# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'check_forced_decomposition initializer', feature_category: :pods do subject(:check_forced_decomposition) do load Rails.root.join('config/initializers/check_forced_decomposition.rb') end before do stub_env('GITLAB_ALLOW_SEPARATE_CI_DATABASE', nil) end context 'for production env' do before do allow(Gitlab).to receive(:dev_or_test_env?).and_return(false) end context 'for single database' do before do skip_if_multiple_databases_are_setup end it { expect { check_forced_decomposition }.not_to raise_error } end context 'for multiple database' do before do skip_if_multiple_databases_not_setup end let(:main_database_config) do Rails.application.config.load_database_yaml .dig('test', 'main') .slice('adapter', 'encoding', 'database', 'username', 'password', 'host') .symbolize_keys end let(:additional_database_config) do # Use built-in postgres database main_database_config.merge(database: 'postgres') end around do |example| with_reestablished_active_record_base(reconnect: true) do with_db_configs(test: test_config) do example.run end end end context 'when ci and main share the same database' do let(:test_config) do { main: main_database_config, ci: additional_database_config.merge(database: main_database_config[:database]) } end it { expect { check_forced_decomposition }.not_to raise_error } context 'when host is not present' do let(:test_config) do { main: main_database_config.except(:host), ci: additional_database_config.merge(database: main_database_config[:database]).except(:host) } end it { expect { check_forced_decomposition }.not_to raise_error } end end context 'when ci and main share the same database but different host' do let(:test_config) do { main: main_database_config, ci: additional_database_config.merge( database: main_database_config[:database], host: 'otherhost.localhost' ) } end it { expect { check_forced_decomposition }.to raise_error(/Separate CI database is not ready/) } end context 'when ci and main are different databases' do let(:test_config) do { main: main_database_config, ci: additional_database_config } end it { expect { check_forced_decomposition }.to raise_error(/Separate CI database is not ready/) } context 'for GitLab.com' do before do allow(::Gitlab).to receive(:com?).and_return(true) end it { expect { check_forced_decomposition }.not_to raise_error } end context 'when env var GITLAB_ALLOW_SEPARATE_CI_DATABASE is true' do before do stub_env('GITLAB_ALLOW_SEPARATE_CI_DATABASE', 'true') end it { expect { check_forced_decomposition }.not_to raise_error } end context 'when env var GITLAB_ALLOW_SEPARATE_CI_DATABASE is false' do before do stub_env('GITLAB_ALLOW_SEPARATE_CI_DATABASE', 'false') end it { expect { check_forced_decomposition }.to raise_error(/Separate CI database is not ready/) } end end end end end