# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module GithubImport module Importer class PullRequestImporter include Gitlab::Import::MergeRequestHelpers attr_reader :pull_request, :project, :client, :user_finder, :milestone_finder, :issuable_finder # pull_request - An instance of # `Gitlab::GithubImport::Representation::PullRequest`. # project - An instance of `Project` # client - An instance of `Gitlab::GithubImport::Client` def initialize(pull_request, project, client) @pull_request = pull_request @project = project @client = client @user_finder = GithubImport::UserFinder.new(project, client) @milestone_finder = MilestoneFinder.new(project) @issuable_finder = GithubImport::IssuableFinder.new(project, pull_request) end def execute mr, already_exists = create_merge_request if mr set_merge_request_assignees(mr) insert_git_data(mr, already_exists) issuable_finder.cache_database_id(mr.id) end end # Creates the merge request and returns its ID. # # This method will return `nil` if the merge request could not be # created, otherwise it will return an Array containing the following # values: # # 1. A MergeRequest instance. # 2. A boolean indicating if the MR already exists. def create_merge_request author_id, author_found = user_finder.author_id_for(pull_request) description = MarkdownText .format(pull_request.description, pull_request.author, author_found) attributes = { iid: pull_request.iid, title: pull_request.truncated_title, description: description, source_project_id: project.id, target_project_id: project.id, source_branch: pull_request.formatted_source_branch, target_branch: pull_request.target_branch, state_id: ::MergeRequest.available_states[pull_request.state], milestone_id: milestone_finder.id_for(pull_request), author_id: author_id, created_at: pull_request.created_at, updated_at: pull_request.updated_at } create_merge_request_without_hooks(project, attributes, pull_request.iid) end def set_merge_request_assignees(merge_request) merge_request.assignee_ids = [user_finder.assignee_id_for(pull_request)] end def insert_git_data(merge_request, already_exists) insert_or_replace_git_data(merge_request, pull_request.source_branch_sha, pull_request.target_branch_sha, already_exists) # We need to create the branch after the merge request is # populated to ensure the merge request is in the right state # when the branch is created. create_source_branch_if_not_exists(merge_request) end # An imported merge request will not be mergeable unless the # source branch exists. For pull requests from forks, the source # branch will be in the form of # "github/fork/{project-name}/{source_branch}". This branch will never # exist, so we create it here. # # Note that we only create the branch if the merge request is still open. # For projects that have many pull requests, we assume that if it's closed # the branch has already been deleted. def create_source_branch_if_not_exists(merge_request) return unless merge_request.open? source_branch = pull_request.formatted_source_branch return if project.repository.branch_exists?(source_branch) project.repository.add_branch(project.creator, source_branch, pull_request.source_branch_sha) rescue Gitlab::Git::CommandError => e Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(e, source_branch: source_branch, project_id: merge_request.project.id, merge_request_id: merge_request.id) end end end end end