# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Ci::RunnerMachine, feature_category: :runner_fleet, type: :model do it_behaves_like 'having unique enum values' it { is_expected.to belong_to(:runner) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:runner_version).with_foreign_key(:version) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:build_metadata) } it { is_expected.to have_many(:builds).through(:build_metadata) } describe 'validation' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:runner) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:system_xid) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:system_xid).is_at_most(64) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:version).is_at_most(2048) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:revision).is_at_most(255) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:platform).is_at_most(255) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:architecture).is_at_most(255) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:ip_address).is_at_most(1024) } context 'when runner has config' do it 'is valid' do runner_machine = build(:ci_runner_machine, config: { gpus: "all" }) expect(runner_machine).to be_valid end end context 'when runner has an invalid config' do it 'is invalid' do runner_machine = build(:ci_runner_machine, config: { test: 1 }) expect(runner_machine).not_to be_valid end end end describe '.stale', :freeze_time do subject { described_class.stale.ids } let!(:runner_machine1) { create(:ci_runner_machine, :stale) } let!(:runner_machine2) { create(:ci_runner_machine, :stale, contacted_at: nil) } let!(:runner_machine3) { create(:ci_runner_machine, created_at: 6.months.ago, contacted_at: Time.current) } let!(:runner_machine4) { create(:ci_runner_machine, created_at: 5.days.ago) } let!(:runner_machine5) do create(:ci_runner_machine, created_at: (7.days - 1.second).ago, contacted_at: (7.days - 1.second).ago) end it 'returns stale runner machines' do is_expected.to match_array([runner_machine1.id, runner_machine2.id]) end end describe '#heartbeat', :freeze_time do let(:runner_machine) { create(:ci_runner_machine) } let(:executor) { 'shell' } let(:version) { '15.0.1' } let(:values) do { ip_address: '', architecture: '18-bit', config: { gpus: "all" }, executor: executor, version: version } end subject(:heartbeat) do runner_machine.heartbeat(values) end context 'when database was updated recently' do before do runner_machine.contacted_at = Time.current end it 'schedules version update' do expect(Ci::Runners::ProcessRunnerVersionUpdateWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(version).once heartbeat expect(runner_machine.runner_version).to be_nil end it 'updates cache' do expect_redis_update heartbeat end context 'with only ip_address specified' do let(:values) do { ip_address: '' } end it 'updates only ip_address' do attrs = Gitlab::Json.dump(ip_address: '', contacted_at: Time.current) Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis| redis_key = runner_machine.send(:cache_attribute_key) expect(redis).to receive(:set).with(redis_key, attrs, any_args) end heartbeat end end end context 'when database was not updated recently' do before do runner_machine.contacted_at = 2.hours.ago allow(Ci::Runners::ProcessRunnerVersionUpdateWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(version).once end context 'with invalid runner_machine' do before do runner_machine.runner = nil end it 'still updates redis cache and database' do expect(runner_machine).to be_invalid expect_redis_update does_db_update expect(Ci::Runners::ProcessRunnerVersionUpdateWorker).to have_received(:perform_async) .with(version).once end end context 'with unchanged runner_machine version' do let(:runner_machine) { create(:ci_runner_machine, version: version) } it 'does not schedule ci_runner_versions update' do heartbeat expect(Ci::Runners::ProcessRunnerVersionUpdateWorker).not_to have_received(:perform_async) end end it 'updates redis cache and database' do expect_redis_update does_db_update expect(Ci::Runners::ProcessRunnerVersionUpdateWorker).to have_received(:perform_async) .with(version).once end Ci::Runner::EXECUTOR_NAME_TO_TYPES.each_key do |executor| context "with #{executor} executor" do let(:executor) { executor } it 'updates with expected executor type' do expect_redis_update heartbeat expect(runner_machine.reload.read_attribute(:executor_type)).to eq(expected_executor_type) end def expected_executor_type executor.gsub(/[+-]/, '_') end end end context "with an unknown executor type" do let(:executor) { 'some-unknown-type' } it 'updates with unknown executor type' do expect_redis_update heartbeat expect(runner_machine.reload.read_attribute(:executor_type)).to eq('unknown') end end end def expect_redis_update Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis| redis_key = runner_machine.send(:cache_attribute_key) expect(redis).to receive(:set).with(redis_key, anything, any_args).and_call_original end end def does_db_update expect { heartbeat }.to change { runner_machine.reload.read_attribute(:contacted_at) } .and change { runner_machine.reload.read_attribute(:architecture) } .and change { runner_machine.reload.read_attribute(:config) } .and change { runner_machine.reload.read_attribute(:executor_type) } end end end