# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Packages::Helm::ProcessFileService do let(:package) { create(:helm_package, without_package_files: true, status: 'processing') } let!(:package_file) { create(:helm_package_file, without_loaded_metadatum: true, package: package) } let(:channel) { 'stable' } let(:service) { described_class.new(channel, package_file) } let(:expected) do { 'apiVersion' => 'v2', 'description' => 'File, Block, and Object Storage Services for your Cloud-Native Environment', 'icon' => 'https://rook.io/images/rook-logo.svg', 'name' => 'rook-ceph', 'sources' => ['https://github.com/rook/rook'], 'version' => 'v1.5.8' } end describe '#execute' do subject(:execute) { service.execute } context 'without a file' do let(:package_file) { nil } it 'returns error', :aggregate_failures do expect { execute } .to not_change { Packages::Package.count } .and not_change { Packages::PackageFile.count } .and not_change { Packages::Helm::FileMetadatum.count } .and raise_error(Packages::Helm::ProcessFileService::ExtractionError, 'Helm chart was not processed - package_file is not set') end end context 'with existing package' do let!(:existing_package) { create(:helm_package, project: package.project, name: 'rook-ceph', version: 'v1.5.8') } it 'reuses existing package', :aggregate_failures do expect { execute } .to change { Packages::Package.count }.from(2).to(1) .and not_change { package.name } .and not_change { package.version } .and not_change { package.status } .and not_change { Packages::PackageFile.count } .and change { package_file.file_name }.from(package_file.file_name).to("#{expected['name']}-#{expected['version']}.tgz") .and change { Packages::Helm::FileMetadatum.count }.from(1).to(2) .and change { package_file.helm_file_metadatum }.from(nil) expect { package.reload } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect(package_file.helm_file_metadatum.channel).to eq(channel) expect(package_file.helm_file_metadatum.metadata).to eq(expected) end context 'marked as pending_destruction' do before do existing_package.pending_destruction! end it 'reuses the processing package' do expect { execute } .to not_change { Packages::Package.count } .and not_change { Packages::PackageFile.count } .and change { Packages::Helm::FileMetadatum.count }.by(1) end end end context 'with a valid file' do it 'processes file', :aggregate_failures do expect { execute } .to not_change { Packages::Package.count } .and change { package.name }.from(package.name).to(expected['name']) .and change { package.version }.from(package.version).to(expected['version']) .and change { package.status }.from('processing').to('default') .and not_change { Packages::PackageFile.count } .and change { package_file.file_name }.from(package_file.file_name).to("#{expected['name']}-#{expected['version']}.tgz") .and change { Packages::Helm::FileMetadatum.count }.by(1) .and change { package_file.helm_file_metadatum }.from(nil) expect(package_file.helm_file_metadatum.channel).to eq(channel) expect(package_file.helm_file_metadatum.metadata).to eq(expected) end end context 'without Chart.yaml' do before do expect_next_instances_of(Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry, 14) do |entry| expect(entry).to receive(:full_name).exactly(:once).and_wrap_original do |m, *args| m.call(*args) + '_suffix' end end end it { expect { execute }.to raise_error(Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService::ExtractionError, 'Chart.yaml not found within a directory') } end context 'with Chart.yaml at root' do before do expect_next_instances_of(Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry, 14) do |entry| expect(entry).to receive(:full_name).exactly(:once).and_return('Chart.yaml') end end it { expect { execute }.to raise_error(Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService::ExtractionError, 'Chart.yaml not found within a directory') } end context 'with an invalid YAML' do before do expect_next_instance_of(Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry) do |entry| expect(entry).to receive(:read).and_return('{') end end it { expect { execute }.to raise_error(Packages::Helm::ExtractFileMetadataService::ExtractionError, 'Error while parsing Chart.yaml: (): did not find expected node content while parsing a flow node at line 2 column 1') } end end end