# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe WebHooks::LogExecutionService do include ExclusiveLeaseHelpers using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax describe '#execute' do around do |example| travel_to(Time.current) { example.run } end let_it_be_with_reload(:project_hook) { create(:project_hook, :token) } let(:response_category) { :ok } let(:request_headers) { { 'Header' => 'header value' } } let(:data) do { trigger: 'trigger_name', url: 'https://example.com', request_headers: request_headers, request_data: { 'Request Data' => 'request data value' }, response_body: 'Response body', response_status: '200', execution_duration: 1.2, internal_error_message: 'error message' } end subject(:service) { described_class.new(hook: project_hook, log_data: data, response_category: response_category) } it 'logs the data' do expect { service.execute }.to change(::WebHookLog, :count).by(1) expect(WebHookLog.recent.first).to have_attributes(data) end it 'updates the last failure' do expect(project_hook).to receive(:update_last_failure) service.execute end context 'obtaining an exclusive lease' do let(:lease_key) { "web_hooks:update_hook_failure_state:#{project_hook.id}" } it 'updates failure state using a lease that ensures fresh state is written' do service = described_class.new(hook: project_hook, log_data: data, response_category: :error) # Write state somewhere else, so that the hook is out-of-date WebHook.find(project_hook.id).update!(recent_failures: 5, disabled_until: 10.minutes.from_now, backoff_count: 1) lease = stub_exclusive_lease(lease_key, timeout: described_class::LOCK_TTL) expect(lease).to receive(:try_obtain) expect(lease).to receive(:cancel) expect { service.execute }.to change { WebHook.find(project_hook.id).backoff_count }.to(2) end context 'when a lease cannot be obtained' do where(:response_category, :executable, :needs_updating) do :ok | true | false :ok | false | true :failed | true | true :failed | false | false :error | true | true :error | false | false end with_them do subject(:service) { described_class.new(hook: project_hook, log_data: data, response_category: response_category) } before do # stub LOCK_RETRY to be 0 in order for tests to run quicker stub_const("#{described_class.name}::LOCK_RETRY", 0) stub_exclusive_lease_taken(lease_key, timeout: described_class::LOCK_TTL) allow(project_hook).to receive(:executable?).and_return(executable) end it 'raises an error if the hook needs to be updated' do if needs_updating expect { service.execute }.to raise_error(Gitlab::ExclusiveLeaseHelpers::FailedToObtainLockError) else expect { service.execute }.not_to raise_error end end end end end context 'when response_category is :ok' do it 'does not increment the failure count' do expect { service.execute }.not_to change(project_hook, :recent_failures) end it 'does not change the disabled_until attribute' do expect { service.execute }.not_to change(project_hook, :disabled_until) end context 'when the hook had previously failed' do before do project_hook.update!(recent_failures: 2) end it 'resets the failure count' do expect { service.execute }.to change(project_hook, :recent_failures).to(0) end end end context 'when response_category is :failed' do let(:response_category) { :failed } before do data[:response_status] = '400' end it 'increments the failure count' do expect { service.execute }.to change(project_hook, :recent_failures).by(1) end it 'does not change the disabled_until attribute' do expect { service.execute }.not_to change(project_hook, :disabled_until) end it 'does not allow the failure count to overflow' do project_hook.update!(recent_failures: 32767) expect { service.execute }.not_to change(project_hook, :recent_failures) end end context 'when response_category is :error' do let(:response_category) { :error } before do data[:response_status] = '500' end it 'backs off' do expect(project_hook).to receive(:backoff!) service.execute end end context 'with url_variables' do before do project_hook.update!( url: 'http://example1.test/{foo}-{bar}', url_variables: { 'foo' => 'supers3cret', 'bar' => 'token' } ) end let(:data) { super().merge(response_headers: { 'X-Token-Id' => 'supers3cret-token', 'X-Request' => 'PUBLIC-token' }) } let(:expected_headers) { { 'X-Token-Id' => '{foo}-{bar}', 'X-Request' => 'PUBLIC-{bar}' } } it 'logs the data and masks response headers' do expect { service.execute }.to change(::WebHookLog, :count).by(1) expect(WebHookLog.recent.first.response_headers).to eq(expected_headers) end end context 'with X-Gitlab-Token' do let(:request_headers) { { 'X-Gitlab-Token' => project_hook.token } } it 'redacts the token' do service.execute expect(WebHookLog.recent.first.request_headers).to include('X-Gitlab-Token' => '[REDACTED]') end end end end