:user_b) { create(:user) } let(:user_c) { create(:user) } let(:user_d) { create(:user) } let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:nested_group) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:deep_nested_group) { create(:group, parent: nested_group) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group) } before do group.add_developer(user_a) group.add_developer(user_c) nested_group.add_developer(user_b) deep_nested_group.add_developer(user_a) project.add_developer(user_d) end it 'returns member users on every nest level without duplication' do expect(group.direct_and_indirect_users).to contain_exactly(user_a, user_b, user_c, user_d) expect(nested_group.direct_and_indirect_users).to contain_exactly(user_a, user_b, user_c) expect(deep_nested_group.direct_and_indirect_users).to contain_exactly(user_a, user_b, user_c) end it 'does not return members of projects belonging to ancestor groups' do expect(nested_group.direct_and_indirect_users).not_to include(user_d) end end describe '#project_users_with_descendants' do let(:user_a) { create(:user) } let(:user_b) { create(:user) } let(:user_c) { create(:user) } let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:nested_group) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:deep_nested_group) { create(:group, parent: nested_group) } let(:project_a) { create(:project, namespace: group) } let(:project_b) { create(:project, namespace: nested_group) } let(:project_c) { create(:project, namespace: deep_nested_group) } it 'returns members of all projects in group and subgroups' do project_a.add_developer(user_a) project_b.add_developer(user_b) project_c.add_developer(user_c) expect(group.project_users_with_descendants).to contain_exactly(user_a, user_b, user_c) expect(nested_group.project_users_with_descendants).to contain_exactly(user_b, user_c) expect(deep_nested_group.project_users_with_descendants).to contain_exactly(user_c) end end describe '#user_ids_for_project_authorizations' do it 'returns the user IDs for which to refresh authorizations' do maintainer = create(:user) developer = create(:user) group.add_user(maintainer, GroupMember::MAINTAINER) group.add_user(developer, GroupMember::DEVELOPER) expect(group.user_ids_for_project_authorizations) .to include(maintainer.id, developer.id) end end describe '#update_two_factor_requirement' do let(:user) { create(:user) } context 'group membership' do before do group.add_user(user, GroupMember::OWNER) end it 'is called when require_two_factor_authentication is changed' do expect_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:update_two_factor_requirement) group.update!(require_two_factor_authentication: true) end it 'is called when two_factor_grace_period is changed' do expect_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:update_two_factor_requirement) group.update!(two_factor_grace_period: 23) end it 'is not called when other attributes are changed' do expect_any_instance_of(User).not_to receive(:update_two_factor_requirement) group.update!(description: 'foobar') end it 'calls #update_two_factor_requirement on each group member' do other_user = create(:user) group.add_user(other_user, GroupMember::OWNER) calls = 0 allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:update_two_factor_requirement) do calls += 1 end group.update!(require_two_factor_authentication: true, two_factor_grace_period: 23) expect(calls).to eq 2 end end context 'sub groups and projects' do it 'enables two_factor_requirement for group member' do group.add_user(user, GroupMember::OWNER) group.update!(require_two_factor_authentication: true) expect(user.reload.require_two_factor_authentication_from_group).to be_truthy end context 'expanded group members' do let(:indirect_user) { create(:user) } it 'enables two_factor_requirement for subgroup member' do subgroup = create(:group, :nested, parent: group) subgroup.add_user(indirect_user, GroupMember::OWNER) group.update!(require_two_factor_authentication: true) expect(indirect_user.reload.require_two_factor_authentication_from_group).to be_truthy end it 'does not enable two_factor_requirement for ancestor group member' do ancestor_group = create(:group) ancestor_group.add_user(indirect_user, GroupMember::OWNER) group.update!(parent: ancestor_group) group.update!(require_two_factor_authentication: true) expect(indirect_user.reload.require_two_factor_authentication_from_group).to be_falsey end end context 'project members' do it 'does not enable two_factor_requirement for child project member' do project = create(:project, group: group) project.add_maintainer(user) group.update!(require_two_factor_authentication: true) expect(user.reload.require_two_factor_authentication_from_group).to be_falsey end it 'does not enable two_factor_requirement for subgroup child project member' do subgroup = create(:group, :nested, parent: group) project = create(:project, group: subgroup) project.add_maintainer(user) group.update!(require_two_factor_authentication: true) expect(user.reload.require_two_factor_authentication_from_group).to be_falsey end end end end describe '#path_changed_hook' do let(:system_hook_service) { SystemHooksService.new } context 'for a new group' do let(:group) { build(:group) } before do expect(group).to receive(:system_hook_service).and_return(system_hook_service) end it 'does not trigger system hook' do expect(system_hook_service).to receive(:execute_hooks_for).with(group, :create) group.save! end end context 'for an existing group' do let(:group) { create(:group, path: 'old-path') } context 'when the path is changed' do let(:new_path) { 'very-new-path' } it 'triggers the rename system hook' do expect(group).to receive(:system_hook_service).and_return(system_hook_service) expect(system_hook_service).to receive(:execute_hooks_for).with(group, :rename) group.update!(path: new_path) end end context 'when the path is not changed' do it 'does not trigger system hook' do expect(group).not_to receive(:system_hook_service) group.update!(name: 'new name') end end end end describe '#ci_variables_for' do let(:project) { create(:project, group: group) } let!(:ci_variable) do create(:ci_group_variable, value: 'secret', group: group) end let!(:protected_variable) do create(:ci_group_variable, :protected, value: 'protected', group: group) end subject { group.ci_variables_for('ref', project) } it 'memoizes the result by ref', :request_store do expect(project).to receive(:protected_for?).with('ref').once.and_return(true) expect(project).to receive(:protected_for?).with('other').once.and_return(false) 2.times do expect(group.ci_variables_for('ref', project)).to contain_exactly(ci_variable, protected_variable) expect(group.ci_variables_for('other', project)).to contain_exactly(ci_variable) end end shared_examples 'ref is protected' do it 'contains all the variables' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(ci_variable, protected_variable) end end context 'when the ref is not protected' do before do stub_application_setting( default_branch_protection: Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_NONE) end it 'contains only the CI variables' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(ci_variable) end end context 'when the ref is a protected branch' do before do allow(project).to receive(:protected_for?).with('ref').and_return(true) end it_behaves_like 'ref is protected' end context 'when the ref is a protected tag' do before do allow(project).to receive(:protected_for?).with('ref').and_return(true) end it_behaves_like 'ref is protected' end context 'when group has children' do let(:group_child) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:group_child_2) { create(:group, parent: group_child) } let(:group_child_3) { create(:group, parent: group_child_2) } let(:variable_child) { create(:ci_group_variable, group: group_child) } let(:variable_child_2) { create(:ci_group_variable, group: group_child_2) } let(:variable_child_3) { create(:ci_group_variable, group: group_child_3) } before do allow(project).to receive(:protected_for?).with('ref').and_return(true) end it 'returns all variables belong to the group and parent groups' do expected_array1 = [protected_variable, ci_variable] expected_array2 = [variable_child, variable_child_2, variable_child_3] got_array = group_child_3.ci_variables_for('ref', project).to_a expect(got_array.shift(2)).to contain_exactly(*expected_array1) expect(got_array).to eq(expected_array2) end end end describe '#highest_group_member' do let(:nested_group) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:nested_group_2) { create(:group, parent: nested_group) } let(:user) { create(:user) } subject(:highest_group_member) { nested_group_2.highest_group_member(user) } context 'when the user is not a member of any group in the hierarchy' do it 'returns nil' do expect(highest_group_member).to be_nil end end context 'when the user is only a member of one group in the hierarchy' do before do nested_group.add_developer(user) end it 'returns that group member' do expect(highest_group_member.access_level).to eq(Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER) end end context 'when the user is a member of several groups in the hierarchy' do before do group.add_owner(user) nested_group.add_developer(user) nested_group_2.add_maintainer(user) end it 'returns the group member with the highest access level' do expect(highest_group_member.access_level).to eq(Gitlab::Access::OWNER) end end end describe '#related_group_ids' do let(:nested_group) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:shared_with_group) { create(:group, parent: group) } before do create(:group_group_link, shared_group: nested_group, shared_with_group: shared_with_group) end subject(:related_group_ids) { nested_group.related_group_ids } it 'returns id' do expect(related_group_ids).to include(nested_group.id) end it 'returns ancestor id' do expect(related_group_ids).to include(group.id) end it 'returns shared with group id' do expect(related_group_ids).to include(shared_with_group.id) end context 'with more than one ancestor group' do let(:ancestor_group) { create(:group) } before do group.update(parent: ancestor_group) end it 'returns all ancestor group ids' do expect(related_group_ids).to( include(group.id, ancestor_group.id)) end end context 'with more than one shared with group' do let(:another_shared_with_group) { create(:group, parent: group) } before do create(:group_group_link, shared_group: nested_group, shared_with_group: another_shared_with_group) end it 'returns all shared with group ids' do expect(related_group_ids).to( include(shared_with_group.id, another_shared_with_group.id)) end end end context 'with uploads' do it_behaves_like 'model with uploads', true do let(:model_object) { create(:group, :with_avatar) } let(:upload_attribute) { :avatar } let(:uploader_class) { AttachmentUploader } end end describe '#first_auto_devops_config' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:group) { create(:group) } subject { group.first_auto_devops_config } where(:instance_value, :group_value, :config) do # Instance level enabled true | nil | { status: true, scope: :instance } true | true | { status: true, scope: :group } true | false | { status: false, scope: :group } # Instance level disabled false | nil | { status: false, scope: :instance } false | true | { status: true, scope: :group } false | false | { status: false, scope: :group } end with_them do before do stub_application_setting(auto_devops_enabled: instance_value) group.update_attribute(:auto_devops_enabled, group_value) end it { is_expected.to eq(config) } end context 'with parent groups' do where(:instance_value, :parent_value, :group_value, :config) do # Instance level enabled true | nil | nil | { status: true, scope: :instance } true | nil | true | { status: true, scope: :group } true | nil | false | { status: false, scope: :group } true | true | nil | { status: true, scope: :group } true | true | true | { status: true, scope: :group } true | true | false | { status: false, scope: :group } true | false | nil | { status: false, scope: :group } true | false | true | { status: true, scope: :group } true | false | false | { status: false, scope: :group } # Instance level disable false | nil | nil | { status: false, scope: :instance } false | nil | true | { status: true, scope: :group } false | nil | false | { status: false, scope: :group } false | true | nil | { status: true, scope: :group } false | true | true | { status: true, scope: :group } false | true | false | { status: false, scope: :group } false | false | nil | { status: false, scope: :group } false | false | true | { status: true, scope: :group } false | false | false | { status: false, scope: :group } end with_them do before do stub_application_setting(auto_devops_enabled: instance_value) parent = create(:group, auto_devops_enabled: parent_value) group.update!( auto_devops_enabled: group_value, parent: parent ) end it { is_expected.to eq(config) } end end end describe '#auto_devops_enabled?' do subject { group.auto_devops_enabled? } context 'when auto devops is explicitly enabled on group' do let(:group) { create(:group, :auto_devops_enabled) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when auto devops is explicitly disabled on group' do let(:group) { create(:group, :auto_devops_disabled) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end context 'when auto devops is implicitly enabled or disabled' do before do stub_application_setting(auto_devops_enabled: false) group.update!(parent: parent_group) end context 'when auto devops is enabled on root group' do let(:root_group) { create(:group, :auto_devops_enabled) } let(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: root_group) } let(:parent_group) { create(:group, parent: subgroup) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when auto devops is disabled on root group' do let(:root_group) { create(:group, :auto_devops_disabled) } let(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: root_group) } let(:parent_group) { create(:group, parent: subgroup) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end context 'when auto devops is disabled on parent group and enabled on root group' do let(:root_group) { create(:group, :auto_devops_enabled) } let(:parent_group) { create(:group, :auto_devops_disabled, parent: root_group) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end end describe 'project_creation_level' do it 'outputs the default one if it is nil' do group = create(:group, project_creation_level: nil) expect(group.project_creation_level).to eq(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_project_creation) end end describe 'subgroup_creation_level' do it 'defaults to maintainers' do expect(group.subgroup_creation_level) .to eq(Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER_SUBGROUP_ACCESS) end end describe '#access_request_approvers_to_be_notified' do it 'returns a maximum of ten, active, non_requested owners of the group in recent_sign_in descending order' do group = create(:group, :public) users = create_list(:user, 12, :with_sign_ins) active_owners = users.map do |user| create(:group_member, :owner, group: group, user: user) end create(:group_member, :owner, :blocked, group: group) create(:group_member, :maintainer, group: group) create(:group_member, :access_request, :owner, group: group) active_owners_in_recent_sign_in_desc_order = group.members_and_requesters.where(id: active_owners).order_recent_sign_in.limit(10) expect(group.access_request_approvers_to_be_notified).to eq(active_owners_in_recent_sign_in_desc_order) end end describe '.groups_including_descendants_by' do it 'returns the expected groups for a group and its descendants' do parent_group1 = create(:group) child_group1 = create(:group, parent: parent_group1) child_group2 = create(:group, parent: parent_group1) parent_group2 = create(:group) child_group3 = create(:group, parent: parent_group2) create(:group) groups = described_class.groups_including_descendants_by([parent_group2.id, parent_group1.id]) expect(groups).to contain_exactly(parent_group1, parent_group2, child_group1, child_group2, child_group3) end end end